Windows open command from here

How To Bring Back The ‘Open command window here’ In Windows 10?

How To Bring Back The ‘Open command window here’ Option In Windows 10

Command Prompt, a command line interpreter application also known as cmd.exe or cmd, is available in most Windows Operating Systems. It is used to execute up to 300 available commands. To use this application, you simply type in the commands or instructions you want and press Enter. It is often used to perform administrative functions, troubleshoot, and solve technical Windows issues. The commands are used to perform certain tasks from the command line rather than the more popular graphical interface (GUI). Command Prompt is a powerful tool that allows you to do virtually anything that is possible via the GUI, but using text commands. You can move, delete, copy files, create folders, or launch any application. There are some tools that cannot be accessed using the GUI, but are available through Command Prompt.

In Windows 10, PowerShell continues to take the place of Command Prompt, however, it can still be found in this operating system. The option to launch Command Prompt was previously available from the right-click context menu, but now this has gone. There is, however, a way to bring this feature back by modifying the Registry. Windows Registry is a collection of databases holding configuration settings for Windows operating systems. It is used to store information and settings for user preferences, operating system configurations, software programs, etc. Many people like to configure Windows in their own way, since the operating system allows many ways for them to adjust settings — these modifications are actually edits to the Registry. In this article, we show how to access the Registry and modify it so you can access Command Prompt from the right-click context menu. After you complete the steps mentioned in this article, the «Open command window here» option will be available once more.

Note: To return the «Open command window here» option in full, you need to bring back this option to the folder context and background context menus. In other words — when right-clicking on the folder and when right-clicking on the background of a folder. This must be done correctly to avoid any irreversible damage to your installation of Windows 10.

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Table of Contents:

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How To Add «Open command window here» To The Folder Context Menu

To open Registry Editor, first open the «Run» command. Type «run» in Search and open result.

In the Run window, type «regedit» and click OK.

In the Registry Editor, browse the following path: Expand «HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT», scroll down to find «Directory», expand it to find «shell», and then expand this directory to find «cmd». Right-click on «cmd» and click «Permissions. «.

In the Permissions for cmd window, click the «Advanced» button to access special permissions or advanced settings.

In the Advanced Security Settings for cmd window, click «Change».

Type your account name in the field provided. To check if you typed the account name correctly, click «Check Names». Click OK.

You will be returned to the previous window. Mark the «Replace owner on subcontainer and object» checkbox. Click «Apply», and then «OK».

In the Permissions for cmd window, select the «Amdinistrators (your account name)» group and mark «Allow» checkbox in the «Full Control» section. Click Apply, and then OK.

In the Registry Editor window, right-click the «HideBasedOnVelocityId» and change its name to «ShowBasedOnVelocityId» by right-clicking on it and selecting «Rename». Press Enter on your keyboard when finished.

Once you have finished these steps, use Shift + right click and you will see the «Open command window here» option in the context menu.

If you want to revert these changes, follow these steps from the beginning until the point where you changed «HideBasedOnVelocityId» to «ShowBasedOnVelocityId» — return it from «ShowBasedOnVelocityId» to «HideBasedOnVelocityId» and press Enter on your keyboard.

How To Add «Open command window here» To The Background Context Menu

This is very similar to the previous section, except for one step. Follow this guide to access the «Open command window here» option from the context menu when using Shift + right-click on the background.

Open «Run» by typing «run» in Search. In the Run command, type «regedit» to open Registry Editor and then follow this path: Expand «HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT». Find «Directory» and expand it. In the Directory folder, expand «Background» and then «shell». You will see «cmd» under the «shell» folder. Right-click on «cmd» and select «Permissions».

In the Advanced Security Settings for cmd window, click «Change».

Type your account name and click «Check Names» to verify that the account name entered is correct. Click OK.

Mark the checkbox near «Replace owner on subcontainers and object». Click Apply, and then OK.

In the Permissions for cmd window, select the «Administrators (your account name)» group and mark the checkbox «Allow» beside «Full Control». Click Apply, and then OK.

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Right-click the «HideBasedOnVelocityId» entry in the cmd subfolder window and rename it to «ShowBasedOnVelocityId». Press Enter on your keyboard.

Once you completed these steps, use Shit + right-click on any file background and you will see «Open command window here» option in the background context menu.

If you want to revert these changes, repeat the steps in this guide and change the «ShowBasedOnVelocityId» file name to «HideBasedOnVelocityId» and press Enter. This will remove the context menu option.

