Windows media codecs free downloads

Latest update

K-Lite Codec Pack 16.1.2 Update

Monday April 12th 2021

An update is available with newer versions of MPC-HC, LAV Filters, MPCVR, and MediaInfo. Download

K-Lite Codec Pack 16.1.2

Monday April 12th 2021

A new version of the codec pack has been released. Download

AMD Radeon Driver 21.3.2

Monday March 30th 2021

A new AMD graphics driver is available.

Nvidia GeForce 465.89

Monday March 30th 2021

A new Nvidia graphics driver is available.

Nvidia drivers have not been very stable lately. We don’t recommend updating if your current driver is working good.

You can use Nvidia Profile Inspector to optimize driver settings for video playback with MPC-HC. This download contains an optimized application profile for MPC-HC.

K-Lite Codec Pack 16.1.0

Saturday March 27th 2021

A new version of the codec pack has been released. Download

K-Lite Codec Pack 16.0.5

Thursday February 25th 2021

A new version of the codec pack has been released. Download

Media Foundation Codecs

Thursday February 25th 2021

We have made a page where you download extra Media Foundation codecs for Windows 10 for use with apps like Movies&TV player and Photo Viewer.

K-Lite Codec Pack 16.0.2

Friday February 12th 2021

A new version of the codec pack has been released. Download

K-Lite Codec Pack 16.0.0

Tuesday February 9th 2021

A new version of the codec pack has been released. Download

K-Lite Codec Pack 15.9.5

Monday December 28th 2020

A new version of the codec pack has been released. Download

Adobe Flash Player

Tuesday December 8th 2020

A new version of the Flash browser plugin has been released.


Some highlights of the abilities of the K-Lite Codec Pack.

  • Totally customizable installation with many options. You control what gets installed.
  • Supports unattended deployment.
  • Checks your system for broken codecs and other anomalies, and fixes these problems.
  • Compatible with all DirectShow players.
  • Just the best and most essential codecs. No unnecessary bloat.
  • Allows you to play practically everything.
  • Hardware accelerated decoding of common video formats (on compatible systems).
  • Examples of supported video file formats:
    .mkv .webm .mp4 .mov .avi .ogm .m2ts .ts .mpg .3gp .wmv .mxf .flv .rm .rmvb .dv
  • Examples of supported audio file formats:
    .mp3 .flac .m4a .ogg .wv .ape .mka .opus .mpc .tak .alac .amr .ofr .tta .ra .tak .spx
  • Examples of supported video formats:
    H.264, H.265/HEVC, VP8, VP9, AV1, VC1, MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG-4, H.263, Theora, MJPEG, ProRes, Huffyuv, Cineform HD, Indeo, Lagarith, GoToMeeting, DNxHD, and many others.
  • Examples of supported audio formats:
    AC3, DTS, AAC, MP3, DTS-HD, TrueHD, E-AC3, Vorbis, FLAC, WMA, Atrac, ADPCM, TrueAudio, Wavpack, APE, OptimFrog, RealAudio, G.711, G.726, G.729, Speex, and many others.

MPC-HC (included player):

  • Supports HDR and 3D video (when using included MPC Video Renderer or MadVR).
  • Supports 3D video (when using included MadVR).
  • High quality video upscaling (when using included MadVR).
  • Plays Bluray discs (no menu support).
  • Supports streaming video from Youtube, Twitch, and many other websites.
    (Requires placing Youtube-dl.exe in MPC-HC folder)
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Other notable features:

  • Fast thumbnail generation in Explorer for all your video files.
  • Includes utility for configuring and managing the installed codecs.
  • Frequent updates and smart support staff.

K-Lite Codec Pack

Официальная версия

K-Lite Codec Pack — простой в использовании набор специальных кодирующих и декодирующих программ-кодеков, фильтров для сжатия и воспроизведения всех видов аудио и видео форматов.

Вне зависимости от того, какая версия Windows у вас установлена, для просмотра видеороликов вам потребуются кодеки. Рекомендуется скачать их в составе набора сразу после установки новой операционной системы Windows.

Содержимое набора включает в себя большое многообразие кодеков, фильтров и утилит, как бесплатных, так и распространяемых на условиях open source.

Единый пакет установки позволяет выполнить проверку на совместимость и установку выбранных кодеков. Процесс удаления остается неизменным — пользователь может без проблем удалить установленный пакет со всем его содержимым так, что на компьютере не останется никаких следов.

Наборы K-Lite Codec Pack

В состав пакета входят следующие компоненты:

  • фильтры и кодеки для декодирования видео и аудио формата, в том числе и DirectShow;
  • фирменный плеер и дополнительные утилиты;
  • фильтры субтитров;
  • сплиттеры.

