- SOLVED: Windows 10 Won’t Install or Download Updates
- Repair Corrupt System Files
- Solution 1: Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter
- Solution 2: Ensure that all services related to Windows Update are running
- Solution 3: Using a Registry Tweak to reset Windows Update
- Solution 4: Fix the issue via an elevated Command Prompt
- Solution 5: Turn OFF Metered Connection
- Устранение ошибок при обновлении до Windows 10: технические сведения для ИТ-специалистов Resolve Windows 10 upgrade errors : Technical information for IT Pros
- В этом руководстве In this guide
- Get help with Windows 10 upgrade and installation errors
- General fixes
- 0xC1900101 Errors
- Other Common Errors
SOLVED: Windows 10 Won’t Install or Download Updates
While Windows 10 is the latest and greatest iteration of the Windows Operating System in existence, it is far from perfect. That being the case, Microsoft periodically rolls out tons of updates for both Windows 10 and the programs and applications that it contains. Unlike with older versions of Windows, however, all updates rolled out to Windows 10 computers via Windows Update are mandatory and are automatically downloaded and installed at one time or another. Regardless of the important status of an update and regardless of whether or not you want to install it, it will eventually be downloaded and installed, although you do have the power to delay the occurrence slightly.
Some Windows 10 users, unfortunately, have been and continue to be affected by an issue where their computers accumulate tons of pending updates, some of which are marked as waiting to be downloaded, some marked as waiting to be installed, but none actually being downloaded or installed no matter how many times affected users try to download and install them. When users affected by this issue go into Windows Update, they see a list of all of the updates available for their computer but are unable to download and/or install any of them even though some are marked as waiting to be downloaded and some waiting to be installed.
Thankfully, though, this problem is not a dead-end problem and can be fixed by pretty simple means. The following are the three most effective solutions that you can use to try and fix this problem:
Repair Corrupt System Files
Download and run Restoro to scan for corrupt files from here, if files are found to be corrupt and missing repair them and then check if it fixes the issue, if not then proceed with Solutions listed below.
Before you Proceed: Make sure to leave the process for at least an hour or two to make sure that Windows isn’t just initializing updates.
Solution 1: Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter
If a Windows 10 component is not working or behaving the way it is supposed to, what you need to do is simply run Windows 10’s built-in Troubleshooting utility, but run it specifically for the component that is malfunctioning. The same applies to Windows Update – since Windows Update is behaving strangely, the first solution you should try out is running the Windows Update Troubleshooter. To do so, you need to:
- Open the Control Panel.
- Switch to Icons
- Click on Troubleshooting.
- Click on View all in the left pane.
- Click on Windows Update.
- Click on Next, and then proceed with the troubleshooter all the way through to the end, following the on-screen instructions along the way.
The Troubleshooter will try to identify any and all problems with Windows Update and fix any problems that it finds. Once you have successfully run the Troubleshooter, you should restart your computer and try downloading and installing Windows Updates once it boots up to see whether or not the issue still persists.
Solution 2: Ensure that all services related to Windows Update are running
You may be facing this Windows Update issue if one or more of the services pertaining to Windows Update is either not enabled or are not running on your computer. If that is the case, this issue can be easily remedied by making sure that all Windows Update-related services are enabled and running.
- Hold down the Windows Logo key, and while doing so, press R to open a Run
- Type services.msc into the Run dialog and press Enter.
- Locate and right-click on the Windows Update service, and click on Properties.
- Set the service’s Startup type to Automatic, if the service is stopped, click on Start to start it, click on Apply and then click on OK.
- Locate and right-click on the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), and click on Properties.
- Repeat step 4.
- Locate and right-click on the Cryptographic Service, and click on Properties.
- Repeat step 4.
Close the utility, restart your computer and check to see whether or not the problem has been fixed once it boots up.
Solution 3: Using a Registry Tweak to reset Windows Update
If the solutions provided above doesn’t fix your problem there is a possibility that registry keys are corrupted or modified there is a Registry Tweak that you can try, basically it will reset the Windows Update‘s registry keys and set them to default which can potentially fix the issue you are having.
- Click hereto download the Registry Tweak.
- Wait for the Registry Tweak to be downloaded.
- Navigate to where the Tweak was downloaded to and double-click on it to run it.
- There will be a pop-up asking “Are you sure you want to continue?” Press “Yes”
- Now press ok.
- Restart your Computer then check to see if the issue still persists.
Solution 4: Fix the issue via an elevated Command Prompt
If none of the solutions listed and described above have worked for you, you may just be able to fix this issue through an elevated Command Prompt. In order to do so, you need to:
- Right-click on the Start Menu button to open the WinX Menu.
- Click on Command Prompt (Admin).
- One by one, type the following commands into the elevated Command Prompt, pressing Enter after typing in each one and waiting for one command to be executed fully before typing in the next:
Once all of the commands listed above have been fully executed, close the Command Prompt and restart your computer.
Check whether or not you are now able to download and install updates via Windows Update once your computer boots up.
Solution 5: Turn OFF Metered Connection
In some cases, the internet connection that you are using might be set up as a metered connection due to which the download restriction might be implemented on it. Therefore, in this step, we will be turning this metered connection OFF and then check to see if the issue still persists. For that:
- Press “Windows” + “I” to open settings.
- Click on the “Networkand Internet” option.
Selecting “Network and Internet” Options
- Click on the “Wifi” option on the left pane and select “Manage known Networks” in the next window.
Accessing the Manage known networks menu
- Click on the Wifi name in the next window and select “Properties”.
- Click on the “Toggle” for “Set as Metered Connection” to turn it off.
- Check to see if the issue persists.
Устранение ошибок при обновлении до Windows 10: технические сведения для ИТ-специалистов Resolve Windows 10 upgrade errors : Technical information for IT Pros
Область применения: Applies to
В этой статье содержатся технические инструкции для ИТ-администраторов. This article contains technical instructions for IT administrators. Если вы не ИТ-администратор, попробуйте некоторые из быстрых исправлений, описанных в этой статье, а затем обратитесь в службу поддержки Майкрософт, начиная с виртуального агента. If you are not an IT administrator, try some of the quick fixes described in this article then contact Microsoft Support starting with the Virtual Agent. Чтобы поговорить с человеком о **** проблеме, нажмите кнопку Начало взаимодействия с виртуальным агентом, а затем введите «Поговорите с человеком» два раза. To talk to a person about your issue, click Get started to interact with the Virtual Agent, then enter «Talk to a person» two times. Виртуальный агент также может помочь вам решить многие проблемы с обновлением Windows. The Virtual Agent can also help you to resolve many Windows upgrade issues. См. также. Справка об ошибках обновления и установки Windows 10 и отправке ошибок обновления Windows 10 с помощью центра отзывов. Also see: Get help with Windows 10 upgrade and installation errors and Submit Windows 10 upgrade errors using Feedback Hub.
В этой статье содержится краткое введение в процессы установки Windows 10 и предусмотрены процедуры разрешения, которые ИТ-администраторы могут использовать для решения проблем с обновлением Windows 10. This article contains a brief introduction to Windows 10 installation processes, and provides resolution procedures that IT administrators can use to resolve issues with Windows 10 upgrade.
Изначально статья была одной страницей, но была разделена на подподразделы различных технических уровней. The article was originally one page, but has been divided into sub-topics of different technical levels. Базовый уровень предоставляет общие процедуры, которые могут устранять несколько типов ошибок обновления. Basic level provides common procedures that can resolve several types of upgrade errors. Расширенный уровень требует некоторого опыта с подробными методами устранения неполадок. Advanced level requires some experience with detailed troubleshooting methods.
Назначены следующие четыре уровня: The following four levels are assigned:
Уровень 100: Базовый Level 100: Basic
Уровень 200: умеренный Level 200: Moderate
Уровень 300: умеренный расширенный Level 300: Moderate advanced
Уровень 400: расширенный Level 400: Advanced
В этом руководстве In this guide
В этой статье рассматриваются следующие темы: See the following topics in this article:
- Быстрые исправления:\Level 100\ Действия, которые можно предпринять для устранения многих ошибок обновления Windows. Quick fixes: \Level 100\ Steps you can take to eliminate many Windows upgrade errors.
- SetupDiag: \Level 300\ SetupDiag — это новый инструмент, который поможет вам изолировать корневую причину сбоя обновления. SetupDiag: \Level 300\ SetupDiag is a new tool to help you isolate the root cause of an upgrade failure.
- Устранениеошибок обновления: \Level 300\ Общие рекомендации и методы устранения ошибок обновления Windows 10, а также объяснение этапов, используемых в процессе обновления. Troubleshooting upgrade errors: \Level 300\ General advice and techniques for troubleshooting Windows 10 upgrade errors, and an explanation of phases used during the upgrade process.
- Отчет об ошибкахWindows: \Level 300\How to use Event Viewer to review details about a Windows 10 upgrade. Windows Error Reporting: \Level 300\ How to use Event Viewer to review details about a Windows 10 upgrade.
- Коды ошибокобновления: \Level 400\ Объяснены компоненты кода ошибки. Upgrade error codes: \Level 400\ The components of an error code are explained.
- Коды результатов: сведения о кодах результатов. Result codes: Information about result codes.
