Windows security alert window

Windows security alert

No it’s not a virus, and that’s why your AV app won’t detect it. It’s a Tech Support Scam, and here’s what you need to know about it:

All web-based malware alerts are fakes. Microsoft actually does have an ongoing conversation with your PC (via telemetry) regarding updates, system errors, malware issues, and so forth – but it never responds with a warning in your web browser. Any legitimate alert from your AV app, or from your OS, will always appear in either a notification area pop-up, or an independent window (outside of your browser window) – never as a pop-up in your web browser.

So whenever you see one of these security alerts pop up in your browser, it always means that somebody out there is looking to scam you, and that they’re using this fake alert just to lure you into calling their “tech support” number. If you call the number, they’ll just try to scam you out of some money by selling you worthless software or services at an exorbitant price, and maybe by stealing your personal information. If you refuse to pay up, there’s also a chance that they might punish you by installing some malware or by locking you out of your computer. These Tech Support Scam pop-up messages (dialogs) come in lots of familiar themes: virus detections; hacker alerts; firewall intrusions; hardware error reports; system error reports; and what have you – but all of these web-based warnings are fakes, and you just have to ignore the content and close the page.

And of course closing the malicious page is usually the problem, because most of these scam sites try to coerce you into calling their “tech support” number by preventing you from closing your browser. They do that with a dialog loop, which is just a script that reloads the fake pop-up alert (dialog) every time you try to close it. So in order to escape from one of these malicious pages, the first thing that you have to do is try to close the alert. That allows the browser to detect the message loop – and the browser will then immediately add a Dialog Loop Protection checkbox (e.g., “Don’t let this page create more messages”) to the fake alert popup. And then once you’ve checked that option, you should be able to close the scam page right along with the popup:

Unfortunately, the scammers have come up with some pretty clever ways of hiding the Dialog Loop Protection checkbox – and since they still haven’t resolved the issue with AutoRecover forcing a last session recovery in the Edge browser, you might still need to use the old “indirect startup” method for closing a Tech Support Scam page in Edge:

1. First, right-click on the taskbar and select Task Manager – or use Ctrl + Alt + Delete if the taskbar is hidden.

2. Then select the browser app and click on the End task button.

3. Now, restart Edge indirectly by entering a search topic (like “tesla”) for a Cortana web search.

4. Then right-click on the search-result tab and choose “Close other tabs”.

If Edge will then close and reopen without bringing up the browser-locking scam page, then the issue was probably just caused by a dialog-looping script on the webpage itself, and not by any real malware. Of course there are a few Tech Support Scam pages out there that won’t be removed by these procedures because they actually lockup the browser with binary malware that’s been installed on the system – and these can only be removed with specialized malware-removal tools:

On browsers that don’t support Dialog Loop Protection, though, you’ll still have to close the browser window with Task Manager (right-click on the taskbar; start Task Manager; and then end the browser process) and then go directly to your home page when you reopen the browser.

There’s also a newer version of the Tech Support Scam that shifts the scam page to full-screen in order to hide your desktop and taskbar. With this one, you should be able to toggle the screen with the browser screen control keys; for example, I can toggle Edge’s full-screen on and off with Windows logo + Shift + Enter. But since the screen control keys aren’t very well known, what I would recommend for this would be the old familiar Ctrl + Alt + Delete. That allows you to start Task Manager – where you can just close the browser app. In fact, if you start Task Manager this way with Edge in full-screen, this will automatically minimize Edge, and that leaves the desktop wide open. So there are several different ways to get out of one of these full-screen scams – provided, of course, that there isn’t any real malware running in the background that could interfere.

Удаление Security Alert: Удалите Security Alert Навсегда

Что такое Security Alert

Скачать утилиту для удаления Security Alert

Удалить Security Alert вручную

Получить проффесиональную тех поддержку

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Описание угрозы

Имя исполняемого файла:

Security Alert



Win32 (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Seven, Windows 8)

Метод заражения Security Alert

Security Alert копирует свои файл(ы) на ваш жёсткий диск. Типичное имя файла Securityalert.dll. Потом он создаёт ключ автозагрузки в реестре с именем Security Alert и значением Securityalert.dll. Вы также можете найти его в списке процессов с именем Securityalert.dll или Security Alert.

