Windows administrator change password

Как в Windows поменять пароль для другого пользователя

Поменять пароль для любого пользователя может администратор компьютера. Любой пользователь с правами администратора может сбросить пароль для любого пользователя, в том числе для любого администратора.

Начнём с варианта смены пароля в командной строке, поскольку это самый быстрый способ сбросить пароль пользователей в Windows.

Способ 1: Как сбросить пароль Windows 10 другого пользователя из командной строки

Нажмите Win+x и выберите «Windows PowerShell (администратор)».

В командной строке введите

и нажмите Enter.

Будут перечислены все учётные записи пользователей на вашем компьютере, включая учётную запись, пароль которой вы хотите изменить.

Введите следующую команду, чтобы изменить свой пароль пользователя. Замените «MiAl» на имя вашей учетной записи, а «123» на новый пароль.

Способ 2: Сброс пароля другого пользователя в Панели управления

Откройте Панель управления.

Установите параметр Просмотр на «Крупные значки».

Нажмите «Учётные записи пользователей».

Нажмите «Управление другой учётной записью».

Щёлкните учётную запись пользователя, для которого вы хотите изменить пароль.

На следующем экране нажмите кнопку «Изменить пароль» или «Создать пароль» (если пароль ещё не был установлен).

Введите свой текущий пароль, а затем введите новый, который вы хотите использовать. Нажмите «Сменить пароль»/«Создать пароль».

Способ 3: Как сбросить пароль другого пользователя через Управление компьютером

Откройте приложение «Управление компьютером»:

В окне «Управление компьютером» разверните узел «Локальные пользователи и группы» → «Пользователи» на левой панели. Щёлкните правой кнопкой мыши по нужному пользователю в средней панели и выберите «Задать пароль».

Нажмите кнопку «Продолжить» для подтверждения.

Введите новый пароль дважды и нажмите ОК.

Способ 4: Как изменить пароль другого пользователя с помощью netplwiz

Нажмите одновременно клавиши Win+r вместе, чтобы открыть окно «Выполнить». Введите netplwiz и нажмите Enter.

В окне «Учётные записи пользователей» выделите учётную запись пользователя, для которой вы хотите изменить пароль, а затем нажмите кнопку «Сменить пароль».

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Введите новый пароль пользователя Windows и нажмите кнопку ОК.

How to Change Another User’s Password in Windows

Change a Different User’s Password in Windows 10, 8, 7, and Vista

There are plenty of ways to get around a lost Windows password but one of the easier ones, assuming, of course, that there’s more than one user on the computer, is to just change the password from within another account.

An Administrator Account Is Required

Changing the password on another user’s account is easy, no matter which version of Windows you have, provided you have an account with administrator-level privileges. See What Version of Windows Do I Have? if you’re not sure which of those several versions of Windows is installed on your computer.

When you change a Windows password from outside the account, which is what you’re doing when you change another user’s password, the user you’re changing the password for will lose all access to EFS-encrypted files, personal certificates, and any stored passwords like those for network resources and website passwords. Most users don’t have EFS-encrypted files and the loss of stored passwords probably isn’t a big deal, but we wanted you to know the consequence of resetting a password in this way.

Your Windows account must be configured as an administrator if you want to change another user’s password. If not, you may need to try this Windows password reset trick.

How to Change Another User’s Password in Windows 10 or 8

On touch interfaces, the easiest way to open Control Panel in Windows 10 or Windows 8 is through its link on the Start menu (or Apps screen in Windows 8), but the Power User Menu is probably faster if you have a keyboard or mouse.

On Windows 10, select User Accounts. It’s called User Accounts and Family Safety in Windows 8.

If the View by setting is on Large icons or Small icons, then you won’t see this link. Choose User Accounts instead and skip to Step 4.

Select User Accounts.

Several links down on the Make changes to your user account area of the User Accounts window, select Manage another account.

Select the user you want to change the password for.

If you don’t see Password protected listed somewhere under the username, then that user doesn’t have a password set up and should be able to log in without entering anything in the password field.

Now that you’re in the Make changes to [username]’s account screen, choose Change the password.

Don’t see a Change the password link? This probably means that the user you want to change the password for logs into Windows 10 or Windows 8 with a Microsoft account, not a typical local account. It’s even easier to reset a Microsoft account password. See How to Reset Your Microsoft Account Password for help.

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On the Change [username]’s password screen, enter a new password in both the first and second text boxes.

In the last text box, you’re asked to Type a password hint. This step is not required.

Since you’re probably changing this person’s password for them because they’ve forgotten it, it’s fine if you want to skip the hint. After the person regains access to Windows 8/10 again, have him or her change the password to something more private and set up a hint then.

Select Change password to save the password change.

Close the Change an Account window and any other open windows.

Sign out, or restart the computer, and have the person you reset the password for try logging in to Windows 8 or 10 again.

Once logged in, be proactive and either have the user create a Windows 8 or Windows 10 password reset disk or switch to a Microsoft account, either of which will provide an easier way to get a new password in the future.

How to Change Another User’s Password in Windows 7 or Vista

Click Start and then Control Panel.

Click the User Accounts and Family Safety link (Windows 7) or User Accounts link (Windows Vista).

If you’re viewing the Large icons or Small icons view of Control Panel in Windows 7, you won’t see this link. Instead, click on the User Accounts icon and skip to Step 4.

Click the User Accounts link.

Toward the bottom of the Make changes to your user account area of the User Accounts window, select Manage another account.

Select the account that you want to change the password for.

If the words Password protected are not listed under the user type then the user has no password configured, meaning he or she can log in to the account without a password. Obviously, in this case, there’s nothing to change so just let the user know that they don’t need a password and can set one up themselves next time they log in.

Under the Make changes to [username]’s account heading, click the Change the password link.

Enter a new password for the user in the first and second text boxes.

Entering the new password twice helps ensure that you’ve typed the password correctly.

In the third and final text box, you’re asked to Type a password hint.

Since you’re probably changing this user’s password because he or she has forgotten it, you can probably skip the hint.

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Click the Change password button to confirm the password change.

Close the User Accounts window.

Log off or restart the computer and then have the user log in to their account with the password you chose for them in Step 7.

Once logged in, have the user create a Windows password reset disk to avoid a problem like this in the future.

How to change account password using Command Prompt on Windows 10

When you need to change your local account password, you can also use Command Prompt, and in this guide, you’ll learn how on Windows 10.

On Windows 10, if you suspect that your password has been compromised, selected a weak password, or if you have been using the same password for a long time, it is a good practice to change your Windows 10 account password to something different and difficult for someone else to guess.

If you have a local account without a Microsoft account, there are multiple ways to change your password, but one quick way is to use Command Prompt.

In this guide, you will learn the steps to change your local account password on Windows 10.

How to change account password using Command Prompt

To change your local account password with Command Prompt, use these steps:

Open Start on Windows 10.

Search for Command Prompt, right-click the top result, and select the Run as administrator option.

Type the following command to view all the available accounts and press Enter:

Type the following command to change the account password and press Enter:

In the command, make sure to change USERNAME with the account name that you want to update.

Command Prompt change account password

Type a new password and press Enter.

Type the new password again to confirm and press Enter.

Once you complete the steps, sign out and sign back into the Windows 10 account to start using the new password.

If you have an account linked to your Microsoft account, the steps outlined above won’t apply. In this case, you need to follow these steps to change your account password.

Although this guide focuses on Windows 10, these steps should also work on Windows 8.1 and Windows 7.

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