Windows password was changed

Change or reset your Windows password

If you forgot or lost your password for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, or Windows 7, you may be able to change or reset it. To get started, choose your version of Windows from the Select Product Version drop-down menu.

If you already know your current password and want to change it

Select Start > Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options . Under Password, select the Change button and follow the steps.

Reset your Windows 10 local account password

If you’ve forgotten or lost your Windows 10 password for a local account and need to sign back in to your device, the below options might help you get up and running. For more info on local standard vs. administrative accounts, see Create a local user or administrator account in Windows 10.

Windows 10 version 1803 and later

If you added security questions when you set up your local account for Windows 10, then you have at least version 1803 and you can answer security questions to sign back in.

After you’ve entered an incorrect password:

Select the Reset password link on the sign-in screen. If you use a PIN instead, see PIN sign-in issues. If you’re using a work device that’s on a network, you may not see an option to reset your password or PIN. In that case, contact your administrator.

Note: If you don’t see security questions after you select the Reset password link, make sure your device name isn’t the same as your local user account name (the name you see when you sign in). To see your device name, right-click Start in the taskbar, select System, andscroll to the Device specifications section. If the device name is the same as your account name, you can create a new administrator account, sign in as an administrator, and then rename your PC (when you view your device name, you can also rename it).

Answer your security questions.

Enter a new password.

Sign in as usual with the new password.

Windows 10 before version 1803

For versions of Windows 10 earlier than 1803, local account passwords can’t be reset because there are no security questions. You can reset your device to choose a new password, however this option will permanently delete your data, programs, and settings. If you’ve backed up your files you’ll be able to restore your deleted files. For more information, see Recovery options in Windows 10.
To reset your device, which will delete data, programs, and settings:

Press the Shift key while you select the Power button > Restart in the lower-right corner of the screen.

On the Choose an option screen, select Troubleshoot > Reset this PC.

Select Remove everything.

Warning: Resetting your device will permanently delete data, programs, and settings.

Reset your Microsoft account password you use to sign in to your computer

On the sign-in screen, type your Microsoft account name if it’s not already displayed. If there are multiple accounts on the computer, choose the one you want to reset. Below the password text box, select I forgot my password. Follow the steps to reset your password.

Troubleshoot problems signing in

If you’re still having trouble signing to your account, see more solutions in Troubleshoot problems signing in.

Reset your password

Note: If you’ve forgotten your Windows 10 password, see Reset your Windows 10 local account password.

If you’ve forgotten your Windows 8.1 password, there are several ways to retrieve or reset it:

If your PC is on a domain, your system administrator must reset your password.

If you’re using a Microsoft account, you can reset your password online. For more info, see How to reset your Microsoft account password.

If you’re using a local account, use your password hint as a reminder.

If you still can’t sign in, you must reinstall Windows. For Windows RT 8.1, contact your PC manufacturer.

More help with passwords in Windows 8.1

If you forget or lose your password, see Reset your password above to reset or recover it.

If you think your Microsoft account password has been compromised or stolen by someone with malicious intent, we can help. For more info, see When you can’t sign in to your Microsoft account.

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If you’re signing in to only your local PC, yes. However, we recommend that you keep your PC more secure by using a strong password. When you use a password, only someone who knows it can sign in. If you want to sign in to Windows with a Microsoft account, a password is required. For more info, see Can I sign in to Windows without a password? To learn more about Microsoft accounts and local accounts, see Create a user account.

Stronger passwords contain a variety of characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols or spaces. A strong password should also be something that is difficult for a stranger to guess or crack. It shouldn’t contain a complete word, or easy-to-find details like your real name, your user name, or your birth date.

If you’re signing in to a Microsoft account, your password is limited to 16 characters. For more info about Microsoft accounts, see Create a user account.

You can update your password regularly to keep it more secure. If your PC isn’t connected to a domain, follow these steps:

Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, tap Settings, and then tap Change PC settings.
(If you’re using a mouse, point to the lower-right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer up, click Settings, and then click Change PC settings.)