Если у вас есть дополнительные вопросы касательно Security Alert, пожалуйста, заполните эту форму и мы вскоре свяжемся с вами.

Скачать утилиту для удаления

Скачайте эту программу и удалите Security Alert and Securityalert.dll (закачка начнется автоматически):

* SpyHunter был разработан американской компанией EnigmaSoftware и способен удалить удалить Security Alert в автоматическом режиме. Программа тестировалась на Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 и Windows 8.


Удаляет все файлы, созданные Security Alert.

Удаляет все записи реестра, созданные Security Alert.

Программа способна защищать файлы и настройки от вредоносного кода.

Программа может исправить проблемы с браузером и защищает настройки браузера.

Читайте также:  Как удалить find exe windows 10

Удаление гарантированно — если не справился SpyHunter предоставляется бесплатная поддержка.

Антивирусная поддержка в режиме 24/7 входит в комплект поставки.

Скачайте утилиту для удаления Security Alert от российской компании Security Stronghold

Если вы не уверены какие файлы удалять, используйте нашу программу Утилиту для удаления Security Alert.. Утилита для удаления Security Alert найдет и полностью удалит Security Alert и все проблемы связанные с вирусом Security Alert. Быстрая, легкая в использовании утилита для удаления Security Alert защитит ваш компьютер от угрозы Security Alert которая вредит вашему компьютеру и нарушает вашу частную жизнь. Утилита для удаления Security Alert сканирует ваши жесткие диски и реестр и удаляет любое проявление Security Alert. Обычное антивирусное ПО бессильно против вредоносных таких программ, как Security Alert. Скачать эту упрощенное средство удаления специально разработанное для решения проблем с Security Alert и Securityalert.dll (закачка начнется автоматически):


Удаляет все файлы, созданные Security Alert.

Удаляет все записи реестра, созданные Security Alert.

Программа может исправить проблемы с браузером.

Иммунизирует систему.

Удаление гарантированно — если Утилита не справилась предоставляется бесплатная поддержка.

Антивирусная поддержка в режиме 24/7 через систему GoToAssist входит в комплект поставки.

Наша служба поддержки готова решить вашу проблему с Security Alert и удалить Security Alert прямо сейчас!

Оставьте подробное описание вашей проблемы с Security Alert в разделе Техническая поддержка. Наша служба поддержки свяжется с вами и предоставит вам пошаговое решение проблемы с Security Alert. Пожалуйста, опишите вашу проблему как можно точнее. Это поможет нам предоставит вам наиболее эффективный метод удаления Security Alert.

Как удалить Security Alert вручную

Эта проблема может быть решена вручную, путём удаления ключей реестра и файлов связанных с Security Alert, удалением его из списка автозагрузки и де-регистрацией всех связанных DLL файлов. Кроме того, отсутствующие DLL файлы должны быть восстановлены из дистрибутива ОС если они были повреждены Security Alert.

Чтобы избавиться от Security Alert, вам необходимо:

1. Завершить следующие процессы и удалить соответствующие файлы:

Предупреждение: вам необходимо удалить только файлы, контольные суммы которых, находятся в списке вредоносных. В вашей системе могут быть нужные файлы с такими же именами. Мы рекомендуем использовать Утилиту для удаления Security Alert для безопасного решения проблемы.

2. Удалите следующие папки:

3. Удалите следующие ключи и\или значения ключей реестра:

Предупреждение: Если указаны значения ключей реестра, вы должны удалить только указанные значения и оставить сами ключи нетронутыми. Мы рекомендуем использовать Утилиту для удаления Security Alert для безопасного решения проблемы.

