- Set path from command line
- How to set path from command line?
- Add directory to system path environment variable:
- Default option is not allowed more than ‘2’ time(s)
- How to set the path and environment variables in Windows
- Setting the path and variables in Windows 10
- Setting the path and variables in Windows 8
- Setting the path and variables in Windows Vista and Windows 7
- Setting the path and variables in Windows 2000 and Windows XP
- What is the default Windows %PATH%?
- Setting path in the MS-DOS and Windows command line
- path path
- Синтаксис Syntax
- Параметры Parameters
- Комментарии Remarks
- Примеры Examples
Set path from command line
Users can run an executable from windows command prompt either by giving the absolute path of the file or just by the executable file name. In the latter case, Windows searches for the executable in a list of folders which is configured in environment variables. These environment variables are as below.
1. System path
2. User path
The values of these variables can be checked in system properties( Run sysdm.cpl from Run or computer properties). Initially user specific path environment variable will be empty. Users can add paths of the directories having executables to this variable. Administrators can modify the system path environment variable also.
How to set path from command line?
In Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 we can set path from command line using ‘setx’ command.
For example, to add c:\dir1\dir2 to the path variable, we can run the below command.
Alternative way is to use Windows resource kit tools ‘pathman.exe‘. Using this command we can even remove a directory from path variable. See download windows resource kit tools. This works for Windows 7 also.
Add directory to system path environment variable:
Open administrator command prompt
Run the below command
Remove path from system path environment variable:
Run the below command from elevated command prompt
Setting user path environment variable
For user environment varlables, admin privileges are not required. We can run the below command to add a directory to user path environment variable.
To remove a directory from user path, you can run the below command.
Default option is not allowed more than ‘2’ time(s)
You get this error if you have not enclosed ‘path’ in double quotes. See the below example for setting the path of firefox.
Now if you move %path% to be in the double quotes
Could a context entry be created for folders, perhaps an extended one… to add to path?
what about a multi-verb option, like copy as path?
hi, when i use setx at an administrator command line, it creates a USER variable, NOT the SYSTEM variable. What am i doing wrong? How do i change the SYSTEM path at command prompt? -thx
Johny Why
Answer: Try add the parameter /M
Hi, is there a way I can add an extra variable instead on deleting the currently one and put a new Variable on the Path.
I used the command setx /M “c:\Options”, and what it does is delete the current one and then puts that one there, all I want is to add the new variable to the current one. -thx
Nuno, pathman described above does exactly that. You can download the resource tools kit and get it.
setx path “%path%;C:\yourFolder”
To set path for java & javac, can I add the paths to PATH or do I need to create the environment variable JAVA_HOME. I don’t have this defined, but windows does not seem to be able to find java binaries on my system.
You can directly add the folder to PATH. No need to define JAVA_HOME. However, adding JAVA_HOME separately avoids cluttering and helps to easily understand what is added.
hello, can someone plz explain this result? After setting path, it did not change. This was run from an Administrator command-line:
C:\Windows\system32>setx path “C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin;D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code\bin”
SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.
PATH=C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin;D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code\bin;D:\Program Files (x86)\metapad36;D:\Program Files (x86)\metapad36″ /M
Why won’t this work?
SET EPO = D:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\ePolicy Orchestrator
PATH = %PATH%;%EPO%\jre\bin;%EPO%\apache2\bin
In windows 10 set path %path%; not working. it’s work like :
setx “%path%;C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin”
By unfortunately I deleted my system default path. How could I able to find my system path?
Unfortunately I deleted several files with unremembered path names. This article was useful
The following used to work for me when I am in MSDOS environment. Lately I get error messages such as INCLUDE not found. Why is this so?
Used to work
pathman is one of many tools of the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools
Note: The Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools are not supported on 64-bit platforms.
When I did that on Windows 10 v1903, using setx, it replaced the USER scope paths with the SYSTEM scope paths.
Now I’m not sure what was in the old user path.
So, uh… Be careful out there.
And if anyone has a solution how to avoid that, please let me know
How to set the path and environment variables in Windows
Setting the path and environment variables will differ depending on the version of Windows you have on your computer. Choose a link below for your version of Windows.
Administrator privileges are usually required to modify the path and environment variables.
Setting the path and variables in Windows 10
- From the desktop, right-click the very bottom-left corner of the screen to get the Power User Task Menu.
- From the Power User Task Menu, click System.
- In the Settings window, scroll down to the Related settings section and click the System info link.
- In the System window, click the Advanced system settings link in the left navigation pane.
- In the System Properties window, click the Advanced tab, then click the Environment Variablesbutton near the bottom of that tab.
- In the Environment Variables window (pictured below), highlight the Path variable in the System variables section and click the Edit button. Add or modify the path lines with the paths you want the computer to access. Each different directory is separated with a semicolon, as shown below.
You can edit other environment variables by highlighting the variable in the System variables section and clicking Edit. If you need to create a new environment variable, click New and enter the variable name and variable value.
To view and set the path in the Windows command line, use the path command.
