Windows scanner and camera wizard

Launching Windows Scanner and Camera Wizard

How can I manually launch the Scanner and Camera Wizard? It automatically launches when I plug in my camera, but if I want to copy pictures to different directories I have to do them by group. Once I do one group the Wizard shuts down and the only way I know to restart it is to unplug and then plug the camera. Anyone know a way to launch the Wizard manually?

How can I manually launch the Scanner and Camera Wizard? It automatically launches when I plug in my camera, but if I want to copy pictures to different directories I have to do them by group. Once I do one group the Wizard shuts down and the only way I know to restart it is to unplug and then plug the camera. Anyone know a way to launch the Wizard manually?

The executable for the Scanner and Camera Wizard is:

With camera connected. go to. Start / Run. type or copy/paste
the following and press. Enter. it should launch the wizard:


Volunteer J — MS-MVP — Digital Media Experience — Notice_This is not tech support_I am a volunteer — Solutions that work for me may not work for you — ***Proceed at your own risk***

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microsoft scanner and camera wizard in win 10

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Thank you for posting your query on Microsoft Community.

I suggest you check if it is listed in Device and printer in control panel. Connect your device and follow the below steps:

1. Right click on Start button and select Control Panel.

2. Select Device and Printers.

3. Check if your device is listed there.

Let us know the status of the issue. We will be glad to assist you further.

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yes it is listed under device and printers.

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We appreciate your time and effort for getting back to us.

As you can see all your devices under Device and printer, I would like to know if you are facing any issues with any of the device.

When you say » any method to install it in windows 10″, Are you looking for to install the program Microsoft scanner and camera wizard in Windows 10?

I would like to inform you that this feature used to come pre installed in Windows 7. However it is not included in Windows 10. You can view all your devices from Device and printer.

If you are facing any issues related to any device, let us know. We will be glad to assist you.

Windows 10 Scanner and Camera Wizard .

Is there currently (2016) an alternative to the Windows Scanner and
Camera Wizard.

Or anything similar we can use on the Windows 10 computer?

We have no idea why this feature was discontinued from Windows 7.

It is such an amazing wizard when you want to download pictures
from your camera to your computer. and renaming the files and pictures.

Any help is appreciated.

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You may Make changes to the Autoplay settings to download the pictures.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Open Start menu.
  2. Type «Autoplay».
  3. Open «Autoplay settings».
  4. Make the required changes.

You may also use third party applications to download the pictures.

Disclaimer: Using Third Party Software, including hardware drivers can cause serious problems that may prevent your computer from booting properly. Microsoft cannot guarantee that any problems resulting from the use of Third Party Software can be solved. Using Third Party Software is at your own risk.

If you have any further queries, feel free to contact us. We will be happy to help you.

Scanner and Camera Wizard for Windows 7

I miss the XP version of the camera wizard, what is the easiest one to use for Windows 7, or is there a way to download the one for the XP to Windows 7:

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* Please try a lower page number.

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The Scanner and Camera Installation wizard is primarily designed to install drivers for older scanners and cameras—and some networked scanners—that aren’t automatically recognized by Windows.

Before using the wizard, connect your scanner or camera and turn it on. If Windows recognizes the device and installs the appropriate driver, you’re all set. There’s no need to run the wizard.

Umesh P — Microsoft Support

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I miss the XP version of the camera wizard, what is the easiest one to use for Windows 7, or is there a way to download the one for the XP to Windows 7:

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I miss the XP version of the camera wizard, what is the easiest one to use for Windows 7, or is there a way to download the one for the XP to Windows 7:

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The question is not about hardware installation, but about «Download pictures from a camera or scanner» (description of WinXP program). I have the same question about downloading.

I have not been able to locate the Windows program that will let me name the photo files before downloading. It names the folder, and allows tags, but does NOT let me name the files like the WinXP «Microsoft Scanner and Camera Wizard».

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I agree with CatLou and I’ve seen dozens of posts on the web about this without a solution.

The key advatage for me with the way XP’s wizard worked was that it allowed you to give a default name, scanning dimentions, directory, etc. allowing you to scan several 4×6 photos, 8×10 documents, whatever. in succession by hitting the scan/back button repeatedly.

This allowed me to scan several documents of the same dimension, say 8 1/2 x 11 «tax documents 2007» quickly and allowed me to create an image archive.

Windows 7’s wizard presumes one task at a time and doesn’t consider that one might want to scan several family photos at once.

In general I like Windows 7 but in a few respects, Windows 7 has been 2 steps forward, 3 back.

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The WinXP Scanner and Camera Wizard had a lot of functionality that I have not yet found available in Win7. In particular, it allowed selective download from a camera. The Win7 import pictures feature offloads everything, and from a camera that has thousands of images, this can take a while, when all I want is to get the 20 or so latest photos or videos.

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Another use-case I miss from WinXP’s Scanner and Camera Wizard is the ability to tag each selective download. This capability may be offered in post-download processing on Win7, but we have to first get around the fact that I don’t want all thousand of my nephew’s photos, just the ones he took a few minutes ago.

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I miss the XP version of the camera wizard, what is the easiest one to use for Windows 7, or is there a way to download the one for the XP to Windows 7:

I am having the same issues with my Windows 7 software while using the Scanner & Camera Wizard and miss how it operated using XP. I do not understand why there is not a way to download the old drivers and have it work the same. To date Microsoft has not answered this question. I feel as if I wasted yet more time and frustration with this issue.