Как предотвратить заражение рекламным ПО? Мы рекомендуем использовать Adguard:

4. Сбросить настройки браузеров

Security Alert иногда может влиять на настройки вашего браузера, например подменять поиск и домашнюю страницу. Мы рекомендуем вам использовать бесплатную функцию «Сбросить настройки браузеров» в «Инструментах» в программе Spyhunter Remediation Tool для сброса настроек всех браузеров разом. Учтите, что перед этим вам надо удалить все файлы, папки и ключи реестра принадлежащие Security Alert. Для сброса настроек браузеров вручную используйте данную инструкцию:

Для Internet Explorer

Если вы используете Windows XP, кликните Пуск, и Открыть. Введите следующее в поле Открыть без кавычек и нажмите Enter: «inetcpl.cpl».

Если вы используете Windows 7 или Windows Vista, кликните Пуск. Введите следующее в поле Искать без кавычек и нажмите Enter: «inetcpl.cpl».

Выберите вкладку Дополнительно

Под Сброс параметров браузера Internet Explorer, кликните Сброс. И нажмите Сброс ещё раз в открывшемся окне.

Выберите галочку Удалить личные настройки для удаления истории, восстановления поиска и домашней страницы.

После того как Internet Explorer завершит сброс, кликните Закрыть в диалоговом окне.

Предупреждение: В случае если это не сработает используйте бесплатную опцию Сбросить настройки браузеров в Инструменты в программе Spyhunter Remediation Tool.

Для Google Chrome

Найдите папку установки Google Chrome по адресу: C:\Users\»имя пользователя»\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\User Data.

В папке User Data, найдите файл Default и переименуйте его в DefaultBackup.

Запустите Google Chrome и будет создан новый файл Default.

Настройки Google Chrome сброшены

Предупреждение: В случае если это не сработает используйте бесплатную опцию Сбросить настройки браузеров в Инструменты в программе Spyhunter Remediation Tool.

Для Mozilla Firefox

В меню выберите Помощь > Информация для решения проблем.

Кликните кнопку Сбросить Firefox.

После того, как Firefox завершит, он покажет окно и создаст папку на рабочем столе. Нажмите Завершить.

Предупреждение: Так вы потеряте выши пароли! Рекомендуем использовать бесплатную опцию Сбросить настройки браузеров в Инструменты в программе Spyhunter Remediation Tool.

Windows Security Alert Scam

Written by Tomas Meskauskas on 06 April 2021 (updated)

Windows Security Alert removal instructions

What is Windows Security Alert?

«Windows Security Alert» is a fake error message displayed by a malicious website. Users often visit this website inadvertently — they are redirected by potentially unwanted adware-type programs (PUPs). These apps usually infiltrate systems without consent. As well as causing unwanted redirects, this type of adware collects various data relating to Internet browsing activity and delivers intrusive online advertisements.

The «Windows Security Alert» error message states that the computer has been infected and that private details (email logins, banking details, etc.) are at risk. It is emphasised that the ‘problem’ must be solved immediately by calling the toll-free telephone number («1-844-826-1198«) provided. Victims then supposedly receive help in removing the malware. Be aware, however, that «Windows Security Alert» is fake. None of the listed viruses exist. Cyber criminals merely attempt to scare and trick victims into calling and paying for services that are not needed. Therefore, you should ignore this pop-up and never call the number. This app gathers IP addresses, search queries, websites visited, pages viewed, and other similar data that might be personally identifiable and shared with third parties (potentially, cyber criminals) who generate revenue by misusing personal details. Therefore, the presence of an information-tracking app on your system can lead to serious privacy issues or even identity theft. In addition, this adware delivers intrusive online advertisements. To achieve this, developers employ a ‘virtual layer’ — a tool that enables placement of third party graphical content on any site. These ads often conceal content of visited websites, thereby significantly diminishing the web browsing experience. In addition, they often redirect to malicious websites — even accidental clicks can result in high-risk adware or malware infections. Potentially unwanted programs must be uninstalled immediately.

Threat Summary:

To eliminate possible malware infections, scan your computer with legitimate antivirus software. Our security researchers recommend using Malwarebytes.
▼ Download Malwarebytes
To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Malwarebytes. 14 days free trial available.

