- Close a Word document using CMD Command line — Stack Overflow
- How to prevent auto-closing of console after the execution of batch file
- Закрыть программы из командной строки (windows)
- Close a running application from dos command line
- How to prevent auto-closing of console after the execution of batch file
- 17 Answers 17
- Close programs from the command line (Windows)
- 5 Answers 5
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- How to automatically close cmd window after batch file execution?
- 10 Answers 10
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Close a Word document using CMD Command line — Stack Overflow
How to prevent auto-closing of console after the execution of batch file
Easy, add cmd to your last line of bat, BUT! if you reset or clear your system path, you must start your cmd with the full path, like:
For example, I have a bat file to reset jdk to old version like this:
since I reset the system path, I have to run cmd with the full path, or the system can’t find cmd.exe, it will fail to run cmd, and just close the window, and you can’t see the error msg.
Закрыть программы из командной строки (windows)
Ответ на этот вопрос можно найти here ( ссылка Microsoft ).
Вы можете отправлять WM_CLOSE сообщения в любое окно, которое хотите закрыть. Многие окна обрабатывают, WM_CLOSE чтобы предложить пользователю сохранить документы.
Инструмент, который делает это правильно @Kill . Смотрите также SendMsg .
Я не знаю, как сделать это в пакетном режиме, но вы могли бы использовать VBScript для этого. Имитация клавиш Alt F4 (приравнивается к сигналу WM_CLOSE ).
Запустите и посмотрите на поведение этого скрипта ниже.
Here это список ключей имен для SendKeys.
Когда вы запускаете скрипт, блокнот открыт, некоторые слова пишутся, а затем подается сигнал о закрытии программы, см. Рисунок ниже.
Можно ли запустить свернутую программу или фон с vbscript?
Да. Используйте следующий код:
Для получения дополнительной информации проверьте Run Method .
Может ли Chrome перейти на какой-либо URL-адрес в VBScript?
Если по умолчанию используется chrome, используйте:
Есть ли способ привлечь внимание к конкретному приложению ( chrome.exe )?
Я хочу отправить alt f4 ТОЛЬКО в Chrome, независимо от того, что я делаю с другими окнами.
Следующий код работает на Windows 8 .
Close a running application from dos command line
Taskkill is correct. But you must kill the process playing the file, not the file itself. Figuring out the registered handler for mp3 files from a command prompt will be a bit tricky.
If you know it then you can kill that process.
Here’s a script that figures out the registered application for mp3 files and kills the task:
If you save this as killmp3.bat or something, you can call it when you want. Of course be aware that if the program was already running, doing something else, that it will be closed anyway.
Note that this depends heavily on the entry in the registry to have the executable path inside double quotes. If you don’t have that and there are spaces in the executable name, it will fail.
You could generalize my technique to be able to pass in the file extension (such as .mp3 , which you could look up in the registry to find the class name mp3file and then find the handler from there.
A more generic solution that takes the name of the file you started and figures out the extension from it is theoretically possible but a lot more difficult. In the case of notepad you have to figure out what that is by searching the path for all executable files, etc.
This might be simpler if you created an extremely short mp3 file that you could start. Depending on the program, it might stop playing the current file and switch to the new one, which would end almost instantly and effectively stop playback.
How to prevent auto-closing of console after the execution of batch file
What command can I put at the end of a batch file to prevent auto-closing of the console after the execution of the file?
17 Answers 17
In Windows/DOS batch files:
This prints a nice «Press any key to continue . . . » message
Or, if you don’t want the «Press any key to continue . . .» message, do this instead:
Depends on the exact question!
Normally pause does the job within a .bat file.
If you want cmd.exe not to close to be able to remain typing, use cmd /k command at the end of the file.
If you want cmd.exe to not close, and able to continue to type, use cmd /k
Just felt the need to clarify what /k does (from windows website):
/k : Carries out the command specified by string and continues.
So cmd /k without follow up command at the end of bat file will just keep cmd.exe window open for further use.
