Wing ide mac os

Wing Python IDE

The Intelligent Development Environment for Python

Get More Done

Type less and let Wing worry about the details. Get immediate feedback by writing your Python code interactively in the live runtime. Easily navigate code and documentation.

Write Better Code

Avoid common errors and find problems early with assistance from Wing’s deep Python code analysis. Keep code clean with smart refactoring and code quality inspection.

Find Bugs Faster

Debug any Python code. Inspect debug data and try out bug fixes interactively without restarting your app. Work locally or on a remote host, VM, or container.

Wingware’s 21 years of Python IDE experience bring you a more Pythonic development environment. Wing was designed from the ground up for Python, written in Python, and is extensible with Python. So you can be more productive.

Intelligent Editor

Wing’s editor speeds up interactive Python development with context-appropriate auto-completion and documentation, inline error detection and code quality analysis, PEP 8 enforcement, invocation assistance, auto-editing, refactoring, code folding, multi-selection, customizable code snippets, and much more. Wing can emulate vi, emacs, Eclipse, Visual Studio, XCode, and MATLAB.

Powerful Debugger

Wing’s debugger makes it easy to fix bugs and write new Python code interactively. Use conditional breakpoints to isolate a problem, then step through code, inspect data, try out bug fixes with the Debug Console’s command line, watch values, and debug recursively. You can debug multi-process and multi-threaded code launched from the IDE, hosted in a web framework, called from an embedded Python instance, or run on a remote host, VM, container, or cluster. Wing also provides an array and dataframe viewer for scientific and data analysis tasks.

Easy Code Navigation

Wing makes it easy to get around code with goto-definition, find uses, find symbol in project, editor symbol index, module and class browser, keyboard-driven search, and powerful multi-file search. Visit history is stored automatically, so you can instantly return to previously visited code. Or define and traverse categorized bookmarks that track automatically as code changes.

Project Management

Wing’s powerful project management capabilities work with Python environments managed by virtualenv, pipenv, conda, and Docker, with revision control using Git, Mercurial, Perforce, Subversion, or CVS. You can easily create new Python environments from Wing, add, remove, or update Python packages, and freeze your package configuration for use by other developers.

Integrated Unit Testing

Wing supports test-driven development with the unittest, doctest, nose, pytest, and Django testing frameworks. Failing tests are easy to diagnose and fix with Wing’s powerful debugger, and you can write new code interactively in the live runtime context set up by a unit test.

Remote Development

Wing’s quick-to-configure remote development support delivers all of Wing’s features seamlessly and securely to Python code running on a remote host, VM, container, or cluster. Remote development is possible to hosts running macOS and Linux, including those hosted by Docker, Docker Compose, AWS, Vagrant, WSL, Raspberry Pi, and LXC/LXD.

Customizable and Extensible

Wing offers hundreds of configuration options affecting editor emulation, display themes, syntax coloring, UI layout, and much more. Easily switch to and from dark mode, magnify the interface for presentations and meetings, and use perspectives to manage task-specific UI configurations. New IDE features can be added by writing Python code that calls down to Wing’s scripting API. You can even develop and debug your extension scripts with Wing.

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And Much More

Other features include a difference/merge tool, code reformatting with Black, YAPF, and autopep8, indentation style conversion, and executing OS command lines. Wing runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux, and also supports remote development to Raspberry Pi and other ARM Linux devices.

Not all features are available in Wing Personal and Wing 101. Compare Products

Questions? Email us! We are dedicated to providing top-notch support.

Anthony Floyd

Engineering Lead at Convergent Manufacturing Technologies, Inc.

We are a specialized engineering company that writes desktop applications for engineers to perform process simulation and related data analysis. We have been using Wing Pro for the past decade with a small team of developers. We could not be happier with the product and the support!

The debugger and code navigation tools are some of the best features in Wing Pro. It is very easy to trace problems through complicated code. It is easy to jump to areas of code that you need to find. The editor is theme-able and many of our team work in ‘dark mode’.

The support is also great. Issues get responded to quickly and fixes pushed within days.

Ram Rachum

Python Consultant and Open Source Developer

I’ve been using Wing Pro as my main development environment for 10 years now. I’ve used it for my open-source projects, my client projects when I was working as a freelancer, and now at my work in a corporate environment. I do Python programming almost exclusively, so Wing’s Python-centric approach is a good fit for me.