How To Remove «Open PowerShell window here» From the Context Menu

If you want to remove «Open PowerShell window here» from the right-click context menu, follow the previous sections and repeat the actions, except for one — when you open Registry Editor, follow this path: Expand «HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT», find «Directory» and expand it. Then expand «shell» and right-click «PowerShell» to access «Permissions. «.

From here, follow the steps mentioned in previous sections. At the point where you need to rename REG_DWORD files, rename it from «ShowBasedOnVelocityId» to «HideBasedOnVelocityId». The «Open PowerShell window here» option will now be hidden from the context menu. If you need it back at some point, just repeat the steps and rename it from «HideBasedOnVelocityId» to «SideBasedOnVelocityId».

Video Showing How To Bring Back The ‘Open command window here’ Option In Windows 10:

How to Open Command Prompt

Open Command Prompt to Execute Commands in Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, & XP

Some popular Command Prompt commands you might have heard of include ping, netstat, tracert, shutdown, and attrib, but there are many more. We have a complete list here.

While Command Prompt probably isn’t a tool most of you will use on a regular basis, it can really come in handy now and then, maybe to troubleshoot a specific Windows problem or to automate some kind of task.

How you open Command Prompt differs between Windows versions, so you’ll find steps below for Windows 10, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, and Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP. See What Version of Windows Do I Have? if you’re not sure.

Open Command Prompt in Windows 10

Select the Start button.

Type cmd.

Select Command Prompt from the list.

Open Command Prompt Through the Start Menu

Another way to open Command Prompt in Windows 10 is to look in its Start menu folder:

Select the Start button.

Select the Windows System folder from the list.

Choose Command Prompt from the folder group.

Open Command Prompt Using Power User Menu

One more method in Windows 10 is through the Power User Menu. If you’re using a keyboard or mouse, choose Command Prompt from the menu that appears after pressing Win+X or right-clicking the Start button.

You might see Windows PowerShell options in the Power User Menu instead of Command Prompt. In more recent versions of Windows 10, Command Prompt has been replaced by PowerShell, but you can still access it from the Power User Menu by editing the taskbar settings.

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Open Command Prompt in Windows 8 or 8.1

Select the Start button and then swipe up to show the Apps screen. You can accomplish the same thing with a mouse by selecting the down arrow icon at the bottom of the screen.

Prior to the Windows 8.1 update, the Apps screen can be accessed from the Start screen by swiping up from the bottom of the screen, or right-clicking anywhere, and then choosing All apps.

If you’re using a keyboard or mouse, a really quick way to open a Command Prompt window in Windows 8 is through the Power User Menu—just hold the WIN and X keys down together, or right-click the Start button, and choose Command Prompt.

Swipe or scroll to the right on the Apps screen to locate the Windows System section heading.

Select Command Prompt. You can now execute whatever command you needed to run.

See our List of Windows 8 Command Prompt Commands for a complete list of the commands available through Command Prompt in Windows 8, including short descriptions and links to more in-depth information if we have it.

Open Command Prompt in Windows 7, Vista, or XP

Open the Start menu from the bottom-left corner of the screen.

In Windows 7 and Windows Vista, it’s a bit faster to enter command in the search box at the bottom of the Start menu and then choose Command Prompt when it appears in the results.

Go to All Programs > Accessories.

Choose Command Prompt from the list of programs.

Here’s our List of Windows 7 Commands and List of Windows XP Commands if you need a command reference for any of those versions of Windows.

Other Ways to Open Command Prompt

Command Prompt in Windows XP through Windows 10 can also be opened with a command. This is especially helpful if you like using the Run dialog box or if Windows Explorer has crashed and the Start menu is inaccessible (and thus the directions above don’t work).

To do this, enter cmd into the command-line interface. This can be in the Run dialog box (WIN+R) or Task Manager’s File > Run new task menu.

Elevated Command Prompts and Old Windows Versions

In versions of Windows released before Windows XP, like Windows 98 and Windows 95, Command Prompt doesn’t exist. However, the older and very similar MS-DOS Prompt does. This program is located in the Start menu and can be opened with the command run command.

Some commands, like the sfc command that’s used to repair Windows files, require that Command Prompt be opened as an administrator before they can be executed. You’ll know if this is the case if you get a message like one of these after trying to execute the command:

  • check that you have administrative rights
  • . command can only be executed from an elevated command prompt
  • you must be an administrator

See How to Open an Elevated Command Prompt for help starting Command Prompt as an administrator, a process that’s a bit more complicated than what’s outlined above.

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