- Blue screen при попытке обновления до Windows 10, версия 20H2
- Ответы (4)
- Обновления KB5000802 и KB5000808 для Windows 10 вызывают сбой BSOD
- Сбой связан с win32kfull.sys
- Как исправить сбой BSOD в win32kfull.sys
- Blue Screen after Windows Updates in Windows 10
- 0x7B INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE Blue Screen after Windows Updates
- Advanced Troubleshooting: Error 7B Inaccessible_Boot_Device after Windows 10 Update installation
- Blue screen during Windows update
- Replies (9)
Blue screen при попытке обновления до Windows 10, версия 20H2
Продолжительное время не могу обновить Windows 2004 до 20H2. В процессе обновления синий экран, затем Windows отменяет обновления.
Вот что пишет BlueScreenView:
В целом система работает стабильно, но вот эти попытки обновления уже напрягать начинают.
Ответы (4)
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Обновления KB5000802 и KB5000808 для Windows 10 вызывают сбой BSOD
Обновлено: 19.03.2021: Microsoft выпускает второе по счету обновление для Windows 10, которое исправляет проблемы с печатью, включая KB5001649 и KB5001648.
Обновлено: 16.03.2021: Microsoft выпустила серию внеочередных обновлений, включая KB5001567 и KB5001566, которые исправляют проблемы сбоя BSOD «APC_INDEX_MISMATCH win32kfull.sys» при печати на устройствах Windows 10 и Windows Server.
Обновлено: 11.03.2021: Microsoft расследует ошибку APC_INDEX_MISMATCH с синим экраном, которая возникает при попытке печати на определенных принтерах после установки KB5000802 и KB5000808.
9 марта 2021 года, во «Вторник Патчей» компания Microsoft выпустила ежемесячное накопительное обновление KB5000802 для Windows 10, версия 21H1, 20H2 и 2004. Сразу после релиза пользователи Windows 10 стали сообщать о возникновении стоп-ошибок с отображением «синего экрана смерти» (Blue Screen of Death, BSOD).
Ситуация усугубляется тем, что KB5000802 является автоматическим обновлением, т.е. оно в автоматическом режиме скачивается и устанавливается у большинства клиентов. В результате они не могут повлиять на ситуацию и сталкиваются со сбоями BSOD против своей воли.
Судя по отчетам пользователей, стоп-ошибки возникают на компьютерах с принтерами. Windows 10 полностью вылетает и выдает синий экран смерти с описанием ошибки «APC_INDEX_MISMATCH for win32kfull.sys».
Впервые проблема была обнаружена одним из пользователей, который столкнулся с множественными сбоями на компьютерах в своей организации. Он рассказал:
Данное обновление, по всей видимости, приводит к отображению синего экрана при печати с использованием драйверов Kyocera Universal Print. Уже было как минимум 20 подтвержденных случаев на 4 разных устройствах, и это всего за один час рабочего времени».
В сообщениях о сбоях фигурируют принтеры Kyocera, Ricoh, Zebra и другие.
Точный масштаб проблемы неизвестен, но количество сообщений об ошибках на веб-ресурсах растет. Тревожным является тот факт, что Windows 10 просто вылетает, когда пользователи нажимают кнопку «Печать» в таких приложениях, как Блокнот, Microsoft Office и т.д.
Пользователи Windows 10, версия 1909 сталкиваются с аналогичной проблемой после установки KB5000808.
Сбой связан с win32kfull.sys
На Reddit несколько системных администраторов также подтвердили, что обновление KB5000802 блокирует печать с использованием принтеров Kyocera. При этом не помогает ни один обходной путь, кроме принудительного удаления обновления.
Один из пользователей поделился:
Мне удалось решить проблему на нескольких рабочих станциях путем удаления обновления с помощью команды wusa /uninstall /kb:5000802. Windows 10 2004 и 20H2, похоже, имеют одинаковые проблемы с BSOD. Я также пытался обновить драйверы до последней версии KX Universal Printer Driver (v.8.1.1109), но данные меры не привели к результату.
Отдельные пользователи сообщают, что Microsoft временно приостановила развертывание накопительного обновления за март 2021 года. Тем не менее, некоторые пользователи все еще видят накопительное обновление на странице Центра обновления Windows.
Как исправить сбой BSOD в win32kfull.sys
В качестве временного решения предлагается удалить обновление и подождать выхода исправления. Для удаления KB5000802 (или KB5000808) выполните следующие действия:
- Перейдите в Параметры > Обновление и безопасность > Центр обновления Windows.
