words are windows or they’re walls
by ruth bebermeyer
this poem is appears in marshall rosenberg’s book »nonviolent communications.»
ı feel so sentenced by your words,
ı feel so judged and sent away,
before ı go ı’ve got to know
ıs that what you mean to say?
before ı rise to my defense,
before ı speak in hurt or fear,
before ı build that wall of words,
tell me, did ı really hear?
words are windows, or they’re walls,
they sentence us, or set us free.
when ı speak and when ı hear,
let the love light shine through me.
there are things ı need to say,
things that mean so much to me,
ıf my words don’t make me clear,
will you help me to be free?
ıf ı seemed to put you down,
ıf you felt ı didn’t care,
try to listen through my words
to the feelings that we share.
sözcükler penceredir (ya da duvar olurlar)
sözlerin mahkum ediyor sanki beni,
yargılıyor, dışlıyor diyor hislerim
ama gitmeden önce bilmeliyim,
bunlar mıydı demek istediğin?
savunmaya geçmeden ben,
acı ve korku sözcükleriyle
duvar örmeden çevreme,
söyle gerçek miydi duyduklarım?
sözcükler penceredir, ya da duvar olurlar
mahkum eden, ya da özgür bırakan.
konuşurken ve işitirken,
bırak sevgi ışığı aksın içimden.
sana söyleyeceklerim var,
benim için çok anlamlı
sözcüklerim anlatamazsa beni sana ,
yardım eder misin özgür olmama?
sözlerim ezdiyse seni,
sana değer vermez gibi
kulak ver sen ötesine,
paylaştığımız duygulara.
marshall rosenberg’in »şiddetsiz iletişim» adlı kitabından.
Words are Windows or They Are Walls…
[spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]
“Words are windows
or they are Walls.
They Sentence Us
or Let Us Free”
offer ends FEBRUARY 26 @ midnight PST
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File Details:
- Size: 8 inch x 10 inch ready to print
- Theme Size: The actual art theme is 8×10, and there is white border to help you either cut, or frame the print easily
- Formats: 1 PDF (7.6MB) in compressed ZIP file.
- Resolution: 300dpi
* Please note that this listing does not include a physical item. No prints will be mailed.
**Print colors may vary depending on your screen and printer.
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offer ends FEBRUARY 26 @ midnight PST
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Words are windows or walls
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Специальность:08.02.01. «Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений»
Учебная дисциплина: Иностранный язык (английский)
Вид учебного занятия: Практическое занятие
Тип учебного занятия: Учебное занятие закрепления и систематизации знаний.
1. ОК 1. Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес;
2. ОК 5. Осуществлять поиск, анализ и оценку информации, необходимой для постановки и решения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного развития.
3. ОК 6. Работать в коллективе и команде, обеспечивать ее сплочение, эффективно общаться с коллегами, руководством, потребителями.
Цели учебного занятия:
· Образовательная цель — закрепление и систематизация знаний профессиональной лексики по теме урока, развитие речевых умений, навыков чтения и понимания профессионально ориентированных текстов, аудирования
· Развивающая цель – развитие логического мышления, умения обобщать и систематизировать знания; развитие у студентов умения объяснять, сравнивать, делать выводы
· Воспитательная цель – формирование коммуникативной культуры, навыков социального общения через активизацию понятий, связанных с профилем специальности.
По результатам занятия студент должен знать: профессиональную лексику по теме «Типы фундаментов», порядок слов в английском распространенном предложении.
По результатам занятия студент должен уметь: систематизировать профессиональную лексику, называть части зданий и типы фундаментов, читать и понимать тексты профессиональной направленности.
Организация деятельности студентов –индивидуальная
Межпредметные связи –. «Проектирование зданий и сооружений» (архитектура, строительные конструкции)
— Репродуктивный – ответ на поставленные вопросы
— Продуктивный – группировка профессиональной лексики, составление слов и предложений по теме урока
— Частично-поисковый – самостоятельная работа студентов с учебным материалом, презентациями, поиск оптимального решения поставленной проблемы.
Технические средства обучения : электронные образовательные ресурсы, презентация по теме
Ex. 1 Read and learn the words from the active vocabulary:
acoustic performance rating – допу —
opaque [ ә ‘peɪk] – непроницаемый ,
стимое значение характеристики
to be torn down – быть снесённым
outlet – штепсельная розетка
partition wall – разделительная пе-
boundary wall – стена – ограда
to delineate [dɪ’lɪnɪeɪt] – очерчивать
relevant [‘relәvәnt] – иметь отноше-
fibre [‘faɪbә] – волокно
retaining wall – подпорная стенка
fence – ограда, забор
sea wall – набережная
sheeting – листовой материал
levee [‘levɪ] – речной причал
structural wall – несущая стена
to mount – монтировать , крепить
structural element – несущий эле —
masonry – каменная или кирпичная
мент, часть здания
tiling – облицовка плиткой
mural – фреска, стена
Ex. 2 Find the synonyms among given words:
Translate the following phrases using the active vocabulary; make
up your own sentences with them:
a mural painting;
to be torn down two
to build a fence;
a fence around smth.;
a fibre cement sheeting;
a concrete masonry;
to build a dike;
to tile the walls;
to delineate a building;
to prevent flooding from
Match the nouns on the left with a suitable item on the right. Use
each item once only:
1 sea wall a) stonework
2 mural b) the action of insulating something
c) a wall or embankment erected to prevent the sea from en-
croaching on an area of land
4 fence d) a painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall
5 insulation e) a low wall or earthwork serving as a boundary or defense
6 masonry f) a barrier or other upright structure, typical of wood or wire,
enclosing an area of ground
7 opaque g) a point in an electrical circuit from which current may be
8 sheeting h) describe or portray
9 delineate i) not transparent
10 outlet j) material formed into or used as a sheet
Read and translate the following sentences .