The debugger is first-class. It works on multi-process, multi-thread programs and supports remote debugging. The editor is great. It’s got VI and emacs mode and it’s extensible with Python scripts. The support staff is great. I’ve made many suggestions and requests for improvement to them over the years, and they’ve implemented many of them. Bugs are fixed quickly.

Overall, I highly recommend Wing Pro!

Scientific and Data Analysis

Wing’s focus on interactive development works well for scientific and data analysis with Jupyter, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, pandas, and other frameworks. The debugger’s dataframe and array viewer makes it easy to inspect large data sets.

Web Development

Wing supports development with Django, Flask, web2py, Pyramid, Google App Engine, and other web frameworks. The debugger can step through Django and web2py templates. Wing works seamlessly with code running on a remote host, virtual machine, or container such as Vagrant or WSL.

Animation and Games

Since Wing’s debugger can run in embedded instances of Python, it can be used to develop scripts for Blender, Autodesk Maya, NUKE, Source Filmmaker and other modeling, rendering, and compositing applications that use Python. Wing also works with pygame and other Python-based game engines.

Desktop Apps and More

Wing can develop, test, and debug desktop applications with PyQt, wxPython, Tkinter, and other UI development frameworks. Scripting, Raspberry Pi, and other types of development are also supported.

New in Wing 8

Wing 8 adds support for developing, testing, and debugging Python code that runs inside Docker and LXC/LXD containers and Docker Compose clusters. This release also adds a new tool to manage packages in your Python environment with pipenv, pip, and conda. New Project has been redesigned and expanded to support Django on remote hosts and containers, creation of a new source directory with the project, cloning from revision control repositories, and creation of a new virtualenv, pipenv, Anaconda env, or Docker container along with your project. Wing 8’s static analysis system now fully supports f-strings, named tuples, multiple return value types, tuple unpacking, and offers cleaner update of code warnings indicators during edits. Other improvements include support for Python 3.10, a native Apple Silicon (M1) build, more flexible display theming, a new Nord style theme, Close Unmodified Others in the editor tab’s context menu, configuration of port forwarding for remote hosts, reduced application startup time, improved scripting API for child process control, and much more.

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Join our Happy Customers!

Wing Pro is used on every continent by Python developers like you. Find out why today!


Wing Python IDE

The Intelligent Development Environment for Python

Installing Wing

Before installing Wing, be sure that you have installed the necessary prerequisites. If you are upgrading from a previous version, see Upgrading first.

Note: The installation location for Wing is referred to as WINGHOME . On macOS this is the name of Wing’s .app folder.


Install Wing by running the downloaded executable. Wing’s files are installed by default in C:\Program Files (x86)\Wing Pro 8 , but this location may be modified during installation. Wing will also create a Settings Directory in the location appropriate for your version of Windows. This is used to store preferences and other settings.

The Windows installer supports a /silent command line option that uses the default options, including removing any prior install of Wing 8. If a prior install is removed, a dialog with a progress bar will appear. You can also use a /dir= name> option to specify an alternate installation directory.

The /verysilent command line option has the same effect as /silent but also prevents display of a progress bar.

For Wing Personal the default install directory is instead named Wing Personal 8 and for Wing 101 it is named Wing 101 8 .


Use the RPM, Debian package, or tar file installer as appropriate for your system type. Installation from packages is at /usr/lib/wingpro8 or at the selected location when installing from the tar file. Wing will also create a Settings Directory in

/.wingpro8 , which is used to store preferences and other settings.

Wing Pro, Wing Personal, and Wing 101 are also available in the Snapcraft Store.

For Wing Personal the install directory is instead named wing-personal6 and for Wing 101 it is named wing-101-6 .


On macOS, Wing is installed simply by opening the distributed disk image and dragging to the Applications folder, and optionally from there to the task bar.


Wing Python IDE

The Intelligent Development Environment for Python

Supported Platforms

Wing 8 is available for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and macOS. Some additional platforms and devices are supported through remote development in Wing Pro only.


Wing runs on Windows 10+ for Intel processors. Windows 8 may work in some cases but is not recommended or supported. Earlier versions of Windows will not work.

Wing runs on macOS 10.13+ as a notarized native application, both on Intel and Apple Silicon (M1) processors.


Wing runs on 64-bit Intel Linux versions with glibc version 2.17 or later (such as Ubuntu 14.04+, CentOS 7+, Kali 2+, and Fedora 20+). It requires libraries that are typically installed for a graphical desktop environment including libX11, libxcb, libxcb-xkb, libglib, and libexpat. It also requires an X windows server with the X keyboard extension.

Remote Development

Wing Pro’s remote development features are fully supported on the same platforms as those listed for the IDE above, with the following additions:

  • 32-bit and 64-bit Intel Linux systems that are compatible with the manylinux1 policy as defined in PEP 513 — glibc version 2.5 or later (such as CentOS and RHEL 5.5+, Ubuntu 9+, and Debian 5.0+)
  • ARMv6 and ARMv7 Linux running on Raspberry Pi — glibc 2.19 and later
  • ARMv7 Linux running on the Jolla phone — glibc 2.19 and later
  • Other ARMv6 and ARMv7 Linux systems — glibc 2.19 and later
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Partial support for remote development is available on all other systems that can be accessed via SSH, as described in Manually Installing the Remote Agent.


Wing Pro



Wing — интегрированная среда разработки, предназначенная для создания приложений на языке Python. IDE предоставляет профессиональный редактор кода, в котором можно использовать клавиатурные комбинации vi и emacs, работает автодополнение кода, рефакторинг, отслеживание вызовов, контекстные подсказки. Доступен графический отладчик кода для локальной и удаленной отладки, интерфейс для контроля версий, система unit -тестирования, гибкий механизм поиска.

Интеллектуальный редактор
Редактор Wing ускоряет интерактивную разработку Python благодаря автоматическому завершению и документированию с учетом контекста, встроенному обнаружению ошибок и анализу качества кода, применению PEP 8, помощи при вызове, автоматическому редактированию, рефакторингу, свертыванию кода, множественному выбору, настраиваемым фрагментам кода и намного больше. Wing может эмулировать vi, emacs, Eclipse, Visual Studio, XCode и MATLAB.

Мощный отладчик
Отладчик Wing позволяет легко исправлять ошибки и писать новый код Python в интерактивном режиме. Используйте условные контрольные точки для выявления проблемы, затем пошагово просматривайте код, проверяйте данные, пробуйте исправления ошибок с помощью командной строки консоли отладки, отслеживайте значения и рекурсивно отлаживайте. Вы можете отлаживать многопроцессорный и многопоточный код, запускаемый из IDE, размещенный в веб-среде, вызываемый из встроенного экземпляра Python, или запускаемый на удаленном хосте, виртуальной машине или контейнере. Wing также предоставляет просмотрщик массивов и данных для научных задач и анализа данных.

Простая навигация по коду
Wing позволяет легко обойти код с помощью goto-определения, найти использование, найти символ в проекте, индекс символа редактора, модуль и браузер классов, поиск с помощью клавиатуры и мощный поиск по нескольким файлам. История посещений сохраняется автоматически, поэтому вы можете мгновенно вернуться к ранее посещенному коду. Или определите и просмотрите классифицированные закладки, которые автоматически отслеживаются при изменении кода.

Комплексное модульное тестирование
Wing поддерживает разработку через тестирование с помощью тестовых платформ unittest, doctest, nose, pytest и Django. Неудачные тесты легко диагностировать и исправлять с помощью мощного отладчика Wing, и вы можете писать новый код в интерактивном режиме в контексте реального времени выполнения, настроенного модульным тестом.

Удаленная разработка
Быстрая конфигурация поддержки удаленной разработки Wing обеспечивает бесперебойную и безопасную работу всех функций Wing для кода Python, выполняемого на удаленном хосте, виртуальной машине или контейнере. Удаленная разработка возможна для хостов под управлением OS X и Linux, включая контейнеры Raspberry Pi, WSL и Vagrant.

Настраиваемый и расширяемый
Wing предлагает сотни опций конфигурации, влияющих на эмуляцию редактора, темы отображения, раскраску синтаксиса, макет пользовательского интерфейса и многое другое. Легко переключайтесь в и из темного режима, увеличивайте интерфейс для презентаций и собраний и используйте перспективы для управления конфигурациями пользовательского интерфейса для конкретных задач. Новые функции IDE можно добавить, написав код Python, который вызывает API сценариев Wing. Вы даже можете разрабатывать и отлаживать свои сценарии расширения с помощью Wing.

И многое другое
Wing поддерживает управление проектами и контроль версий с помощью Git, Mercurial, Perforce, Bazaar, Subversion и CVS. Другие функции включают в себя поддержку virtualenv, инструмент различий / слияния, преобразование стиля отступов и выполнение командных строк ОС. Wing работает на Windows, OS X и Linux, а также поддерживает удаленную разработку для Raspberry Pi и других устройств ARM Linux.


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