There are dozens of fake errors similar to «Windows Security Alert» including Microsoft Office Activation Wizard, Your PC Ran Into A Problem, and Your Computer May Be At Risk — these are just some examples from many. All claim that the computer is infected, missing system files, or damaged in other similar ways. These claims are false. As mentioned above, fake errors such as «Windows Security Alert» are designed only to generate revenue by tricking victims into paying. All adware-type apps are also very similar. By offering various ‘useful features’, PUPs attempt to give the impression of legitimacy, however, they are designed to collect personal data, deliver intrusive online advertisements and, in this case, cause unwanted redirects. PUPs are useless for regular users.

Another variant of this scam «Microsoft Security Alert«, uses a number of +1-844-257-9402:

How did adware install on my computer?

Adware-type applications are often distributed via a deceptive marketing method called «bundling» (stealth installation of PUPs with regular software). Developers know that most users rush the download/installation processes and skip most steps. Therefore, bundled programs are hidden within the «Custom/Advanced» settings. Skipping this section often leads to inadvertent installation of rogue applications.

How to avoid installation of potentially unwanted applications?

Installation of PUPs can be prevented by taking two simple steps. Firstly, never rush when downloading and installing software. Select the «Custom/Advanced» settings and carefully analyze each step. Secondly, decline offers to download/install additional applications and cancel those already included. The key to computer safety is caution.

Text presented within «Windows Security Alert» error pop-up:

Windows System Security Alert Oops !! Something went wrong with your Windows Dear Windows User, The Website you have recently visited may have downloaded the Malware and Virus on your Windows system.
windows Defender is Suspicious about your Windows System Security.
Your TCP Connection Was Blocked by Your Windows Security System. Your Windows and Chrome has been locked untill we may hear from you to immediately fix this issue.
Please Contact windows Windows Help Desk
Customer Support : 1-844-826-1198 (TOLL-FREE)
Please contact network administration to rectify the issue. Please do not open internet browser for your security issue to avoid data corruption on your registery of your operating system Windows . Please contact Windows network administration department a. rived from the story of the wooden horse used to trick defenders of Troy into taking concealed warriors into their city in ancient Greece, because computer Trojans often employ a form of social engineering, presenting themselves as routine, useful, or interesting in order to persuade victims to install them on their computers.
A Trojan often acts as a backdoor, contacting a controller which can then have unauthorized access to the affected computer. The Trojan and backdoors are not themselves easily detectable, but if they carry out significant computing or communications activity may cause the computer to run noticeably slowly. Malicious programs are classified as Trojans if they do not attempt to inject themselves into other files (computer virus) or otherwise propagate themselves (worm).
A computer may host a Trojan via a malicious program a user is duped into executing files or browsing internet. Please contact network administration department at 1-844-826-1198 (TOLL-FREE)

Another variant of this «Windows Security Alert» scam (crooks use «1-844-826-1198» phone number):

Text presented within this website:

WARNING! The Website you may have recently visited have downloaded the Malware and Virus on your Windows system. Contact Windows Help Desk For Immediate Support and resolve this issue at Toll-Free: 1-844-826-1198. Click on “Report to Windows” to let us know about this issue.

Windows detected major Malware and Virus Download from the Internet. DO NOT TRY TO CLOSE THIS PAGE. Your personal Information like Login User, Password, and Banking Details are may not be SAFE. Contact Windows HELP Desk Immediately to prevent Data Theft on your Windows system. Call Windows at Toll Free 1-844-826-1198 For Immediate Support or Download Windows Security Essentials to scan your Windows PC.

Another variant of this «Windows Security Alert» scam (crooks use «+ 1 844 885 0155» phone number):

Text presented within this pop-up:

Windows Customer ID: WINDOWS10A182404

Suspicious Connection Was Trying To Access Your IP Address, Logins & Tracking your Banking.
Your TCP Connection Was Blocked By Your Firewall. Your Connection Will Be Suspended Soon.
Hard Drive Have Trojan Virus! Please Don’t Try To Fix Manually, It Will Crash Your All Data on the Device.
Suspicious Connection may trying to access following information:
> Banking Information.
> Email / Facebook Logins.
> Credit cards details.
> Photos stored on this device.