Вам не придется постоянно следить за выходами обновленных версий кодеков, функция автоматического обновления сделает все за вас.

Базовый набор. Basic pack;

После установки базового набора вы сможете просматривать видео с расширениями avi, mp4, mkv, flv, ogm, . — наиболее распространённые форматы. Подходит тем пользователям, которым нравятся компактные и прагматичные решения. Функционала достаточно для большинства пользователей.

Стандартный набор. Standard pack;

Стандартный набор отличается от базового тем, что в него включены дополнительные инструменты, среди которых видеопроигрыватель Media Player Classic. Большинство пользователей выбирает этот набор.

Полный набор. Full pack;

В полный набор в дополнение к инструментам стандартного набора включены фильтры DirectShow, а также полезная утилита GraphStudioNext.

Мега набор. Mega pack;

Мега набор предназначен не для обычных юзеров. В дополнение к полному набору, в него включены инструменты и кодеки VFW/ACM, с помощью которых пользователь может редактировать и кодировать видеофайлы.

Когда вы выполните загрузку K Lite Pack на свой компьютер, пакет легко устанавливается, позволит вам просматривать самые различные видеоролики и в большинстве случаев, не требует дополнительной настройки. Если потребовалась тонкая настройка, выполнить ее помогают утилиты, такие как Codec Tweak Tool. С помощью нее можно удалить все битые фильтры и кодеки, сбросить настройки к исходным значениям.

Подробнее о составе кодеков вы можете узнать, прочитав описание K-Lite Codec Pack

Download K-Lite Codec Pack

There are four different variants of the K-Lite Codec Pack. Ranging from a very small bundle that contains only the most essential decoders to a large and more comprehensive bundle. The global differences between the variants can be found below . Detailed differences can be found on the comparison of abilities and comparison of contents pages.

These codec packs are compatible with Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10. Old versions also with XP.
The packs include both 32-bit and 64-bit codecs, so they work great on both x86 and x64 variants of Windows!


Small but extremely powerful!

Already contains everything you need to play all common audio and video file formats.

Supports playback of:

  • MP3, FLAC, M4A, AAC, OGG, 3GP, AMR, APE, MKA, Opus, Wavpack, Musepack
  • DVD and Blu-ray (after decryption)
  • and many more audio and video formats!

Provides lots of useful functionality, such as:

  • Subtitle display
  • Hardware accelerated video decoding
  • Audio bitstreaming
  • Video thumbnails in Explorer
  • File association options
  • Broken codec detection
  • and much more!
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Note: the Basic version does NOT include a player.
You need to use it together with an already installed DirectShow player such as Windows Media Player. For playback issues with WMP please read our F.A.Q. for solutions.

We recommend using K-Lite Standard, which includes MPC-HC, which is a very good player.


Same as Basic, plus:

  • Media Player Classic Home Cinema (MPC-HC)
    This is an excellent player. Highly recommended!
    It provides high quality playback and many useful options.
  • MediaInfo Lite
    This is a tool for getting details about media files.

This is the recommended variant for the average user. Use this if you don’t know what you need. It already contains everything that you need for playback. The extra components that are included in the larger versions provide no benefit for the majority of users.

Same as Standard, plus:

  • MadVR
    An advanced video renderer with high quality upscaling algorithms.
  • DC-Bass Source Mod
    For decoding OptimFrog and Tracker audio files (very rare formats).
  • Plugin for 3D video decoding (H.264 MVC)
    Note: this requires using MPC-HC with madVR, and also a compatible graphics driver. Recent NVIDIA drivers no longer support 3D video (but you could try «3D Fix Manager»).

Same as Full, plus:

  • GraphStudioNext
    A tool for creating and testing DirectShow graphs.
  • A few ACM/VFW codecs such as x264VFW and Lagarith
    This type of codec is used by certain video editing/encoding applications for working with AVI files. For example VirtualDub.
    These codecs are not used or needed for video playback.

    Important note: The K-Lite Codec Pack does not expand the import abilities of professional video editors such as Vegas Movie Studio or Adobe Premiere. Those applications often only support importing a small set of file formats, and do not support using the type of codecs that are included in the codec pack (DirectShow/VFW). Modern editors often only use their own internal codecs or only support external codecs of the Media Foundation type.

And a few extra optional DirectShow filters:

  • ffdshow audio/video processor
    Provides some filters for manipulating the decoded audio and video.
  • ffdshow audio/video decoder
    An alternative choice for LAV Audio/Video decoder.
  • AC3Filter
    An alternative choice for LAV Audio decoder.

Important note: The extra filters mentioned above are not installed by default. We also do not recommend using these outdated filters. They are only included for a tiny group of people who have a reason for using them. We strongly recommend to use the default decoders from the pack. Those are better.

Important note: All the extra functionality included in Mega is only useful for a small group of people. It does not provide playback capability for any additional audio or video formats. If you are only interested in playback, then Full version is already enough for you.


Additional updates for the latest version of the codec pack.

This is not a stand-alone installer. This update requires that the latest version of Basic/Standard/Full/Mega is already installed.

Beta versions contain the latest updates and improvements, but they have not yet been tested as well as normal releases.

For experienced users who like to try out the latest stuff and want to provide feedback.

Beta versions are available for Basic/Standard/Full/Mega.

Old versions

Are you looking for an older version? Those can be found here.

If the latest version gives you a problem, then please report that to us so we can fix it!

Media Player Codec Pack

Media Player Codec Pack was created to make installing major multimedia codec’s, filters, plug-ins and splitters for players easy

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For Windows 10/8/7/Vista/2008:

Latest version: 4.5.7

File Size: 44.2mb

Compatible with:
Microsoft Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000, 2008, & 2003

Microsoft Windows Media Player 12, 11 & 10

Any player compatible with DirectShow

Package Overview:
The Media Player Codec Pack supports almost every compression and file type used by modern video and audio files.
The package is simple to install, while also offering advanced settings to the high end user:
For simple installation select «Easy Installation».
For advanced installation options select «Expert Installation».

Codec’s Explained:
A codec is a piece of software on either a device or computer capable of encoding and/or decoding video and/or audio data from files, streams and broadcasts. The word Codec is a portmanteau of ‘compressor-decompressor’

Compression types that you will be able to play include:
x264 | x265 | h.265 | HEVC | 10bit x265 | 10bit x264 | AVCHD | AVC
DivX | XviD | MP4 | MPEG4 | MPEG2 and many more.

File types you will be able to play include:
.bdmv | .evo | .hevc | .mkv | .avi | .flv | .webm | .mp4 | .m4v | .m4a | .ts | .ogm
.ac3 | .dts | .alac | .flac | .ape | .aac | .ogg | .ofr | .mpc | .3gp and many more.

Hardware enhancements include:
Graphics card GPU detection with known functional acceleration settings recommended to you during installation, including support for NVIDIA, AMD, ATI, and Intel dedicated or onboard GPU’s. This also includes laptop and tablet settings recommended to improve performance and save power.
Processor identification and thread detection sets your codecs to use the best number of threads within the limits of each codec.

Resolutions supported include:
All resolutions, including SD (Standard Definition) 480i, 480p, 576i, 576p, + HD (High Definition) 720i, 720p, 1080i, 1080p, 4k (Ultra HD) and beyond.

By using DVDFab Passkey for BluRay & DVD with this Codec Pack, Windows 7, 8 , 8.1 and 10 users can play:
Protected Bluray, AVCHD, DVD.

Package Codec Components:
* LAV Video decoder 0.74.1 Build 92 x86 & x64 (XP/2000 version is 0.69).
* ffdshow DirectShow Video Codec 1.3.4533 x86 & x64.
* XviD Video (Encoder) Codec v1.3.7.
* x264 Video (Encoder) Codec v44.2851.
* Lagarith Lossless Video (Encoder) Codec v1.3.27 x86 & x64.
* LAV Audio Decoder 0.74.1 Build 92 x86 & x64 (Legacy version is 0.69).
* Sony DSD Decoder 1.0 x86.
* DivX Audio Decoder 4.1 x86.
* DSP-worx Bass Source Filter/Decoder v1.5.2.0 x86.
* Haali Media Splitter/Decoder x86 & x64 — For MP4, MKV, OGM and AVI files.
* LAV Splitter 0.74.1 Build 92 x86 & x64 (Legacy version is 0.69).
* ReClock Video renderer v1.9.0.0 x86.
* xy-VSFilter v3.0.0.211 x86 & x64 — Subtitle Readers.
* CDXA Reader v1.7.13 x86 & x64 (XP/2000 version is 1.6.8) — Also known as Form 2 Mode 2 CD or XCD x86 & x64 (Legacy version is 0.69).
* Icaros 3.1.0 x86 & x64.
* Application Tuning — Changes the default settings for Media Player Classic, NVIDIA 3D Vision Player, and Stereoscopic Player.

Package Utilities:
* Media Player Classic Home Cinema 1.9.8 x86 (XP/2000 version is 1.6.8) — Selectable by right clicking on any file.
* Disc Handler — For double click playback on BluRay disc icons in Windows Explorer.
* Codec Settings GUI — Allows the user to modify codec, graphics and sound settings.
* Codec Settings UAC (User Account Control) Manager — Copies settings between users.
* Update Checker — Checks for updates once every 7 days (Administrator only).
* Tray Menu — Gives easy access to codec utilities and allows fast audio profile switching.

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