- Команда MOVE — переименование или перемещение файлов и каталогов
- Move files and directories to another location
- Move files to another directory
- Move directories
- Errors
- перенос move
- Синтаксис Syntax
- Параметры Parameters
- Примеры Examples
- How can I move all the files from one folder to another using the command line?
- 9 Answers 9
- How to move all files with specific extension from all subdirectories to their parent using CMD?
- 11 Answers 11
- In a .bat / .cmd file:
- For direct input into a Command Prompt window (not PowerShell):
Команда MOVE — переименование или перемещение файлов и каталогов
Команда MOVE используется для перемещения или переименования файлов и каталогов. Формат командной строки:
Перемещение одного или более файлов:
MOVE [/Y | /-Y] [диск:][путь]имя_файла1[. ] назначение
MOVE [/Y | /-Y] [диск:][путь]имя_папки новое_имя_папки
Параметры командной строки:
[диск:][путь]имя_файла1 — Определяет местоположение файла или файлов, которые необходимо переместить.
Назначение — Определяет новое местоположение файла. Назначение может состоять из буквы диска (с последующим двоеточием), имени папки или их комбинации. При перемещении только одного файла, можно указать и его новое имя, если хотите выполнить его одновременное переименование при перемещении.
[диск:][путь]имя_папки — Определяет папку, которую необходимо переименовать.
новое_имя_папки — Определяет новое имя папки.
/Y — Перезаписывать существующие файлы назначения без предупреждения.
/-Y — Предупреждать при перезаписи существующего файла назначения.
Ключ /Y может присутствовать в значении переменной среды окружения COPYCMD . Оно может перекрываться ключом /-Y в командной строке. По умолчанию используется предупреждение о перезаписи, если только команда MOVE не выполняется как часть пакетного файла.
move /? — отобразить подсказку по использованию команды.
move folder1 folder2 — переименовать папку с именем folder1 в folder2 в текущем каталоге.
move E:\test\folder1 E:\test\folder2 — переименование с указанием абсолютных путей.
move C:\file1.txt D:\ — переместить файл file1.txt с диска C: на диск D:
move c:\test\file1.txt D:\folder2\file2.txt — перенести файл file1.txt из каталога test диска C: в каталог folder2 диска D: под именем file2.txt
move C:\Folder1\*.* D:\Folder2\ — переместить все файлы из каталога Folder1 диска C: в каталог Folder2 диска D:
Реализация в ОС Windows данной команды не позволяет перемещать папки на другие логические диски.
move C:\folder1 C:\folder2\folder3\folder1 — переместить каталог folder1 из корня диска C: в подкаталог \folder2\folder3
При перемещении папки в несуществующий каталог он не будет создан автоматически и команда завершится ошибкой. Команда move не работает с файлами, имеющими атрибуты «скрытый » и «системный».
Move files and directories to another location
This tutorial explains how to move files or directories to another location on a Windows system.
Move files to another directory
Example: to move file ‘data.docx’ to the folder ‘d:\backup\folder’
You can also rename the file while moving it to the new location
We can’t move multiple files with single command. i.e the below command would not work.
This would give the error The syntax of the command is incorrect .
However we can use wildcards to move files in bulk. For example, if you want to move all text files from current folder to a new location you can use the below command.
To move all files starting with letter ‘A’, you can use below command.
Move directories
Example: To move the directory ‘data’ to ‘D:\data\folder1\’
1. Can we move multiple directories using wild cards like the way we do it with files?
No, wild cards does not work for directories. You get the below error
2. How to specify the directories/files which have white spaces in the names?
You need to enclose the name of the file/directory in double quotes.
If you do not have write privileges on source file/directory or on the destination folder, you would get error as below.
Could some one point out why windows command line could not execute
move file1 file2 destinationDirectory ?
Because with the syntax the command is expecting, you told it to move file1 to file2 (which already isn’t going to work) and then gave it an argument of destination Directory, which it then has no idea what to do with, cause it isn’t a valid argument, in addition to the command you issues failing.
very helpful, I am missing one piece, I am trying to move all files from a “Camera Uploads” folder (dropbox) to another folder… not sure how to do a move involving all files inside a directory with a space… any ideas… “C:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\*.*” doesn’t work… thanks!
i think this would do the trick
“C:\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\*”
can anyone suggest, how can I achieve below, via DOS command ?
