Windows forms int to string

Конвертация int в string через textBox

Как конвертировать int в string через textBox?
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) < int number =.

Как определить тип данного (int или double) введенного через textbox?
Нужно так Ввожу 2 к примеру, число записывается в List<> типа int Ввожу 2,3 — число.

Ввод массивов через множество textBox, подсчёт суммы, и вывод через listBox. Ошибка при вводе через textBox
Создал я кучу текст боксов, там происходит ввод каждого элемента массива. И вывод через листбокс .

Конвертация string в IntPtr
Привет Всем Знающие, помогите, как можно конвертировать string в IntPtr Мой код: VAM = new.

Заказываю контрольные, курсовые, дипломные и любые другие студенческие работы здесь или здесь.

Конвертация string в float
Добрый вечер. Возникла небольшая проблема, при конвертации textBox2.Text =.

From string to int
Здравствуйте,есть проблема Я имею List a=newList ();//и в нем содержатся цифры 1 2.

Библиотека int и string
Доброго времени суток, коллеги. Подскажите начинающему программисту, как создать библиотеку данных.

Преобразование string в int
Спасибо Добавлено через 30 минут private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender.

Нужно преобразовать массив int в стринг


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Как преобразовать стринг в массив?
Есть например такой стринг: «3, 6, 8» как превратить этот стринг в числовое значение и занести в.

Как преобразовать массив символов(стринг или инт) в один символ (чар)
Всем привет! Весь интернет облазил но не смог найти примет того как преобразовать массив.

Число типа int преобразовать в массив int[] по одной цифре в каждый индекс
В интернете никак не могу. Помогите пожалуйста.

Из массива стринг в двумерный массив стринг
У меня есть массив строк, в каждой строки записаны слова через пробел. Мне нужно из этого массива.


Заказываю контрольные, курсовые, дипломные и любые другие студенческие работы здесь или здесь.

Как строковый массив из чисел преобразовать в двумерный массив int[][]
Ребят, помогите пожалуйста с задачей Имеется массив String a, в котором хранятся числа: .

Не работает перегрузка индексного оператора [], вместо [int][int] почему то нужно ставить [0][int][int]
#include #include #include #include #include .

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Преобразовать массив String в двумерный массив int
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Преобразовать массив Int в массив строк
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Преобразовать массив char в массив int
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Converting int to string in C

I am using the itoa() function to convert an int into string , but it is giving an error:

What is the reason? Is there some other way to perform this conversion?

13 Answers 13

Use snprintf , it is more portable than itoa .

itoa is not part of standard C, nor is it part of standard C++; but, a lot of compilers and associated libraries support it.

Example of sprintf

Example of snprintf

Both functions are similar to fprintf , but output is written into an array rather than to a stream. The difference between sprintf and snprintf is that snprintf guarantees no buffer overrun by writing up to a maximum number of characters that can be stored in the buffer .

Use snprintf — it is standard an available in every compilator. Query it for the size needed by calling it with NULL, 0 parameters. Allocate one character more for null at the end.

Before I continue, I must warn you that itoa is NOT an ANSI function — it’s not a standard C function. You should use sprintf to convert an int into a string.

itoa takes three arguments.

  • The first one is the integer to be converted.
  • The second is a pointer to an array of characters — this is where the string is going to be stored. The program may crash if you pass in a char * variable, so you should pass in a normal sized char array and it will work fine.
  • The last one is NOT the size of the array, but it’s the BASE of your number — base 10 is the one you’re most likely to use.
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The function returns a pointer to its second argument — where it has stored the converted string.

itoa is a very useful function, which is supported by some compilers — it’s a shame it isn’t support by all, unlike atoi .

If you still want to use itoa , here is how should you use it. Otherwise, you have another option using sprintf (as long as you want base 8, 10 or 16 output):

Convert int to string?

How can I convert an int datatype into a string datatype in C#?

11 Answers 11

Just in case you want the binary representation and you’re still drunk from last night’s party:

Note: Something about not handling endianness very nicely.

If you don’t mind sacrificing a bit of memory for speed, you can use below to generate an array with pre-calculated string values:

The ToString method of any object is supposed to return a string representation of that object.

Further on to @Xavier’s response, here’s a page that does speed comparisons between several different ways to do the conversion from 100 iterations up to 21,474,836 iterations.

It seems pretty much a tie between:

In some conditions, you do not have to use ToString()

None of the answers mentioned that the ToString() method can be applied to integer expressions

even to integer literals

Although integer literals like this are often considered to be bad coding style (magic numbers) there may be cases where this feature is useful.

How to convert an int to string in C?

How do you convert an int (integer) to a string? I’m trying to make a function that converts the data of a struct into a string to save it in a file.

10 Answers 10

EDIT: As pointed out in the comment, itoa() is not a standard, so better use sprintf() approach suggested in the rivaling answer!

You can use itoa() function to convert your integer value to a string.

Here is an example:

If you want to output your structure into a file there is no need to convert any value beforehand. You can just use the printf format specification to indicate how to output your values and use any of the operators from printf family to output your data.

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You can use sprintf to do it, or maybe snprintf if you have it:

Where the number of characters (plus terminating char) in the str can be calculated using:

The short answer is:

The longer is: first you need to find out sufficient size. snprintf tells you length if you call it with NULL, 0 as first parameters:

Allocate one character more for null-terminator.

If works for every format string, so you can convert float or double to string by using «%g» , you can convert int to hex using «%x» , and so on.

After having looked at various versions of itoa for gcc, the most flexible version I have found that is capable of handling conversions to binary, decimal and hexadecimal, both positive and negative is the fourth version found at While sprintf / snprintf have advantages, they will not handle negative numbers for anything other than decimal conversion. Since the link above is either off-line or no longer active, I’ve included their 4th version below:

This is old but here’s another way.

If you are using GCC, you can use the GNU extension asprintf function.

Converting anything to a string should either 1) allocate the resultant string or 2) pass in a char * destination and size. Sample code below:

Both work for all int including INT_MIN . They provide a consistent output unlike snprintf() which depends on the current locale.

Method 1: Returns NULL on out-of-memory.

Method 2: It returns NULL if the buffer was too small.

[Edit] as request by @Alter Mann

(CHAR_BIT*sizeof(int_type)-1)*10/33+3 is at least the maximum number of char needed to encode the some signed integer type as a string consisting of an optional negative sign, digits, and a null character..

The number of non-sign bits in a signed integer is no more than CHAR_BIT*sizeof(int_type)-1 . A base-10 representation of a n -bit binary number takes up to n*log10(2) + 1 digits. 10/33 is slightly more than log10(2) . +1 for the sign char and +1 for the null character. Other fractions could be used like 28/93.

Method 3: If one wants to live on the edge and buffer overflow is not a concern, a simple C99 or later solution follows which handles all int .

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