On the other hand pause at the end of a batch file will simply pause the process and terminate cmd.exe on first button press
If you are using Maven and you want to skip the typing and prevent the console from close to see the result you need to use the CALL command in the script, besides just the ‘mvn clean install’.
Like this will close the console
Like this the console will stay open
If you dont use the CALL command neither of the pasts exemples will work. Because for some reason the default behaviour of cmd when calling another batch file (which mvn is in this case) is to essentially replace the current process with it, unlike calling an .exe
Close programs from the command line (Windows)
What is the proper way to close/exit programs from command line, similar to pressing the «X» close button in the corner of the window?
Im trying to close chrome under 3 different versions of windows: win7 ultimate, win7 home, winXP
Under Ultimate and XP: TSKILL chrome
Under Home: TASKKILL /IM chrome.exe
(It closes chrome, no cmd errors,
but chrome error restore when relaunch it)
TASKKILL /IM chrome.exe :
(It closes chrome, no chrome errors when relaunch it,
but errors in cmd: «impossible to terminate child processes(about 4-5), only by force with /F «)
Should I ignore cmd child errors if on relaunch chrome show me no errors?
5 Answers 5
The proper way to close/exit a program ultimately depends upon the software. However, generally the best practice is for Windows programs to close whenever they receive the WM_CLOSE message. Properly releasing memory and closing handles. There are other messages that can signal the close of the application, but it is up to the author of the software how each message is handled.
taskkill sends the WM_CLOSE message and it is then up to the application whether to properly close. You may also want to use the /T option to also signal child processes.
Only use the /F option if you want to force the termination of the process.
Other options would include sending the Alt+F4 keys, using PowerShell, or 3rd party applications.
Update to Updated Question
Ignore, the errors. Chrome generates many processes. The errors are caused when an process does not acknowledge the WM_CLOSE message that TASKKILL sends. Only processes with a message loop will be able to receive the message, therefore, the processes that do not have a message loop will generate that error. Most likely, these processes are the chrome extensions and plugins.
To hide the errors capture the output
Summary: TASKKILL is the proper way via command line to close applications per its WM_CLOSE implementation and the Microsoft KB that I linked.
It has «closeprocess» command which is designed to close processes gracefully. As per its document, it does not terminate apps but sends WM_CLOSE to all top-level windows of the target process.
If this doesn’t work, I bet your application has an unusual cleanup procedure. I would like to see what happens inside so please let me know what your target application is.
The answer to that question can be found here (Microsoft link).
You can send WM_CLOSE messages to any window you wish to close. Many windows handle WM_CLOSE to prompt the user to save documents.
A tool that does this correctly is @Kill . Look also SendMsg.
I do not know how to do this in batch, but you could use the vbscript for this. Simulating the Alt + F4 keys (equates to signal WM_CLOSE ).
Run and look at the behavior of this script below.
Here is the list key names for SendKeys.
When you run the script, the notepad is open, some words are written and then a signal to close the program is delivered, see picture below.
Additional Questions
Can I start a program minimized, or background with vbscript?
Yes. Use the following code:
For more information check the Run Method .
Can chrome go to some url in vbscript?
If chrome is the default, use:
Is there a way to bring focus to specific application (chrome.exe)?
I want to send alt+f4 ONLY to chrome, independently of i’m doing with other windows.
The following code works on Windows 8.
There are some command-line utilities that can send a suitable WM_SYSCOMMAND message (with SC_CLOSE as the command) to a program’s top-level window. I’m sure that at least one will be mentioned shortly. (Then someone will mention AutoIt. Then there’ll be an answer showing how to do it with PowerShell and CloseMainWindow() .)
The command-line utility that comes as a built-in command in JP Software’s TCC, a command interpreter and command script processor for Windows, is called TASKEND .
Alright, Not going to lie. I saw this on stackoverflow and thought it was a challenging question. Soooo I just spent the last 2 hours writing some code. And here it is.