I want to move all files and folders from source folder to destination folder.
e.g. C:\source\file1.txt
I want to move everything form C:\source form C:\destination ( like CUT from C:\source and PASTE into C:\Destination)
Thanks in advance.
If you want to copy all files from C :\ to destination you can use
move c:\> Source folder\*.* c:\destination folder
-move Just files not folders
if you to copy folder and files you can use XCOPY Command c:\xcopy *.* C:\ Destination folder
move -y “C:\source\file1.txt ” “C:\source\subsource\file1.txt”
Can I use wildcard * to recognize the source and subsource directory in command line?
is there any window service which did the same work as you mentioned above. i.e transferring a file from one folder to another specified folder by a specific time interval in the background automatically. if you have some link regarding this please do share
There’s a pretty good wirte up on task scheduling on the windows club, check it out: http://www.thewindowsclub.com/how-to-schedule-batch-file-run-automatically-windows-7
Please suggest me how to move folders like 0123-03-000000001 to “Done” folder through batch file.
can I use batch file to execute command?
Thank you
wow! lots of examples for windows move command. Thanks for sharing.
Id like to create a script to move files of a size between let say 200 – 500MB from a specific location to another location.
Anyone know how to do this ? 🙂
Hey I would like to know how to move a folder or move files to a folder while naming the folder to Program Files and on the Desktop
I have a batch scrip that creates a sql dump then copies it to another server. I’m looking to move it so it is deleted from the directory originally created in. I tried the MOVE command but it doesn’t do anything. The script that works with just copying it is below anyone have any thoughts on how to modify this?
REM Export all databases into file C:\DB Backups\backup\docuware.[year][month][day].sql
“C:\Program Files (x86)\DocuWare\Internal Database V2\bin\mysqldump.exe” –all-databases –result-file=”C:\DB Backups\docuware.%TIMESTAMP%.sql” –user=admin –password=Toshiba1
REM Change working directory to the location of the DB dump file.
CD \DB Backups
COPY “C:\DB Backups\” “E:\DW_PROD\Database Backups\Toshiba Tamarac Internal”
HI, Please provide how to move directory in to anoterh locatp
Hi, could you please help! I keep getting a The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect error.
MOVE /-y “\\XYZ-nas\active matters\ABC\Morning\D1\processed\PDF\008\Morning_0086126__*.pdf” “\\XYZ-nas\active matters\ABC\Morning\D1\processed\Loose\07. Rathburnadette Email\top\Inbox\FW: BGD (unknown)\”
Can anyone help me to move the files from multiple folders to multiple folders?
Example: I have folders like folder1 and in folder1 I have file1 and file and folder2 in folder2 I have file 3 and file and the destination folders are folder 3 and folder4.
we need to move the folder1 files to folder3 and folder2 files to folder4 at a time not one by one.
i have about 200,000 files that i want to write a program to move them (by key word in file name ) to different folders
move all files with any of these words in the file name (shtf,prepper,prepping,survival,bushcraft) to folder shtf
thats an example…. sas, small basic, dos prompt any hints? tks
Any way to perform a bulk move of files based on a string found inside the file? e.g. this does not work for me
move findstr “StringToFind” *.xml D:\PROD\ExceptionFolder
I want to move files from one directory to another only the latest file names are like this filename20190904.csv. I want to move these from one folder to other and replace the files with latest. And also want to exclude one file from source folder. any help would be appreciated
Including how to move across a network drive would be useful
перенос move
Перемещает один или несколько файлов из одного каталога в другой. Moves one or more files from one directory to another directory.
Перемещение зашифрованных файлов на том, который не поддерживает результаты шифрованная файловая система (EFS) (EFS), приведет к ошибке. Moving encrypted files to a volume that doesn’t support Encrypting File System (EFS) results will result in an error. Сначала необходимо расшифровать файлы или переместить их в том, который поддерживает EFS. You must first decrypt the files or move them to a volume that supports EFS.