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To date Microsoft has not answered this question. I feel as if I wasted yet more time and frustration with this issue.

Technically, a Microsoft support engineer answered this question and has received several votes that the answer was helpful. Probably we need to open a new issue if we want to get any further attention from Microsoft.

That having been said, since I clicked the «me too» button some time ago for this question, I have discovered some of the functionality I missed from the XP scanner and camera wizard in the Windows Live Photo Gallery. It’s not as simple and straightforward as I would have liked, but it does allow you to select which photos and videos to copy or move from the camera and helps to categorize them, albeit in a different way.

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Windows Scanner and Camera Wizard

Where is my automatic scanner and camera wizard gone to? Why isn’t it appear automatically when I plugged in my scanner or camera? This could happen due to some random errors.

This post contains fixes to the problem as well as other manual methods of how to import your photo and picture without using the wizard.

Scanner and camera wizard is a built-in feature included in Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. Scanner and camera wizard will appear to you whenever you plugged in a portable device that has the functionality of a scanner or a camera, such as a digital camera or a cellphone with camera. In some rare cases, the scanner and camera wizard might not appear even after you connected your digital camera to your PC. Oh no! What to do now?

Check whether your digital camera has properly connected to your computer

Of course the scanner and camera wizard wouldn’t work if you’ve not connect your digital camera to your computer. When you plug your digital camera into your computer via USB, you will probably hear a cute beeping sound, saying it’s connected. If you din’t hear any sound after connected your digital camera to your PC, the main possibility is hardware failure. It can be a malfunction on your camera, the USB wire connector or the USB slot that have gone bad. In this case, you’ll have to test your camera with another computer or with another USB wire connector in another USB slot.

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Beeping sound does not always correct. It can sometimes indicate that your hardware is unrecognizable. To check whether your computer has properly recognize your digital camera or your cellphone/iPhone device,

  1. Go to My Computer.
  2. If your computer has successfully recognized your device, it will show you an icon of the device you’ve connected into it.
    For example, in my case, I’ve connected my iPhone to my PC and it shows me this.

If the icon doesn’t show up, replug your device see if it works, also try to replug it into a different USB slot on your computer. If it still not showing up, that might be caused by hardware failure. If you 100% sure that it’s not your hardware problem, I would suggest you to do a full system check to see whether there’s any virus or spyware that may have altered the hardware recognize settings. Read more about our Computer Security Tips.

Optional: Import picture without using scanner and camera wizard

Now that you’ve your device successfully connected to your computer, you can choose to manually import your picture instead using scanner and camera wizard.

To do this in Windows XP,

  1. Go to My Computer.
  2. Double click your digital camera icon.
  3. Tick or highlight photos you want to import to your PC.
  4. Click on the Get Picture from Camera link (or something similar) on your left and you’re done.

To do this in Windows Vista and Windows 7,

  1. Go to My Computer.
  2. Double click your digital camera or cellphone/iPhone icon.
  3. Highlight the photos you want to import to your PC.
  4. Copy and paste them to anywhere you like.

Enabling scanner and camera wizard to open automatically in Windows XP

If you would like the scanner and camera wizard to appear automatically immdiate after you plugged in your device, follow these steps:

  1. Go to My Computer.
  2. Double click your digital camera or cellphone/iPhone icon.
  3. Under Camera Tasks on the left, click on Show camera properties (right below Get Picture from Camera)
  4. Click on Events tab.
  5. Under Actions, select Start this program radio button.
  6. Then select the action you want to take when you connect your camera. In this case, we will choose Microsoft Scanner and Camera Wizard.

That’s it. The next time you connect your digital camera or your cellphone/iPhone into your computer, the Microsoft Scanner and Camera Wizard should appear automatically.

How to Manually run Import Pictures and Videos in Windows Vista and 7

Unlike Scanner and Camera Wizard in Windows XP, the name of the same feature is known as Import Pictures and Videos in Windows Vista and Windows 7. To manually run Import Pictures and Videos in Windows Vista and 7,

  1. Go to My Computer
  2. In the sidebar on your left, right click your digital camera device.
  3. Select Import Pictures and Videos.
  4. After clicking that, you should be able to see these:

  5. To import photos to your PC, just tag your pictures and click Import.

To choose an action to be automatically performed when you connect your device into your PC in Windows Vista and 7

So if you would like to ask for automatic prompting Import Pictures and Videos feature to you when you connect your digital camera or your cellphone/iPhone, here’s how you can do that:

  1. Go to the Start menu, click on Control Panel.
  2. Double click on the Default Programs icon. If in case you don’t see that icon, find the big word Programs, click it and now you should be able to see the Default Programs icon.
  3. Click on Change Auto play settings.
  4. Scroll down to the Device section and locate your digital camera or your cellphone/iPhone devices.
  5. From the drop down menu, you can choose what action or program you want your computer to run when you plug in your digital camera or your cellphone/iPhone devices.

    If you want it to start Import Pictures and Videos when you connect your device, choose Import pictures and videos using Windows. As for me, I would pick Ask me every time as I might not want to import directly everytime. I will sometimes import the images into adobe photoshop or bridge for editting rather than direct import. In this way, I’ll have more choices and it’s just one click away from direct import . Yet it’s your choice of what action you want to take when you connect your device.
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