- Коды расширений: сведения о кодах расширений. Extend codes: Information about extend codes.
- Файлы журнала:\Level 400\ Список и описание файлов журналов, полезных для устранения неполадок. Log files: \Level 400\ A list and description of log files useful for troubleshooting.
- Структура записи журнала: описание формата записи журнала. Log entry structure: The format of a log entry is described.
- Анализ файлов журналов: общие процедуры для анализа файлов журналов и пример. Analyze log files: General procedures for log file analysis, and an example.
- Процедуры разрешения:\Level 200\ Причины и процедуры смягчения последствий, связанные с определенными кодами ошибок. Resolution procedures: \Level 200\ Causes and mitigation procedures associated with specific error codes.
- 0xC1900101: сведения о коде результата 0xC1900101. 0xC1900101: Information about the 0xC1900101 result code.
- 0x800xxxxx: сведения о кодах результатов, которые начинаются с 0x800. 0x800xxxxx: Information about result codes that start with 0x800.
- Другие коды результатов: дополнительные причины и процедуры устранения проблем для некоторых кодов результатов. Other result codes: Additional causes and mitigation procedures are provided for some result codes.
- Другие коды ошибок: дополнительные причины и процедуры устранения проблем для некоторых кодов ошибок. Other error codes: Additional causes and mitigation procedures are provided for some error codes.
- Отправка ошибок обновления Windows 10:\Level 100\ Отправка ошибок обновления в Корпорацию Майкрософт для анализа. Submit Windows 10 upgrade errors: \Level 100\ Submit upgrade errors to Microsoft for analysis.
Get help with Windows 10 upgrade and installation errors
There are many reasons why you might receive an error message when upgrading or installing Windows 10, but common errors can be fixed with a few steps that you can do on your own. Note: An upgrade takes your device from an older version of Windows, such as Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, to Windows 10.
Before searching for a specific error code, try the tips listed in General fixes. If those don’t fix your upgrade or installation problem, check the table of error codes at the bottom of this article.
General fixes
Here are some things you can try to fix upgrade and installation errors:
Unplug any nonessential hardware devices. These could include headphones, printers, scanners speakers, USB flash drives, and external hard drives.
If you’re using a laptop and it’s plugged in to a docking station, undock it.
It’s a good idea to make sure that all important updates are installed before trying to upgrade Windows. This includes updates to hardware drivers on your device.
For information and to make sure you’re up-to-date, see Windows Update: FAQ.
Use Windows Defender to protect your device during the upgrade—non-Microsoft antivirus software can sometimes cause upgrade problems. As long as you have installation media and all required activation information, you can always reinstall the software after you upgrade.
To remove an antivirus application, go to Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features. Select the program, and then select Uninstall. Select Yes to confirm.
Outdated software can cause problems with a Windows upgrade, so removing old or nonessential applications can help.
If you plan to reinstall the application later, make sure you have the installation media and all required activation information before removing it.
To uninstall software, go to Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features. Select the program, and then select Uninstall. Select Yes to confirm.
To upgrade to Windows 10, you need enough space on your hard drive for the installation to take place.
To view how much hard drive space is available on your computer, select the Start button, then in the search box on the taskbar, type File Explorer (known as Windows Explorer in Windows 7).
Then select Computer or This PC and look under Hard Disk Drives or under Devices and drives. If there are multiple drives listed, the system drive is the drive that includes a Microsoft Windows logo above the drive icon. You’ll see the amount of available space under the drive.
If it looks like your drive is running low on space, see Tips to free up drive space on your PC.
0xC1900101 Errors
An error that begins with 0xC1900101 is usually a driver error. If you see any of these error codes, try the following steps first to fix the problem. If these steps don’t work, see Resolve Windows 10 upgrade errors for more detailed technical info.
Make sure that your device has enough space. Your device requires at least 16 GB of free space to upgrade a 32-bit OS, or 20 GB for a 64-bit OS. For more info, see Free up drive space in Windows 10.
Run Windows Update a few times. Download and install any available updates in Windows Update, including software updates, hardware updates, and some third-party drivers. Use the troubleshooter for Windows 10 to fix Windows Update errors.
Check third-party drivers and download any updates. You can find third-party drivers and installation instructions for any hardware you’ve added to your device on the manufacturer’s website.
Unplug extra hardware. Remove all external storage devices and drives, docks, and other hardware you might have plugged into your device that isn’t needed for basic functionality.
Check Device Manager for errors. Select the Start button, then in the search box on the taskbar, type device manager. Choose Device Manager from the results. In the window that pops up, look for any device with a yellow exclamation mark beside it (you may have to select each category to switch to the list of devices). Press and hold (or right-click) the device name and select either Update Driver Software or Uninstall to correct the errors.
Remove third-party security software. Make sure you know how to reinstall your programs and that any necessary product keys are on hand. Windows Defender will help protect your device in the meantime.
Repair hard-drive errors. Select the Start button, then in the search box on the taskbar, type command prompt. Choose Command Prompt from the list of results. In the window that pops up, type chkdsk/f C: and press the Enter key. Repairs automatically start on your hard drive, and you’ll be asked to restart your device.
Note: You must have administrator permissions on your device to do this.
Do a clean restart into Windows. Learn how.
Restore and repair system files. Select the Start button, then in the search box on the taskbar, type command prompt. Choose Command Prompt from the list of results. In the window that pops up, type DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth and press the Enter key. (Learn to repair a Windows image)
Note: You must have administrator permissions on your device to do this.
Other Common Errors
The following table lists the most common upgrade and installation errors and some things you can try to fix them. If you continue having problems upgrading or installing Windows 10, contact Microsoft support.
What it means and how to fix it
This indicates that there was a problem downloading and installing the selected update. Windows Update will try again later and there is nothing you need to do at this time.
This could indicate that an incompatible app installed on your PC is blocking the upgrade process from completing. Check to make sure that any incompatible apps are uninstalled and then try upgrading again.
A cleanup operation from a previous installation attempt is still pending, and a system restart is required to continue the upgrade. Restart the device and run setup again. If restarting device does not resolve the issue, then use the Disk Cleanup utility and clean up the temporary files and the System files. For more information, see Disk cleanup in Windows 10.
A file needed by Windows Update is likely damaged or missing. Try repairing your system files: Select the Start button and type command prompt in the search box on the taskbar. Choose Command Prompt from the list of results. In the window that appears, type DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth and press the Enter key.
This may signify that your PC doesn’t meet the minimum requirements to download or install the upgrade to Windows 10. Learn more about the minimum requirements for Windows 10
This might indicate that a driver or other software on your PC isn’t compatible with the upgrade to Windows 10. For info about how to fix this problem, contact Microsoft support.
This could mean that the upgrade process was interrupted because you accidentally restarted your PC or signed out of your PC. Try upgrading again and make sure your PC is plugged in and stays turned on.
This error might mean that your PC couldn’t connect to the Windows Update servers. If you’re using a VPN connection to connect to a work network, disconnect from the network and turn off the VPN software (if applicable) and try upgrading again.
The error could also mean there isn’t enough free space in the System Reserved partition. You might be able to fix this problem by using third-party software to increase the size of the System Reserved partition.
Error: We couldn’t complete the updates. Undoing changes. Don’t turn off your computer.
Error: Failure configuring Windows Updates. Reverting changes.
These are generic errors that might appear any time a Windows update fails. You’ll need to determine the specific error code to investigate how to best resolve this problem.
You can find the error code for the failed update by viewing your update history. Look for the update that wasn’t installed, note the error code, and then contact Microsoft support.
To view your update history in Windows 8.1:
Open Windows Update by swiping in from the right edge of the screen (or, if you’re using a mouse, pointing to the lower-right corner of the screen and moving the mouse pointer up), select Settings > Change PC settings > Update and recovery > View your update history.
To view your update history in Windows 7:
Select the Start button. In the search box, type Update, and then, in the list of results, Select Windows Update > View update history.
Error: The update isn’t applicable to your computer.
This error might mean that your PC doesn’t have the required updates installed.
Check to make sure that all important updates are installed on your PC before you try upgrading.
This likely indicates that your PC doesn’t have enough space available to install the upgrade.
Free some space on the drive and try again. Get tips for freeing up drive space
The specified disk operation is not supported by the target disk, partition, or volume.
Make sure your machine meets the minimum requirements to install Windows 10.
The system cannot find the file specified.
If you have a disk or disks where you are not installing Windows 10 on, remove those disks.
A driver has caused a problem.
Disable or remove all 3rd party antivirus or antispyware from your system. Disconnect all peripheral devices that are connected to the system, except for the mouse, keyboard and display.
Contact your hardware vendor to obtain updated device drivers.
Windows Setup terminated unexpectedly due to another process running in the background.
When you start Windows by using a normal startup, several applications and services start automatically, and then run in the background. These programs include basic system processes, antivirus software, system utility applications, and other software that has been previously installed. These applications and services can cause interference when you attempt to upgrade to the latest version of Windows 10.
To help you determine whether a background program is interfering with the upgrade, a «clean boot» may be needed. See How to perform a clean boot in Windows.
Windows Setup terminated unexpectedly due to another process running in the background.
Uninstall any antivirus or antispyware software and update again.