Синтаксис Syntax
Параметры Parameters
Параметр Parameter | Описание Description |
/y /y | Останавливает запрос подтверждения о том, что необходимо перезаписать существующий целевой файл. Stops prompting for confirmation that you want to overwrite an existing destination file. Этот параметр может быть предустановлен в переменной среды КОПИКМД. This parameter might be preset in the COPYCMD environment variable. Эту предустановку можно переопределить с помощью параметра -y . You can override this preset by using the -y parameter. По умолчанию перед перезаписыванием файлов выводится запрос, если только команда не выполняется в пакетном скрипте. The default is to prompt before overwriting files, unless the command is run from within a batch script. |
-y -y | Запускает запрос подтверждения того, что необходимо перезаписать существующий целевой файл. Starts prompting for confirmation that you want to overwrite an existing destination file. |
Указывает путь и имя перемещаемых файлов. Specifies the path and name of the file(s) to move. Чтобы переместить или переименовать каталог, источником должен быть текущий путь к каталогу и его имя. To move or rename a directory, the source should be the current directory path and name. | |
Указывает путь и имя для перемещения файлов. Specifies the path and name to move files to. Чтобы переместить или переименовать каталог, целевым объектом должен быть путь к каталогу и его имя. To move or rename a directory, the target should be the desired directory path and name. | |
/? /? | Отображение справки в командной строке. Displays help at the command prompt. |
Примеры Examples
Чтобы переместить все файлы с расширением XLS из каталога \Data в каталог \ Second_Q \репортс , введите: To move all files with the .xls extension from the \Data directory to the \Second_Q\Reports directory, type:
How can I move all the files from one folder to another using the command line?
What is the best command to move all files from one folder to another?
I want to do this from within a batch file.
9 Answers 9
You can use move for this. The documentation from help move states:
See the following transcript for an example where it initially shows the qq1 and qq2 directories as having three and no files respectively. Then, we do the move and we find that the three files have been moved from qq1 to qq2 as expected.
will work, but you will end up with a structure like this:
If you want to move just the contents of one folder to another, then this should do it:
This command will move all the files in originalfolder to destinationfolder.
(However it wont move any sub-folders to the new location.)
To lookup the instructions for the MOVE command type this in a windows command prompt:
Lookup move /? on Windows and man mv on Unix systems
You can use the command move
robocopy seems to be the most versatile. See it’s other options in the help
use move then move
Be sure to use quotes if there are spaces in the file path:
That will move the contents of C:\Users\MyName\My Old Folder\ to C:\Users\MyName\My New Folder
OMG I Got A Quick File Move Command form CMD
1)Command will move All Files and Sub Folders into another location in 1 second .
Hint : For move all Files and Sub folders
check image
you can see that it’s before i try some other code that was not working due to more than 1 files and folder was there. when i try to execute code that is under line by red color then all folder move in 1 second.
now check this image. here Total 6.7GB data moved in 1 second. you can check date of post and move as well as Folder name.
i will soon make a windows app that will do same..
How to move all files with specific extension from all subdirectories to their parent using CMD?
Folder c:\folder1 contains subfolder1 , subfolder2 , etc..
These subdirectories hold .pdf and .db files.
How can all the .pdf files be moved to c:\folder1 using the Windows command interpreter?
11 Answers 11
This worked for me:
In a .bat / .cmd file:
For direct input into a Command Prompt window (not PowerShell):
This command will copy recursively all *.pdf files from the source (and all of its subdirectories) to the target directory.
To exclude files in subdirectories omit the /r switch.
The outer for loop lists the sub-directories in the working directory, the inner for loop lists the sub-directories to move to the destination path:
This works best if DestinationPath is not a subfolder of the working directory, as it will try to move DestinationPath into itself.
To confirm the command before running it wholesale, start out just echoing the final move commands like so:
and copy/paste one of the results to run it and confirm it worked the way you expected. Then remove the echo and get moving.
There is another way to do this in Windows Explorer (GUI, not command prompt):
- Navigate to the top-level directory
- In the search box in the top-right, type *.pdf and hit search
- Select all the files and drag them to the top-level folder
- Respond to any prompts about overwriting files
10 directories. I think this is particularly useful when you have a lot of locations, even with a small # of files. – StayOnTarget Jun 5 ’19 at 21:12
I don’t think there’s a wildcard that will work on subfolders, so you want to use a loop to go through each subfolder and move *.pdf;
FOR /R [your root folder path] %%G IN (*.pdf) DO move %%G [new path]
The command after DO is inherently in its own quotes. If you anticipate spaces in your source or destination, use double quotes to encapsulate them, e.g.:
FOR /R «source folder with spaces» %%G IN (*.pdf) DO move «%%G» «dest path with spaces»
NOTE the quotes around %%G, these are required for the move command to resolve the path.
**EDIT: In response to the accepted answer, From command prompts on Windows XP and Windows 7, respectively: