Windows create bootable dvd

Создание установочного носителя для Windows

Вы можете использовать установочный носитель (USB-устройство флэш-памяти или DVD-диск) для установки новой копии Windows, выполнения чистой установки или переустановки Windows 10.

Чтобы создать установочный носитель, перейдите на веб-сайт скачивания ПО, где вы найдете пошаговые инструкции. На этом веб-сайте вы можете выбрать версию Windows и создать собственный установочный носитель с помощью USB-устройства флэш-памяти или DVD-диска. Чтобы перейти непосредственно к одной из версий, выберите одну из следующих ссылок:

Windows 10 (Затем выберите Скачать средство сейчас.)

Важно: Создайте резервную копию файлов перед установкой и переустановкой Windows на компьютере. Узнайте, как это сделать для Windows 10 или для Windows 7 и Windows 8.1.

Чтобы создать установочный носитель, необходимо следующее:

Компьютер с надежным подключением к Интернету. Время скачивания зависит от скорости подключения к Интернету.

USB-устройство флэш-памяти или DVD-диск. Необходимо пустое USB-устройство флэш-памяти с 8 ГБ свободного места или пустой DVD-диск (и устройство записи DVD). Рекомендуем использовать чистый носитель, поскольку все его содержимое будет удалено. Если при записи DVD-диска из ISO-файла отображается сообщение о том, что файл образа диска слишком большой, необходимо использовать DVD-носитель с двумя слоями (DL).

Ключ продукта. 25-значный ключ продукта (не требуется для цифровых лицензий). Если вам требуется помощь, см. раздел Как найти ключ продукта Windows.

После создания установочного носителя вы можете сбросить или переустановить Windows. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе Параметры восстановления в Windows 10.

Windows USB/DVD Download Tool


When you download Windows from Microsoft Store, you have two options: You can download a collection of compressed files, or you can download an ISO file. An ISO file combines all the Windows installation files into a single uncompressed file.

If you choose to download an ISO file so you can create a bootable file from a DVD or USB drive, copy the Windows ISO file onto your drive and then run the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool. Then simply install Windows onto your computer directly from your USB or DVD drive.

When you download the ISO file, you must copy it onto a USB or DVD. When you’re ready to install Windows, insert the USB drive or DVD with the ISO file on it and then run Setup.exe from the root folder on the drive.

This allows you to install Windows onto your machine without having to first run an existing operating system. If you change the boot order of drives in your computer’s BIOS, you can run the Windows installation directly from your USB drive or DVD when you first turn on your computer. Please see the documentation for your computer for information about how to change the BIOS boot order of drives.

Making copies

To install the software, you can make one copy of the ISO file on a disc, USB flash drive, or other media.

After you’ve installed the software and accepted the license terms that accompany the software, those license terms apply to your use of the software. The license terms for Windows permit you to make one copy of the software as a back-up copy for re-installation on the licensed computer. If you do not delete your copy of the ISO file after installing the Windows software, the copy of the ISO file counts as your one back-up copy.

If you need to download the software again, you can go to your Download Purchase History in your Microsoft Store account and access the download there.


To install the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool:

2. Click Download then Run.

3. Follow the steps in the setup dialogs. You’ll have the option to specify where to install the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool.

You must be an administrator on the computer on which you are installing the Windows USB/DVD Download tool. It requires the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 or higher.

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System requirements

Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)

Pentium 233-megahertz (MHz) processor or faster (300MHz is recommended)

50MB of free space on your hard drive

DVD-R drive or 4GB removable USB drive

For Windows XP users

The following applications must be installed prior to installing the tool:

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 must be installed. It can be downloaded here.

Microsoft Image Mastering API v2 must be installed. It can be downloaded here.

Using the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool

Before you run the Download Tool, make sure you have purchased the Windows ISO download from Microsoft Store and downloaded the Windows ISO file to your drive. If you have purchased Windows but have not yet downloaded the ISO file, you can download the ISO file from your Microsoft Store Account.

To make a copy of your Windows ISO file:

1. Click the Windows START button, and click WINDOWS USB/DVD DOWNLOAD TOOL in the ALL PROGRAMS list to open the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool.

2. In the SOURCE FILE box, type the name and path of your Windows ISO file, or click BROWSE and select the file from the OPEN dialog box. Click NEXT.

3. Select USB DEVICE to create a copy on a USB flash drive or select DVD disk to create a copy on a DVD disk.

4. If you are copying the file to a USB flash drive, select your USB device in the drop-down list and click BEGIN COPYING. If you are copying the file up to a DVD, click BEGIN BURNING.

When your Windows ISO file is copied to your drive, install Windows by moving to the root folder of your DVD or USB drive, and then double-click Setup.exe.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I download .NET framework 2.0?

The .NET framework can be downloaded here.

Where can I download Image Mastering API 2.0?

The Image Mastering API can be downloaded here.

What size USB drive is required?

You need a USB drive with a minimum of 4GB of free space.

Can I use my newly created USB drive to install Windows on someone else’s computer?

No. The Windows ISO file on the USB drive is only intended to be used to install Windows on the licensed user’s own computer.

Can I back up to a CD-ROM?

No. The Windows ISO file is too large to fit on a CD.

Can I back up to a Blu-ray Disc?

Yes, as long as your DVD drive can write to a Blu-ray Disc.

IfI have other files on the USB drive will the Windows USB/DVD download tool delete them?

This tool requires the USB drive to be completely blank before the Windows files are copied. This helps ensure that the device is bootable after the copying has completed.

Can I backup to an external hard drive or other device with enough free disk space?

Yes, but this is not recommended. The device must be formatted in order for the device to be bootable. A dedicated USB flash drive would be a better option.

Can I use the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool to back up other files?

No. This tool is only for use with the Windows ISO file purchased from Microsoft Store.

Does the tool support dual-layer DVD discs for burning?

No. Currently, the tool does not support dual-layer DVD discs.


The tool is asking me to install the .NET framework and Image Mastering API before I install the tool

If you’re running Windows XP, you must install the .NET Framework 2.0 and the Image Mastering API 2.0 before installing the tool. You can download .NET framework here and you can download the Image Mastering API here.

A restart may be required after installing the .NET framework and the Image Mastering API.

When creating a bootable USB device, I am getting an error about bootsect

To make the USB drive bootable, you need to run a tool named bootsect.exe. In some cases, this tool needs to be downloaded from your Microsoft Store account. This may happen if you’re trying to create a 64-bit bootable USB device from a 32-bit version of Windows. To download bootsect:

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1. Login to your Microsoft Store account to view your purchase history.

2. Look for your Windows purchase.

3. Next to Windows, there is an Additional download options drop-down menu.

4. In the drop-down menu, select 32-bit ISO.

5. Right-click the link, and then save the bootsect.exe file to the location where you installed the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool (e.g. C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Apps\Windows USB DVD Download Tool).

6. Once the file has been saved, go back to the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool to create your bootable USB device.

My USB drive is not in the list of available devices

If you don’t see your USB drive in the list of available devices, please make sure the drive is inserted in the USB port, and then click the Refresh button beside the list of available drives.

I inserted a blank DVD in my DVD-ROM drive, but the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool doesn’t recognize it

If there are multiple drives on the system, the tool will select the first one that is capable of burning DVDs. If you have multiple DVD-R drives, try inserting the blank DVD into another DVD-R drive. If that doesn’t help, please make sure that your disc isn’t damaged and that your DVD-R drive is operational. Contact Product Support if issues continue to arise.

I inserted a blank DVD in my DVD-ROM drive, but the tool won’t let me burn it

Make sure the disc isn’t a dual-layer DVD disc. Currently, dual-layer discs are not supported within the tool.

Windows create bootable dvd

How to make a bootable DVD?

Bootable DVD Maker: What is the Bootable DVD? A bootable DVD should be called Emergency Startup Disk which is mainly for re-booting your computer when your system has been compromised, or has experienced technical difficulties.

Making a bootable DVD is not difficult any longer. WinISO is an integrated tool to make bootable DVDs. It has the ability to extract & set boot information, and generate the bootable ISO file as well.

Note: Not all ISO files have boot information. Running WinISO, you will find out whether the ISO image files have bootable information or not on the left of WinISO.

Here we will show you how to make a bootable DVD with ease.
Let’s put the “Non-bootable” ISO file as an example.

Firstly, Free Download WinISO, and then install it.

Step 1: Install and run the software

After the installation, run the software. You can see the main interface as below.