- Выберите Просмотр журнала обновлений.
- Нажмите ссылку Удалить обновления.
- Найдите обновление и нажмите Удалить.
- Чтобы завершить удаление, нужно выполнить перезагрузку ПК.
- После запуска системы зайдите в меню Обновление и безопасность и нажмите Приостановить обновления на 7 дн. Таким образом можно приостановить установку обновлений максимум до 35 дней.
Еще один обходной путь заключался в переходе на драйверы принтера Microsoft PCL6.
Выполнив указанные выше действия, снова откройте то же приложение «Параметры» и приостановите обновления.
Blue Screen after Windows Updates in Windows 10
If you see a Stop Error – 0x7B INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE after applying Windows Updates on your Windows 10/8/7 system, know that it is the result of the boot state that the system gets. Microsoft has laid down some steps that will help you address this issue. Let us take a look at them.
0x7B INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE Blue Screen after Windows Updates
When you get the 0x7B INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE error, you might be at a loss. Maybe you can’t even understand the problem, but don’t worry, that is only normal. What’s more, this apparently complicated problem has some working solutions.
This stop error stems from a flaw in the boot state due to device drivers and data corruption. Sometimes it could also be a result of hardware failure or a virus. Without exception, you will get this stop 0x0000007B error on the Blue Screen of Death or Stop Error.
Even when Windows recovers from the problem, you still get a prompt that says “Windows has recovered from an unexpected shutdown” and this problem can happen on any version of Windows. If this is your problem too, here are some solutions.
Just restart the device to see if the problem solves itself. Sometimes it does and never reappears again. Eles, read on.
1] Make changes to the Hard Drive Controller
If you recently make changes to your hard drive controller, this could be the reason, so reverse the situation by undoing these changes. You carry out any of the following procedures :
- Use System Restore.
- Reconfigure the new hard drive controller.
- Remove the new hard drive controller if reconfiguring doesn’t work and you don’t essentially require it.
- Start up with the Last Known Good Configuration in order to undo registry and avoid the impact of driver changes.
- Go back to the version of hard drive controller and device drivers you had before the driver update.
All these may or may not solve the problem depending on what caused it. If this solution doesn’t work, at least you’ll know your hard drive controller isn’t the problem.
2] Verify SCSI chain termination
If you are using SCSI hard drives, faulty termination is likely the cause of the error. So you need to cater to this problem in order to solve it. However, home computers usually use PATA and SATA and not SCSI, so this might not be your problem, to begin with.
3] Verify installation
Make sure the hard drive is installed correctly. If you haven’t installed any new drive recently, the problem could be something else.
4] Verify BIOS configuration
You need to make sure that your hard drive is correctly configured in the BIOS. Change settings as needed to ensure proper configuration.
5] Scan for virus
As mentioned earlier, the stop error can be a result of a virus. So you need to scan for virus and mainly check the boot sector and MBR for malware attacks. If this is the problem, follow the usual routine of antivirus software assistance and restart your device. Always keep your antivirus updated in order to prevent this problem from happening at all.
6] Update drivers
Outdated hard drive controller drivers can cause this error, so update the device drivers.
7] Change mode in BIOS
Some advanced SATA features can cause this error. Change the SATA (AHCI) mode to IDE mode (ATA or Compatibility Mode) to undo the error and avoid it in the future. In some older versions, the solution might be just the other way around. Clearing the CMOS can also help.
8] Run chkdsk
If the boot volume is corrupted, running chkdsk on the hard drive will solve the problem. You might have to run chkdsk from the Recovery console.
9] Hard drive errors
If a hard drive has gone bad, you will need to replace it. There is no way out from a damaged hard drive.
In order to avoid the error from occurring again, configure the patching infrastructure so that CU and delta updates are not simultaneously installed during a single reboot.
Advanced Troubleshooting: Error 7B Inaccessible_Boot_Device after Windows 10 Update installation
When you receive Error 7B Inaccessible_Boot_Device after Windows 10 Update installation, then its completely different from the scenarios we have covered above. We will have to check if there a pending Windows 10 installation and unload the registry hive to fix it. Boot Windows 10 into Safe Mode using any media installation or if you can get access to Advanced Recovery mode.
Windows Update Installation Status
Open the Command Prompt, and run the following command to verify the Windows update installation and dates. Assuming C is your system drive:
The result of this command should reveal the Install pending and Uninstall Pending packages.
- Run the command dism /Image:C:\ /Cleanup-Image /RevertPendingActions.