After following the steps below, you can type «TaskClose notepad.exe» after hitting «Start» and it will auto save all undocumented notepad files into desktop. It will auto-close chrome.exe and save the restoration settings.
You can add and remove additional settings for other applications under the if conditions. For instance:
The vbs and batch files performs the following procedures:
- Collects the executable.
- Queries the executable application names off of the tasklist.
- Performs an «Alt+TAB(x)» procedure until it has verified the window is open.
- Then Executes the rolling commands whether it be «Alt+F4» or even in extreme cases
- Alt+F4
- Activate Save
- AutoIncrememnt Filename
- Exit application.
ReturnAppList.bat : install in «C:\windows\system32\»
TaskClose.bat : install in «C:\windows\system32\» AND «C:\Users\YourUserName\»
TaskClose.vbs : install in «C:\windows\system32\»
This was alot of fun to write and I’m more happy about finishing it than actually showing the answer. Have a great week!
How to automatically close cmd window after batch file execution?
I’m running a batch file that has these two lines:
This batch file is used to run the Xming application and then the PuTTY app so I can SSH into my university’s computer lab.
However, if I run this and Xming is not already open, once I exit from the PuTTY terminal the cmd window remains open. Only if I have already run Xming does the cmd window close when I close the PuTTY terminal. I’ve tried adding exit to the last line of the batch file, but to no avail.
10 Answers 10
Modify the batch file to START both programs, instead of START ing one and CALL ing another
If you run it like this, no CMD window will stay open after starting the program.
You normally end a batch file with a line that just says exit . If you want to make sure the file has run and the DOS window closes after 2 seconds, you can add the lines:
But the exit command will not work if your batch file opens another window, because while ever the second window is open the old DOS window will also be displayed.
SOLUTION: For example there’s a great little free program called BgInfo which will display all the info about your computer. Assuming it’s in a directory called C:\BgInfo , to run it from a batch file with the /popup switch and to close the DOS window while it still runs, use:
If you want to separate the commands into one command per file, you can do
and in the other file, you can do
The command cmd /c will close the command-prompt window after the exe was run.
This worked for me. I just wanted to close the command window automatically after exiting the game. I just double click on the .bat file on my desktop. No shortcuts.
To close the current cmd windows immediately, just add as the last command/line:
Try move nul to nowhere and redirect the stderr to stdin will result in the current window cmd.exe being closed
This is different from closing a bat, or exiting it using goto :EOF or Exit /b
I even opened a question to find an answer that would explain behavior. Would that be a bug? Immediate closing of the current cmd window when executing: move nul 2>&0
I had this, I added EXIT and initially it didn’t work, I guess per requiring the called program exiting advice mentioned in another response here, however it now works without further ado — not sure what’s caused this, but the point to note is that I’m calling a data file .html rather than the program that handles it browser.exe , I did not edit anything else but suffice it to say it’s much neater just using a bat file to access the main access pages of those web documents and only having title.bat , contents.bat , index.bat in the root folder with the rest of the content in a subfolder.
i.e.: contents.bat reads
It also looks better if I change the bat file icons for just those items to suit the context they are in too, but that’s another matter, hiding the bat files in the subfolder and creating custom icon shortcuts to them in the root folder with the images called for the customisation also hidden.
You could try the somewhat dangerous: taskkill /IM cmd.exe ..dangerous bcz that will kill the cmd that is open and any cmd’s opened before it.
Or add a verification to confirm that you had the right cmd.exe and then kill it via PID, such as this:
Substitute (pslist &&A) or (tasklist /FI «PID eq %%A») for the (taskkill /PID %%A) if you want to check it first (and maybe have pstools installed).
Just try /s as listed below.
As the last line in the batch file type:
The above command will close the Windows CMD window.
/s — stands for silent as in (it would wait for an input from the keyboard).
This works for me
Sometimes you can reference a Windows «shortcut» file to launch an application instead of using a «.bat» file, and it won’t have the residual prompt problem. But it’s not as flexible as bat files.
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