Your Windows Customer ID: WINDOWS10A182404
Call Official Windows Support Tollfree: +1 844 885 0155
Malicious spyware / riskware detected.
Error #31(0x1F) Unknown System Failure!

Please call WINDOWS SUPPORT NO: +1 844 885 0155 (TOLL FREE) immediately.
Suspicious Connection Was Trying To Access Your IP Address, Logins & Tracking your Banking.
Your TCP Connection Was Blocked By Your Firewall. Your Connection Will Be Suspended Soon.
Hard Drive Have Trojan Virus! Please Don’t Try To Fix Manually, It Will Crash Your All Data on the Device.
Suspicious Connection may trying to access following information:
> Banking Information.
> Email / Facebook Logins.
> Credit cards details.
> Photos stored on this device.

Consequently, We are performing additional security check to verify our existing customers.
Please Call OFFICIAL WINDOWS TOLLFREE NUMBER +1 844 885 0155 to reactivate your Connection.
Please mention the Your YOUR WINDOWS CUSTOMER ID: WINDOWS10A182404 when you are calling.
prevent this page from creating additional dialogs

Appearance of this website (GIF):

Yet another example of Windows Security Alert pop-up scam:

Text presented within:

Windows Security Alert
Call Immediately :

Call now: 0800-051-3721 (Free phone)

A problem has been detected and windows has been shutdown.

If this is first time you’ve seen this screen,contact windows technician : 0800-051-3721
Begining dump of physical memory.
Immediately contact technical support to prevent further damage.
A problem has been detected and Windows has been crash

The problem seems to be caused by the following file : SPCMDCON.SYS

If this is the first time you’ve seen this stop error screen,
don’t restart your computer.If this screen again & again, follow these steps:

Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.
If this is a new installation,ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any Windows updates you might need.

If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software
Disable BIOS memory option such as caching or shadowing.

Instant automatic malware removal: Manual threat removal might be a lengthy and complicated process that requires advanced computer skills. Malwarebytes is a professional automatic malware removal tool that is recommended to get rid of malware. Download it by clicking the button below:
▼ DOWNLOAD Malwarebytes By downloading any software listed on this website you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Malwarebytes. 14 days free trial available.

Quick menu:

Adware removal:

Windows 7 users:

Click Start (Windows Logo at the bottom left corner of your desktop), choose Control Panel . Locate Programs and click Uninstall a program .

Windows XP users:

Click Start , choose Settings and click Control Panel . Locate and click Add or Remove Programs .

Windows 10 and Windows 8 users:

Right-click in the lower left corner of the screen, in the Quick Access Menu select Control Panel . In the opened window choose Programs and Features .

Mac OSX users:

Click Finder , in the opened screen select Applications . Drag the app from the Applications folder to the Trash (located in your Dock), then right click the Trash icon and select Empty Trash .

In the uninstall programs window, look for any suspicious/recently-installed applications, select these entries and click «Uninstall» or «Remove«.

After uninstalling the potentially unwanted program, scan your computer for any remaining unwanted components or possible malware infections. To scan your computer, use recommended malware removal software.

Malwarebytes checks if your computer is infected with malware. To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Malwarebytes. 14 days free trial available.

Remove adware from Internet browsers:

Video showing how to remove potentially unwanted browser add-ons:

Remove malicious add-ons from Internet Explorer:

Click the «gear» icon (at the top right corner of Internet Explorer), select «Manage Add-ons». Look for any recently-installed suspicious browser extensions, select these entries and click «Remove».

Optional method:

If you continue to have problems with removal of the windows security alert tech support scam, reset your Internet Explorer settings to default.

Windows XP users: Click Start , click Run , in the opened window type inetcpl.cpl In the opened window click the Advanced tab, then click Reset .

Windows Vista and Windows 7 users: Click the Windows logo, in the start search box type inetcpl.cpl and click enter. In the opened window click the Advanced tab, then click Reset .

Windows 8 users: Open Internet Explorer and click the gear icon. Select Internet Options .

In the opened window, select the Advanced tab.

Click the Reset button.