Tap or click Accounts, and then tap or click Sign-in options.

Tap or click Change your password and follow the instructions.

If your PC is connected to a domain, your system administrator might manage how frequently you must change your password. To do so, choose one of the following:

If you’re using a keyboard, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete, tap or click Change a password, and follow the instructions.

If you’re using a tablet, press and hold the Windows button, press the power button, and then tap or click Change a password and follow the instructions.

It depends on whether you’re using a third-party email address. If your email address ends in,,, or another Microsoft service, changing the password for your Microsoft account also changes it for that email service.

But you can use any email address for your Microsoft account, even an email address from a third-party web-based mail service like Google Mail or Yahoo! Mail. When you choose a password for your Microsoft account, it doesn’t change the password you might need to use to sign in to web mail on a third-party site.

Create a picture password to sign in with gestures instead of by entering characters.

Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, tap Settings, and then tap Change PC settings.
(If you’re using a mouse, point to the lower-right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer up, click Settings, and then click Change PC settings.)

Tap or click Accounts, and then tap or click Sign-in options.

Under Picture password, tap or click Add, and then follow the instructions.

When you choose a password for your user account, it’s important to pick something you can remember. You’re going to need it again later!

Of course, you can also write your password down and keep it in a safe place. Taped to the underside of your laptop or the inside of your desk drawer is probably not a good idea, however. If you do write your password down, be sure to keep it separate from your PC.

For added security, use different passwords for different purposes. For example, it’s a good idea to keep distinctly different passwords for a social networking account and your online bank account.

If you do forget or lose your password, there are still several things you can try to reset or recover it. For more info, see Reset your password above to reset or recover it.

Reset your password

My computer is on a domain

Select the Start button , select Control Panel, select User Accounts, select User Accounts, and then select Manage User Accounts. If you’re prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

On the Users tab, under Users for this computer, select the user account name, and then select Reset Password.

Type the new password, confirm the new password, and then select OK.

My computer is in a workgroup

If you type the wrong password when you attempt to log on, Windows displays a message that the password is incorrect. Select OK to close the message.

Select Reset password, and then insert your password reset disk or USB flash drive.

Follow the steps in the Password Reset wizard to create a new password.

Log on with the new password. If you forget your password again, you can use the same password reset disk. You don’t need to make a new one.

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Note: If an administrator resets your password, you might lose access to some of your files.

Change your password

Press Ctrl+ Alt+ Delete, and then select Change a password.

Type your old password followed by a new password as indicated, and then type the new password again to confirm it.

Note: If you are logged on as an administrator, you can create and change passwords for all user accounts on the computer.

Warning: If you use an administrator account to change a password for another account, any encrypted files or e mail messages for that other account will no longer be accessible to the person who was using that account.

4723(S, F): предпринята попытка изменить пароль учетной записи. 4723(S, F): An attempt was made to change an account’s password.

Область применения Applies to

  • Windows 10 Windows 10
  • Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2016

* Описание события: Event Description: *

Это событие создается каждый раз, когда пользователь пытается изменить свой пароль. This event generates every time a user attempts to change his or her password.

Для учетных записей пользователей это событие создается на контроллерах домена, серверах-членах и рабочих станциях. For user accounts, this event generates on domain controllers, member servers, and workstations.

Для учетных записей домена событие Failure создается, если новый пароль не соответствует политике паролей. For domain accounts, a Failure event generates if new password fails to meet the password policy.

Для локальных учетных записей создается событие сбоя, если новый пароль не соответствует политике паролей или старый пароль не соответствует. For local accounts, a Failure event generates if new password fails to meet the password policy or old password is wrong.

Если старый пароль был неправильным, для учетных записей домена на контроллере домена будет создан код»4771:ошибка предварительной проверки подлинности Kerberos» или»4776:компьютер попытался проверить учетные данные для учетной записи», если на контроллере домена были включены определенные подкатегории. For domain accounts if old password was wrong, then “4771: Kerberos pre-authentication failed” or “4776: The computer attempted to validate the credentials for an account” will be generated on domain controller if specific subcategories were enabled on it.

Как правило, вы увидите 4723 события с одинаковыми _Subject\Security ID* и Target Account\Security ID полей, что является обычным поведением. Typically you will see 4723 events with the same _Subject\Security ID* and Target Account\Security ID fields, which is normal behavior.

Примечание. Рекомендации приведены в разделе Рекомендации по мониторингу безопасности для этого события. Note For recommendations, see Security Monitoring Recommendations for this event.

*Обязательные роли сервера:* нет. Required Server Roles: None.

*Минимальная версия ОС:* Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista. Minimum OS Version: Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista.

* Описания полей: Field Descriptions: *

  • Security ID [Type = SID]: SID учетной записи, которая попыталась изменить пароль учетной записи целевого пользователя. Security ID [Type = SID]: SID of account that made an attempt to change Target’s Account password. Средство просмотра событий автоматически пытается разрешить идентификатор безопасности SID и отобразить имя учетной записи. Event Viewer automatically tries to resolve SIDs and show the account name. Если идентификатор безопасности разрешить не удается, в событии будут отображены исходные данные. If the SID cannot be resolved, you will see the source data in the event.

Примечание. . Идентификатор безопасности (SID) представляет собой строковое значение переменной длины, которое используется для идентификации доверенного лица (субъекта безопасности). Note A security identifier (SID) is a unique value of variable length used to identify a trustee (security principal). Каждая учетная запись имеет уникальный идентификатор безопасности, выданный центром сертификации, таким как контроллер домена Active Directory, который хранится в базе данных безопасности. Each account has a unique SID that is issued by an authority, such as an Active Directory domain controller, and stored in a security database. Каждый раз, когда пользователь входит в систему, система получает идентификатор безопасности этого пользователя из базы данных и помещает ее в маркер доступа этого пользователя. Each time a user logs on, the system retrieves the SID for that user from the database and places it in the access token for that user. Система использует идентификатор безопасности в маркере доступа для идентификации пользователя во всех последующих операциях с Безопасностью Windows. The system uses the SID in the access token to identify the user in all subsequent interactions with Windows security. Если идентификатор SID использовался как уникальный идентификатор для пользователя или группы, он не может использоваться повторно для идентификации другого пользователя или группы. When a SID has been used as the unique identifier for a user or group, it cannot ever be used again to identify another user or group. Дополнительные сведения о SID см. в разделе Идентификаторы безопасности. For more information about SIDs, see Security identifiers.

Имя учетной записи [Type = UnicodeString] имя учетной записи, которая попыталась изменить пароль учетной записи целевого пользователя. Account Name [Type = UnicodeString]: the name of the account that made an attempt to change Target’s Account password.

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Account Domain [Type = UnicodeString]: домен субъекта или имя компьютера. Account Domain [Type = UnicodeString]: subject’s domain or computer name. Форматы различаются и включают в себя следующее: Formats vary, and include the following:

Пример имени домена NETBIOS: CONTOSO Domain NETBIOS name example: CONTOSO

Полное имя домена в нижнем регистре: contoso.local Lowercase full domain name: contoso.local

Полное имя домена в верхнем регистре: CONTOSO.LOCAL Uppercase full domain name: CONTOSO.LOCAL

Для некоторых известных субъектов безопасности, таких как LOCAL SERVICE или ANONYMOUS LOGON, значение этого поля равно «NT AUTHORITY». For some well-known security principals, such as LOCAL SERVICE or ANONYMOUS LOGON, the value of this field is “NT AUTHORITY”.

Для учетных записей локальных пользователей это поле будет содержать имя компьютера или устройства, к которым принадлежит эта учетная запись, например: «Win81». For local user accounts, this field will contain the name of the computer or device that this account belongs to, for example: “Win81”.

Logon ID [Type = HexInt64]: шестнадцатеричное значение, которое может помочь сопоставить это событие с недавними событиями содержащими тот же идентификатор входа, например: “4624: Учетная запись успешно вошла в систему.” Logon ID [Type = HexInt64]: hexadecimal value that can help you correlate this event with recent events that might contain the same Logon ID, for example, “4624: An account was successfully logged on.”

Целевая учетная запись: учетная запись, для которой запросято изменение пароля. Target Account: account for which the password change was requested.

Security ID [Type = SID]: SID of account for which the password change was requested. Security ID [Type = SID]: SID of account for which the password change was requested. Средство просмотра событий автоматически пытается разрешить идентификатор безопасности SID и отобразить имя учетной записи. Event Viewer automatically tries to resolve SIDs and show the account name. Если идентификатор безопасности разрешить не удается, в событии будут отображены исходные данные. If the SID cannot be resolved, you will see the source data in the event.

Имя учетной записи [Type = UnicodeString] имя учетной записи, для которой запрашивается смена пароля. Account Name [Type = UnicodeString]: the name of the account for which the password change was requested.

Домен учетной записи [Type = UnicodeString]: домен или имя компьютера целевой учетной записи. Account Domain [Type = UnicodeString]: target account’s domain or computer name. Форматы различаются и включают в себя следующее: Formats vary, and include the following:

Пример имени домена NETBIOS: CONTOSO Domain NETBIOS name example: CONTOSO

Полное имя домена в нижнем регистре: contoso.local Lowercase full domain name: contoso.local

Полное имя домена в верхнем регистре: CONTOSO.LOCAL Uppercase full domain name: CONTOSO.LOCAL

Для учетных записей локальных пользователей это поле будет содержать имя компьютера или устройства, к которым принадлежит эта учетная запись, например: «Win81». For local user accounts, this field will contain the name of the computer or device that this account belongs to, for example: “Win81”.

Дополнительные сведения: Additional Information:

  • Privileges [Type = UnicodeString]: список привилегий пользователя, которые использовались во время операции, например SeBackupPrivilege. Privileges [Type = UnicodeString]: the list of user privileges which were used during the operation, for example, SeBackupPrivilege. Этот параметр может не быть захвачен в событии и в этом случае отображается как «-«. This parameter might not be captured in the event, and in that case appears as “-”. Полный список привилегий пользователя см. в таблице 8. See full list of user privileges in “Table 8. Привилегии пользователя.». User Privileges.”.

Рекомендации по контролю безопасности Security Monitoring Recommendations

Для 4723(S, F): попытка изменить пароль учетной записи. For 4723(S, F): An attempt was made to change an account’s password.

Если у вас есть высококлассная учетная запись домена или локального пользователя, для которой необходимо отслеживать каждую попытку смены пароля, отслеживайте все события 4723 с помощью соответствующей учетной записи «Целевая учетная запись\ИД безопасности». If you have a high-value domain or local user account for which you need to monitor every password change attempt, monitor all 4723 events with the “Target Account\Security ID” that corresponds to the account.

Если у вас есть высококлассная учетная запись домена или локальной учетной записи, для которой необходимо отслеживать каждое изменение, отслеживайте все события 4723 с помощью соответствующей учетной записи «Целевая учетная запись\ИД безопасности». If you have a high-value domain or local account for which you need to monitor every change, monitor all 4723 events with the “Target Account\Security ID” that corresponds to the account.

Если у вас есть доменные или локальные учетные записи, для которых пароль никогда не следует менять, вы можете отслеживать все события 4723 с помощью соответствующей учетной записи «Целевая учетная запись\ИД безопасности». If you have domain or local accounts for which the password should never be changed, you can monitor all 4723 events with the “Target Account\Security ID” that corresponds to the account.

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