Setting the path and variables in Windows 8
- From the desktop, right-click the very bottom-left corner of the screen to get the Power User Task Menu.
- From the Power User Task Menu, click System.
- Click the Advanced System Settings link in the left column.
- In the System Properties window, click the Advanced tab, then click the Environment Variablesbutton near the bottom of that tab.
- In the Environment Variables window (pictured below), highlight the Path variable in the System variables section and click the Edit button. Add or modify the path lines with the paths you want the computer to access. Each different directory is separated with a semicolon, as shown below.
You can edit other environment variables by highlighting the variable in the System variables section and clicking Edit. If you need to create a new environment variable, click New and enter the variable name and variable value.
To view and set the path in the Windows command line, use the path command.
Setting the path and variables in Windows Vista and Windows 7
- From the desktop, right-click the Computer icon and select Properties. If you don’t have a Computer icon on your desktop, click Start, right-click the Computer option in the Start menu, and select Properties.
- Click the Advanced System Settings link in the left column.
- In the System Properties window, click the Advanced tab, then click the Environment Variablesbutton near the bottom of that tab.
- In the Environment Variables window (pictured below), highlight the Path variable in the System variables section and click the Edit button. Add or modify the path lines with the paths you want the computer to access. Each different directory is separated with a semicolon, as shown below.
You can edit other environment variables by highlighting the variable in the System variables section and clicking Edit. If you need to create a new environment variable, click New and enter the Variable name and Variable value.
To view and set the path in the Windows command line, use the path command.
Setting the path and variables in Windows 2000 and Windows XP
The path is now managed by Windows 2000 and Windows XP and not the autoexec.bat or autoexec.nt files, as was done with earlier versions of Windows. To change the system environment variables, follow the steps below.
- From the desktop, right-click My Computer and click Properties. If you don’t have a My Computer icon on your desktop, click Start, right-click the My Computer option in the Start menu, and select Properties.
- In the System Propertieswindow, click the Advancedtab.
- In the Advanced section, click the Environment Variablesbutton.
- In the Environment Variables window (as shown below), highlight the Path variable in the System Variable section and click the Edit button. Add or modify the path lines with the paths you want the computer to access. Each different directory is separated with a semicolon, as shown below.
You can edit other environment variables by highlighting the variable in the System variables section and clicking Edit. If you need to create a new environment variable, click New and enter the Variable name and Variable value.
To view and set the path in the Windows command line, use the path command.
What is the default Windows %PATH%?
The path is based on programs installed on the computer, so there is no «default path.» However, the Windows minimum path is often the path below.
Keep in mind that as you install programs, the path is updated with the paths for the newly installed programs. So, if you have erased your path after installing other programs, those programs may be affected.
Setting path in the MS-DOS and Windows command line
To view and set the path in MS-DOS and in the Windows command line, use the path command.
path path
Задает путь к команде в переменной среды PATH, указывающий набор каталогов, используемых для поиска исполняемых файлов (exe). Sets the command path in the PATH environment variable, specifying the set of directories used to search for executable (.exe) files. При использовании без параметров эта команда отображает текущий путь к команде. If used without parameters, this command displays the current command path.
Синтаксис Syntax
Параметры Parameters
Параметр Parameter | Описание Description |
[ :] |
Комментарии Remarks
Операционная система Windows выполняет поиск по расширениям имен файлов по умолчанию в следующем порядке приоритета: exe, com, bat и cmd. The Windows operating system searches using default file name extensions in the following order of precedence: .exe, .com, .bat, and .cmd. Это означает, что если вы ищете пакетный файл с именем, acct.bat, но у вас есть приложение с именем acct.exe в том же каталоге, необходимо включить расширение bat в командную строку. Which means if you’re looking for a batch file named, acct.bat, but have an app named acct.exe in the same directory, you must include the .bat extension at the command prompt.
Если два или более файлов в пути команды имеют одинаковое имя файла и расширение, эта команда сначала выполняет поиск указанного имени файла в текущем каталоге. If two or more files in the command path have the same file name and extension, this command first searches for the specified file name in the current directory. Затем он ищет каталоги в пути команды в том порядке, в котором они указаны в переменной среды PATH. Then, it searches the directories in the command path in the order that they’re listed in the PATH environment variable.
При помещении команды path в файл AUTOEXEC. NT операционная система Windows автоматически добавляет указанный путь поиска подсистемы MS-DOS при каждом входе в систему. If you place the path command in your Autoexec.nt file, the Windows operating system automatically appends the specified MS-DOS subsystem search path every time you log on to your computer. Cmd.exe не использует файл AUTOEXEC. NT. Cmd.exe does not use the Autoexec.nt file. При запуске из ярлыка Cmd.exe наследует переменные среды, заданные в Мой компьютер/свойствах/дополнительном/окружении. When started from a shortcut, Cmd.exe inherits the environment variables set in My Computer/Properties/Advanced/Environment.
Примеры Examples
Для поиска по путям к:\усер\таксес, б:\усер\инвест и б:\бин для внешних команд введите: To search the paths c:\user\taxes, b:\user\invest, and b:\bin for external commands, type: