- Ремонт Windows — Windows Repair (All In Onе) 2018 4.4.3 Pro
- Ремонт Windows — Windows Repair (All In Onе) 2018 4.4.3 Pro
- Windows repair all in one pro версии
- Tweaking.com — Windows Repair Free/Pro
- Windows Repair Pro 2021 ver. 4.9.5
- исправление ошибок систем Windows tool fix problems
- dimusik, 8.11.2011 — 11:34
- dimusik, 28.11.2011 — 10:56
- dimusik, 12.12.2011 — 21:24
- dimusik, 23.01.2012 — 13:09
- dimusik, 12.02.2012 — 18:16
- dimusik, 26.03.2012 — 11:36
- dimusik, 29.04.2012 — 21:14
- HugoBo-SS, 29.04.2012 — 21:28
- dimusik, 7.05.2012 — 8:42
- dimusik, 24.10.2012 — 11:44
- dimusik, 28.12.2012 — 15:29
- dimusik, 19.01.2013 — 12:22
- dimusik, 2.03.2013 — 18:11
- dimusik, 2.04.2013 — 10:53
- dimusik, 2.05.2013 — 9:37
- dimusik, 11.09.2013 — 12:13
- dimusik, 15.10.2013 — 11:41
- dimusik, 11.02.2014 — 2:01
- dimusik, 14.02.2014 — 17:26
- Урсу, 22.07.2014 — 0:09
- Урсу, 5.08.2014 — 15:55
- Урсу, 23.08.2014 — 13:50
Ремонт Windows — Windows Repair (All In Onе) 2018 4.4.3 Pro
Ремонт Windows — Windows Repair (All In Onе) 2018 4.4.3 Pro
Windows Repair (All In Onе) — инструмент все-в-одном для ремонта системы: восстановление различных параметров Windows, исправление большинства известных проблем, в том числе ошибок реестра и прав доступа к файлам, а также проблем с Internet Explorer, Windows Update, Windows Firewall и многое другое. Перед запуском программа предложит выполнить 4 простых действия предупреждающие ошибки в работе системы: проверка на вирусы, проверка жесткого диска, проверка на поврежденные файлы системы и создание точки восстановления. Затем можно выбрать один из трех режимов Basic, Advanced и Custom, каждый из которых предлагает различные варианты ремонта системы.
Системные требования:
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32 & 64 Bit)
Торрент Ремонт Windows — Windows Repair (All In Onе) 2018 4.4.3 Pro подробно:
Функции программы:
• Сброс всех разрешений в реестре Windows
• Сброс прав доступа к файлам
• Регистрация системных файлов для исправления возможных ошибок
• Восстановление WMI
• Восстановление Брандмауэра Windows
• Восстановление Internet Explorer
• Восстановление MDAC и MS Jet
• Восстановление файла Hosts
• Удаление ограничений, установленных вредоносным ПО
• Восстановление ярлыков
• Восстановление Winsock и кэша DNS
• Восстановление важных служб Windows
• Удаление временных файлов
• Восстановление параметров Proxy
• Отображение скрытых не системных файлов
• Восстановление обновлений Windows Updates
• Исправление отсутствие CD/DVD и проблем работы
Процедура лечения:
1. Скопируйте загрузчик в каталог программы
2. Всегда используйте загрузчик для запуска программы
3. Наслаждайтесь
Скриншоты Ремонт Windows — Windows Repair (All In Onе) 2018 4.4.3 Pro торрент:
Windows repair all in one pro версии
Русский Windows Repair — универсальный программный инструмент, предназначенный для анализа работы операционной системы и ее последующего восстановления при необходимости. От аналогов отличается наличием нескольких режимов анализа, имеющих разные уровни сложности. Цель программы Виндовс Репаир — предоставить инструмент восстановления, который может спасти пользователей от необходимости делать переустановку системы Windows.
Официальный Windows Repair rus помогает пользователям, которые не достаточно сильны в компьютерных технологиях, и, конечно, опытным пользователям и специалистам в их работе. Приложение помогает решить большую часть известных проблем Windows, вызванных вредоносными приложениями и неправильно установленными программами, с помощью восстановления изначальных настроек операционной системы.
Основные возможности программы Repair 2021 года:
- Скрупулезный поиск ошибок в реестре и быстрое их исправление.
- Решение проблем с обновлениями Windows.
- Удаление временных файлов.
- Решение проблем с отсутствующим или неработающим CD/DVD-диском.
- Восстановление разнообразных составляющих системы.
- Решение проблем с функционированием браузера Internet Explorer.
- Восстановление обновлений.
- Несколько режимов работы.
- Сброс разрешений в системном реестре.
- Решение проблем прав доступа к файлам.
- Избавление от ограничений в ОС, вызванных вирусами.
- Раскрытие скрытых несистемных файлов.
- Исправление ошибок с иконками.
- Восстановление файла hosts, кэша DNS.
- Исправление настроек прокси.
- Удаление соглашений на установку опасных приложений.
- Формирование точки восстановления.
Перед запуском приложения Windows Repair будет предложено выполнить 4 простых действия предупреждающие ошибки в работе системы
Tweaking.com — Windows Repair Free/Pro
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Installer (45.16 MB)
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Direct Download
Portable (45.37 MB)
— Mirror @ MajorGeeks.com
Tweaking.com — Windows Repairs section has always been completely free for personal use. We offer a Pro version adds features like automatic updates, an enhanced drive cleaner, memory cleaner, speed tweaks, and more. Your purchase allows you to support future development and get something in return!
Tweaking.com — Windows Repair is a tool designed to help fix a vast majority of known Windows problems, including; registry errors, file permissions, issues with Internet Explorer, Windows Updates, Windows Firewall, and more. Malware and poorly installed programs can modify your default settings resulting in your machine working poorly. With Tweaking.com Windows Repair, you can restore Windows original settings fixing many of these problems outright.
Video courtesy of MajorGeeks:
Malware and poorly installed or uninstalled programs can modify your settings resulting in your machine working poorly, unexpectedly — or worse. Tweaking.com Windows Repair is an advanced tool designed to help fix a large majority of these known Windows problems, including:
Registry Errors,
File Permissions Problems
Internet Explorer Problems
Internet Connection Problems
Windows Updates Issues
Windows Firewall Problems, and more.
With Tweaking.com Windows Repair, you can restore Windows original settings fixing many of these problems outright.
The repairs section has always been entirely free for personal use. We offer a Pro version that adds additional features and optimizations like:
Automatic Updates,
Enhanced Windows Drive Cleaner,
Memory Cleaner,
Windows Quick Link Menu
Run Your Custom Scripts After Repairs,
Run Speed Tweaks After Repairs
Performance Enhancements, and more.
New v4 Pro Additions:
Streamlined, Updated Interface
Permissions Backup and Restore of the Registry and File System
Windows Firewall Cleanup Utility
Missing Packages Registry Cleanup
Unhide Files Tools — Important for Malware Cleanup
Restore Default Printer Ports Repair
Add Trusted Installer (Owner / Permissions) to Any File, Folder, or .reg Key.
Run Any Program as System Account
Advanced, Powerful Windows Services Tools
Comprehensive Help File
Free/Pro/Tech Comparison Chart
Main Window Screenshot
Free Version License Restrictions: The free version of Tweaking.com Windows Repair is ONLY valid for personal use.
Upgrade License: Registered v3 users can upgrade to v4 within the program at a discounted price with their valid key.
PRO License: Intended for use in a personal computer environment and is a per-computer license. This includes the repairs and all the advanced / pro features. Pro licenses are yearly and include all updates, including major version releases.
Shop Technicians: This license is intended for a computer repair shop or network management environment and is licensed per technician per year.
Windows Repair Pro 2021 ver. 4.9.5
исправление ошибок систем Windows tool fix problems
dimusik, 8.11.2011 — 11:34
Windows Repair Pro — универсальный инструмент для восстановления системы . Предназначен для возврата различных параметров Windows к их значениям по умолчанию. Помогает исправить большинство известных проблем, в том числе ошибки реестра и права доступа к файлам, а также проблемы с Internet Explorer, Windows Update, Windows Firewall и многое другое.
Перед запуском Windows Repair будет предложено выполнить 4 простых действия предупреждающие ошибки в работе системы: проверка на вирусы, проверка жесткого диска, проверка на поврежденные файлы системы и создание точки восстановления. Затем можно выбрать один из трех режимов Basic, Advanced и Custom, каждый из которых предлагает различные варианты ремонта системы.
Функции Windows Repair:
Исправление ошибок реестра
Исправление прав доступа к файлам
Ремонт WMI
Ремонт Windows Firewall
Ремонт Internet Explorer
Ремонт MDAC и MS Jet
Ремонт Hosts файлов
Удаление установленных вирусами ограничений
Ремонт иконок
Ремонт Winsock и DNS Cache
Удаление временных файлов
Исправление настроек Proxy
Исправление Windows Updates
и многое другое
Tweaking.com — Windows Repair is a tool designed help fix a large majority of known Windows problems including; registry errors, file permissions, issues with Internet Explorer, Windows Updates, Windows Firewall and more. Malware and poorly installed programs can modify your default settings resulting in your machine working badly — or worse. With Tweaking.com Windows Repair you can restore Windows original settings fixing many of these problems outright.
Malware and poorly installed or uninstalled programs can modify your settings resulting in your machine working poorly, unexpectedly — or worse. Tweaking.com Windows Repair is an advanced tool designed help fix a large majority of these known Windows problems including:
— Registry Errors,
— File Permissions Problems
— Internet Explorer Problems
— Internet Connection Problems
— Windows Updates Issues
— Windows Firewall Problems and more.
With Tweaking.com Windows Repair you can restore Windows original settings fixing many of these problems outright.
The repairs section has always been completely free for personal use. We offer a Pro version adds additional features and optimizations like:
— Automatic Updates,
— Enhanced Windows Drive Cleaner,
— Memory Cleaner,
— Windows Quick Link Menu
— Run Your Own Custom Scripts After Repairs,
— Run Speed Tweaks After Repairs
— Performance Enhancements and more.
Home: www.tweaking.com
Интерфейс: Eng
OC: Win7/8/10
скачать бесплатно / free download Windows Repair Pro 2021 + crack (license key)
dimusik, 28.11.2011 — 10:56
-Changed 4 service defaults from manual to auto in the set services to default startup repair. Media Center Receiver Service, Media Center Scheduler Service, Windows Media Center Service Launcher and Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service.
-Removed Panda cloud antivirus from the program and put Avast as a recommendation (Step 2 Window).
-Added ComboFix to the recommendation page (Step 2 Window).
dimusik, 12.12.2011 — 21:24
Windows Repair Portable 1.5.4
dimusik, 23.01.2012 — 13:09
Windows Repair Portable 1.6.1
dimusik, 12.02.2012 — 18:16
Windows Repair Portable 1.6.4
-Add ERUNT Registry backup tools. This is another option to backup the system registry before doing repairs. Also very helpful when a users system restore isn’t working properly.
dimusik, 26.03.2012 — 11:36
Windows Repair 1.6.5 + Portable
dimusik, 29.04.2012 — 21:14
HugoBo-SS, 29.04.2012 — 21:28
Small bug fixes to the log creation of the program.
I have removed the 3 options «Basic» «Advanced» and «Custom» before you start the repairs. Nearly all users that I have talk to, and myself included always choose custom anyways. No need for these other options and they have been removed. Should cut down on the confusion for new users on which to use.
New interface changes to the repair window in the program.
Added «Always On Top» option for the repair window.
Added a minimize button to the repair window. With the always on top option if something opens behind the window and the user needs to get to it they can now minimize the window.
Added a minimize button to the main window in the program for the heck of it 🙂
Code improvements.
Updated the Repair WMI to better handle the commands needed for the different version of Windows. While the WMI works great on XP, Vista and 7 it didn’t work correctly on 2003 thus breaking WMI. I have added the commands need to have it run properly on 2003 🙂
Small improvements to a few repairs.
Better support when running the program through a script. I have a good amount of repair shops that use this repair tool. Some like to run the repair tool with the silent command and from a script in a bat file. The old version of the program would close any cmd.exe window before running the repairs. This of course defeated the purpose of running through a script. So I have changed the way the program waits for a repair to finish. Instead of waiting for cmd.exe to close, each repair will now make a file. When the repair is finished it will delete the file, then the program will know to move onto the next repair.
I now have the cmd.exe windows change to a gray background with black text. This way when running the program through a script you will know which cmd.exe window belongs to the windows repair 🙂
The program will now save any errors from the repairs into a txt file on the Windows drive in a folder. Example: «C:\Tweaking.com_Windows_Repair_Logs\» Multiple log files are made for the permission repairs. This is because the MS tool doesn’t append to the log file, so a new file has to be made for each section. Since this could create a fair amount of log files I have the program cleanup any empty log files after the repairs are ran.
dimusik, 7.05.2012 — 8:42
Windows Repair 2019
-Updated the Repair Windows Firewall. It now restores the reg keys for the BFE, MPSSVC and WSCSVC services. Before it only put back the shared access service. Which in XP is all the firewall needed. But in Vista and 7 it required more services. They are now part of the repair.
dimusik, 24.10.2012 — 11:44
Windows Repair 2018
dimusik, 28.12.2012 — 15:29
dimusik, 19.01.2013 — 12:22
dimusik, 2.03.2013 — 18:11
dimusik, 2.04.2013 — 10:53
dimusik, 2.05.2013 — 9:37
dimusik, 11.09.2013 — 12:13
dimusik, 15.10.2013 — 11:41
dimusik, 11.02.2014 — 2:01
dimusik, 14.02.2014 — 17:26
Урсу, 22.07.2014 — 0:09
New repair added «Repair Windows ‘New’ Submenu». When you right click on the desktop or in a folder and go to new and it is missing, empty or is missing the default items then this repair will put back the registry keys for the new menu and its default items.
Improvements to the Reset File Permissions. I have now made a tool to allow me to run the file permissions repair as the trusted installer. Before the only permissions it could set was anything with administrators or system as the owner. The only way to set the permissions on files that had the trusted installed as the owner was to take ownership of them. Well now that isn’t needed as the repair can now set the permissions on those files as well 🙂
Updated multiple repairs to no longer display everything in the cmd.exe window. When there is a lot of text to display in the cmd.exe window then it would use a lot of cpu to draw and update the cmd.exe window, which would slow down the repair since the cpu was being used to draw the window. By not showing all the text it cuts down on the cpu usage which helps increase the speed of the repairs.
Fix the monitors bars on the repair window to properly resize the bar picture when a user had their system dpi set above 100%. When it is above 100% everything increases in size in the program. The bars now take this into account.
Multiple interface changes.
Урсу, 5.08.2014 — 15:55
Урсу, 23.08.2014 — 13:50
Updated the tweaking_ras.exe and Tweaking_rati.exe. These are both used to run repairs as the system account or trusted installer. To do this they create themselves as a service and run the command, then remove the service they created. The problem was that on some systems, Windows wasn’t removing the service fast enough before the next one was called and created. Since the service name was the same, the next one created wouldn’t be called (Since it was in the process of being removed by Windows) and the repair wouldn’t start. Both of these programs now randomize their service name to keep this from happening.
The program now will try to start a repair up to 3 more times if it fails to start the first time (For a total of 4 times and 30 sec between each try). So now if there is ever a simple hiccup or problem that kept the repair from running then the program will try again and normally it will continue on. If it fails to run a repair 4 times then the repairs stop and the program tells you to let me know in the forums, where I will work with you to find out why they didn’t run.
Fixed a bug where the program didn’t close itself if you told it to reboot or shutdown the systems after the repairs.
Updated the Run As Service and Run as Trusted installer exes in the program to no longer crash on vista machines that don’t have all their updates. Turns out that one of the API calls would cause the exe to crash on older vista machines and so the repair would never run. The bug in vista was fixed in an vista update but if a user didn’t have all the updates then the run as system exe would crash. I found the problem and found another way to do it without having it crash.
Fixed a bug where the repairs wouldn’t run if there was a & in the path to the temp folder under the user profile. Turns out that cmd.exe doesn’t play nice with the & character being in a path. So now instead of using the temp folder of the current user the program will use the temp folder in the windows folder instead. This will avoid any problems with odd user names on a system that cmd.exe wouldn’t like.
The program now waits for 30 sec for a repair to start. If it doesn’t the program will let the user know and then stop the rest of the repairs. Before the program waited forever, and the user wouldn’t know that the repair didn’t start for some reason and so both the user and the program would just sit there waiting. Now the program will let the user know if a repair was unable to run for some reason.
The program now stops instantly when you click stop repairs instead of saying waiting for the current repair to finish. The current repair if it is still running will keep running till it is done but the program will stop instead of waiting for it.
Multiple code changes and improvements.
Updated the Register System Files repair.
Major improvement to how the system detects when the repairs start. On slower systems, and when I user had a lot of programs open, it caused the repairs to start to slowly and so the program would think the repair is done and start the next repair, causing 2 or more repairs running at once. The program can now tell and wait when a repair starts.
Added new information to the program asking the user to do a «Clean Boot» before running the repairs. I also wrote a guide on how to do a proper clean boot for users. (Program has a link to point them to the guide on the site)
All the other guides I found, for some reason, didn’t bother including the task scheduler, which programs also startup from.
The reason for doing a clean boot is because other 3rd party programs can interfere with the repairs. There have been multiple times I have seen users running the repairs on a system running 140+ processes and those programs interfered with the repairs, keeping them from even finishing.
Once those users did a clean boot the repairs finished without any problems and even finished faster since the system was under less of a load.