- Navigate to C:\Windows\WinSxS, and then check whether the pending.xml file exists. If it does, rename it to pending.xml.old.
Revert Registry Changes
Load Hive
- Type regedit in the run prompt to open the Registry Editor.
- Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, and then go to File >Load Hive.
- Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\config, select the file that is named COMPONENT. Open it.
- Save the name as “OfflineComponentHive.” It is our new Hive.
- Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\OfflineComponentHive, and check whether the PendingXmlIdentifier key exists.
- Create a backup of the OfflineComponentHivekey, and then delete the PendingXmlIdentifier key.
Unload Hive:
Select OfflineComponentHive, and then select File> Unload Hive. Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, go to File > Load Hive. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\config, select the file that is named SYSTEM. Open it. When prompted, enter the name OfflineSystemHive for the new hive.
Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\OfflineSystemHive, and then select the Select key. Check the data for the Default value.
- If the data in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\OfflineSystemHive\Select\Default is 1 , expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\OfflineHive\ControlSet001.
- If it is 2, expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\OfflineHive\ControlSet002, and so on.
Expand Control\Session Manager. Check whether the PendingFileRenameOperations key exists. If it does, back up the SessionManagerkey, and then delete the PendingFileRenameOperations key.
Reboot the computer, and you should not get any error related to 7B Inaccessible_Boot_Device.
Blue screen during Windows update
My Acer laptop has tried several times to install a Windows 10 update (FCU I think), but I get a BSOD before it finishes. I’ve tried using the Windows Update Assistant, which seems to download the update successfully, but the BSOD happens during the installation. Each time I try again, the download happens all over again before starting the actual update. Is it possible to access the downloaded files so that the update can be started immediately, hopefully before the BSOD kicks in? I’m hoping the new version will cure the BSOD problem.
***Moved from: (Windows / Windows 10 / Windows update, recovery, & backup )***
Replies (9)
After the troubleshooter is done, try running Windows Update again and install any available updates.
Let us know how it turned out.
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Is the Windows Update Troubleshooter the same thing as Windows Update Assistant? If so, I’ve been using that unsuccessfully. I tried to download the Troubleshooter, but the laptop didn’t download it — nothing happened at all when I clicked the link, which is typical of the laptop’s erratic behaviour recently.
It did download on my desktop PC, however, but I wonder whether I can simply copy the file (wu170509.diagcab) to the laptop on a USB stick and expect it to work from there. My desktop PC is running W10 Pro, up-to-date including FCU, but the laptop has W10 Home, so I am concerned that there might be some incompatibility if I try that.
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Windows Update Assistant is different from Windows Update Troubleshooter .
The Windows Update Assistant downloads and starts the installation of the latest version of Windows 10, while Windows Update Troubleshooter is a guided walk-through which provides steps to fix problems with Windows Updates.
You can either download the wu170509.diagcab file from your Windows 10 Home computer and transfer it to your thumb drive, or just use the built-in troubleshooter from your Windows 10 Pro Control Panel. Use whichever you prefer or have access to.
After running the troubleshooter, try the update again. If it fails, take note of the error message and get back to us. You may also refer to the article below on how to troubleshoot the blue screen error.
See also the forum article from MVP Community Moderator Andre Da Costa for tips in updating Windows 10.
Let us know your progress.
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Thanks very much for your suggestions. I’m still struggling and not sure whether I’m making any progress at all.
I copied the wu170509.diagcab file on a USB stick from my W10 Pro desktop PC to the W10 Home laptop that is giving me difficulties. When I ran it, it said I should do so in an Administrator account. I thought I had one but couldn’t remember how to find it, but a Google search told me how to set it up via a cmd window. That worked OK, but the Admin account seemed to know I had had one previously (possibly from W7 days before W10 started) and accepted the password I gave it (a guess!) before insisting I should change it.
Having overcome that hurdle, I ran wu170509.diagcab, which diagnosed a number of problems and eventually declared them all to be fixed, with the exception of updating to the FCU. I called up the Windows Update Assistant to do that, and all seemed to be going well at first. Several downloads arrived and were checked before the installation itself began. It got as far as 89% before I had to look away for a few minutes, after which I found it had produced another BSOD.
I ran through the same process again, this time connecting to the router directly instead of via WiFi. This time I was advised to restart after the problems had been fixed, and then reboot and start the update again. This I did, and got another BSOD at 91%.
I have yet to try your «Troubleshoot Blue Screen Errors», and will post the results when I have done so.