Step 2: Make bootable ISO file

Open an ISO file which is non-bootable ISO. Then set the boot image file.
Tips: There are 2 ways to set the boot information with WinISO.

Usage 1:

Click «bootable» on the toolbar; choose the “Set Boot Image”, a “select a boot image file” dialogue will appear on your screen. Afterwards, choose the boot image file. Then click “open”, you will see the bootable image file on your screen.

Usage 2: You can also load boot information from CD/DVD/BD Driver or CD/DVD/BD image file

Click «bootable» on the toolbar; then click the «Import From..», There are two options. If you have the boot information in your CD/DVD/BD, just choose the “CD/DVD/BD Driver”, then you will get a message, including the importing succeeded message, the boot file size and ask you whether set into the current working image or save it to file? Click the «Set into current» button, the bootable ISO you will got right now. (We recommand you save the boot information first then set it into the non-bootable file.)

Step 3: Burn the bootable ISO file to DVD

Prepare a blank DVD, and make sure you have a DVD Driver to insert it. Then click the “Burn” on the toolbar. Choose the DVD driver you have and the bootable ISO you’ve just got. Everything is OK, Now click “Burn”. A few minutes, you will get a bootable DVD.

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More things you can do

  • Extract boot image: WinISO can also extract the boot information from the bootable DVD or bootable ISO files. Want to know how to extract the boot image, see here.
  • Clear boot information: If you do not need boot information for your file, WinISO can help to solve the problem. Just click “Bootable” on the toolbar; the drop-down list will popup. Click the “Clear Boot Information” then you will get a Non-boot image file as the original ISO you have.

For more guides, please take closer look here:

Create Bootable Windows 10 DVD – How To

Here’s a complete step by step guide on how to create a bootable Windows 10 DVD. You can use the newly created disc for installing Microsoft’s latest OS on a PC that supports a DVD drive.

At this point in time, it’s pretty clear that Microsoft might not push out an official Windows 10 DVD to consumers any time soon, like it did for previous versions of Windows. Instead, the software giant is focusing more on digital downloads and USB drives. And while you have the option to create a bootable Windows 10 USB drive right on the fly, there are users who still prefer to go the old fashioned way of having a DVD lying around for installing an OS on their desktop or notebook. Today, we’ll show you how you can create a bootable Windows 10 DVD right from your PC in a matter of minutes.

Create Bootable Windows 10 DVD

Before we even begin, it’s worth noting that you should have a stable enough Internet connection for the download of the Windows 10 ISO to take place. Apart from that, we recommend that you buy at least two empty DVDs for creating the bootable medium, in case one fails for some reason, or the user gets something wrong during the creation process. With that out of the way, let’s dive right into the process.

1. Download the official Windows 10 media creation tool from here. Grab the 32-bit or 64-bit version of the tool, depending on the currently installed version of Windows on your PC.

2. Launch the tool.

3. Ignoring the ‘Upgrade this PC now’ option, select ‘Create installation media for another PC.’ Once you’ve made your choice, click on the ‘Next’ button to move forward.

4. Select the language, architecture and edition of Windows 10, then click on ‘Next.’

5. Select the ‘ISO file’ option and click on ‘Next.’

6. The tool will now ask you to select a location where you wish to save the Windows 10 ISO file. We recommend saving it on the desktop in a dedicated folder. Hit ‘Save’ to begin the download.

Depending on the speed of your connection, the process might take a while, but in the end, you’ll be left with the official Windows 10 ISO file in the location of your choice.

Burn Windows 10 ISO To DVD

Once your Windows 10 ISO is done downloading, all you have to do is burn the image file onto a DVD, and here’s how you can do it:

1. Insert an empty DVD into your PC’s DVD drive.

2. Right-click on the Windows 10 ISO you downloaded above.

3. Click on the ‘Burn disc image’ option which will launch the Windows Disc Image Burner tool.

4. Make sure you check the ‘Verify disc after burning burning’ option before clicking on ‘Burn.’

Once the process is complete, the disc will eject and you’ll be left with a bootable Windows 10 DVD.

Windows 10 is currently rolling out to users the world over via Windows Update, and since it’s a phased release, therefore not everyone will be able to get in on the Windows 10 bandwagon immediately. If you want to force the Windows 10 update onto your PC, then be sure to check out: Download and Install Windows 10 Right Now.

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