Confirm that you wish to reset Internet Explorer settings to default by clicking the Reset button.

Remove malicious extensions from Google Chrome:

Click the Chrome menu icon (at the top right corner of Google Chrome), select «Tools» and click «Extensions». Locate all recently-installed suspicious browser add-ons, select these entries and click the trash can icon.

Optional method:

If you continue to have problems with removal of the windows security alert tech support scam, reset your Google Chrome browser settings. Click the Chrome menu icon (at the top right corner of Google Chrome) and select Settings . Scroll down to the bottom of the screen. Click the Advanced… link.

After scrolling to the bottom of the screen, click the Reset (Restore settings to their original defaults) button.

In the opened window, confirm that you wish to reset Google Chrome settings to default by clicking the Reset button.

Remove malicious plug-ins from Mozilla Firefox:

Click the Firefox menu (at the top right corner of the main window), select «Add-ons». Click «Extensions», in the opened window, remove all recently-installed suspicious browser plug-ins.

Optional method:

Computer users who have problems with windows security alert tech support scam removal can reset their Mozilla Firefox settings.

Open Mozilla Firefox, at the top right corner of the main window, click the Firefox menu , in the opened menu, click Help.

Select Troubleshooting Information .

In the opened window, click the Refresh Firefox button.

In the opened window, confirm that you wish to reset Mozilla Firefox settings to default by clicking the Refresh Firefox button.

Remove malicious extensions from Safari:

Make sure your Safari browser is active, click Safari menu , and select Preferences. .

In the opened window click Extensions , locate any recently installed suspicious extension, select it and click Uninstall .

Optional method:

Make sure your Safari browser is active and click on Safari menu. From the drop down menu select Clear History and Website Data.

In the opened window select all history and click the Clear History button.

Remove malicious extensions from Microsoft Edge:

Click the Edge menu icon (at the upper-right corner of Microsoft Edge), select «Extensions«. Locate all recently-installed suspicious browser add-ons and click «Remove» below their names.

Optional method:

If you continue to have problems with removal of the windows security alert tech support scam, reset your Microsoft Edge browser settings. Click the Edge menu icon (at the top right corner of Microsoft Edge) and select Settings .

In the opened settings menu select Reset settings .

Select Restore settings to their default values . In the opened window, confirm that you wish to reset Microsoft Edge settings to default by clicking the Reset button.

  • If this did not help, follow these alternative instructions explaining how to reset the Microsoft Edge browser.


Commonly, adware or potentially unwanted applications infiltrate Internet browsers through free software downloads. Note that the safest source for downloading free software is via developers’ websites only. To avoid installation of adware, be very attentive when downloading and installing free software. When installing previously-downloaded free programs, choose the custom or advanced installation options – this step will reveal any potentially unwanted applications listed for installation together with your chosen free program.

Removal assistance:
If you are experiencing problems while trying to remove windows security alert tech support scam from your computer, please ask for assistance in our malware support forum.

Post a comment:
If you have additional information on windows security alert tech support scam or it’s removal please share your knowledge in the comments section below.

Click to post a comment

About the author:

Tomas Meskauskas — expert security researcher, professional malware analyst.

I am passionate about computer security and technology. I have an experience of over 10 years working in various companies related to computer technical issue solving and Internet security. I have been working as an author and editor for since 2010. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn to stay informed about the latest online security threats. Contact Tomas Meskauskas.

PCrisk security portal is brought by a company RCS LT. Joined forces of security researchers help educate computer users about the latest online security threats. More information about the company RCS LT.

Our malware removal guides are free. However, if you want to support us you can send us a donation.

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Оцените статью
Name Windows Security Alert tech support scam
Threat Type Adware, Unwanted ads, Pop-up Virus
Symptoms Seeing advertisements not originating from the sites you are browsing. Intrusive pop-up ads. Decreased Internet browsing speed.
Distribution methods Deceptive pop-up ads, free software installers (bundling), fake flash player installers.
Damage Decreased computer performance, browser tracking — privacy issues, possible additional malware infections.
Malware Removal (Windows)