Pay attention to the
meaning of the words and word-combination given below:
mount v – монтировать, крепить, собирать
mountable adj – монтируемый, встраиваемый
mounted adj – cмонтированный, установленный, закреплённый
mounter n – монтажник, монтажное устройство
mounting n – установка, сборка, монтаж, крепление
1 In order to mount the telephone jack, remove the cover and expose
the inner plate and make screw holes.
2 Panel is a wall mountable but keep in mind that it requires external
power, meaning it plugs into the wall.
3 Sony products, such as liquid crystal televisions, digital cameras,
Walkman, and others keep on evolving because Sony Manufacturing Systems
support these products with its latest mounter technology.
4 Whether mounted in a window or a wall, this type of air conditioner
plugs into a standard electrical outlet and doesn’t need special wiring.
5 A window-mounted air conditioner is the most popular and economi-
cal, but a wall-mounted unit requires some renovation work.
6 In order to attach the element to the oven, install the mounting screws
through the mounting brackets to the back of the oven.
structure n – строение, структура
structural adj – строительный, структурный
structured adj – структурный, структурированный
structureless n – бесструктурный, аморфный
1 The original two levels of the Tower of Pisa didn’t lean, but the struc-
ture began to lean when construction moved to the third level and beyond
2 I did the structural engineering calculation of the foundation for the
wind turbine and substation.
3 The doctoral program is structured so that students can pursue a cur-
riculum matched to their individual interests.
4 It can happen to any fine-grained, structureless rock that is gently at-
tacked by groundwater.
The text «Types of Walls»
Ex. 1 Read the international words and give their meanings:
Ex. 2 Get acquainted with some proper and geographical names:
Ex. 3 Read and translate the text «Types of Walls»:
A wall is usually a solid structure that defines and sometimes protects an
area. Most commonly, a wall delineates a building and supports its superstruc-
ture, separates space in buildings into rooms, or protects or delineates a space in
the open air. There are three principal types of structural walls: building walls,
exterior boundary walls, and retaining walls.
Let’s characterize some types of walls.
Building walls have one main purpose: to support roofs and ceilings. Such
walls most often have three or more separate components. In today’s construc-
tion, a building wall usually has the structural elements, insulation, and finish
elements or surface. In addition, the wall may house various types of electrical
wiring or plumbing. Electrical outlets are usually mounted in walls. Building
walls frequently become works of art externally and internally, when mosaic
work or when murals are painted on them.
A partition wall is a wall for the purpose of separating rooms, or dividing
a room. Partition walls are usually not load-bearing. Partition walls may be con-
structed with bricks or blocks from clay, terra-cotta or concrete. Glass blocks
may also be used. Timber may be used too. This type of partition consists of a
wooden framework either supported on the floor below or by side walls. Parti-
tion walls constructed from fibre cement sheeting are popular as bases for tiling
in kitchens or in wet areas like bathrooms. Reinforced partition walls may also
be constructed from concrete, including precast concrete blocks. There are varia-
tions of wall partitions which include the level of fire resistance, and their acous-
tic performance rating.
Boundary walls include privacy walls and town walls. Privacy walls can
be called fences. The conventional differentiation is that a fence is of minimal
thickness and often is open in nature, while a wall is usually more than a nomi-
nal thickness and is completely closed, or opaque. More to the point, if an exte-
rior structure is made of wood or wire, it is generally referred to as a fence while
if it is made of masonry, it is considered a wall.
Before the invention of artillery, many of the world’s cities and towns,
particularly in Europe and Asia, had protective walls (also called town walls or
city walls). In fact, the English word “wall” is derived from Latin “vallum”,
which was a type of fortification wall. Since they are no longer relevant for de-
fense, such cities have grown beyond their walls, and many of the walls, or por-
tions thereof, have been torn down, for example in Rome, Italy and in Beijing.
Examples of protective walls on a much larger scale include the Great Wall of
Retaining walls are a special type of walls that may be either external to a
building or part of a building that serves to provide a barrier to the movement of
earth, stone or water. The ground surface or water on one side of a retaining wall
will be noticeably higher than on the other side. A dike is one type of retaining
wall, as is a levee, a load-bearing foundation wall, and a sea wall.
1 Find in the text «Types of Walls» English equivalents to Russian
ones given below:
электрические розетки; традиционное разли-
странство здания на
три основных типа;
поддерживать крыши и сборные бетонные
уровень огнестойкости; значительно выше.
4 . Организация деятельности обучающихся по использованию имеющихся знаний и их систематизация
Fill in the table:
Characteristics of a wall
Complete the sentences using the information from the text:
1 One of the main purposes of erecting building walls is … .
2 A building wall usually has the following components: … .
3 Partition walls don’t usually bear … .
4 A partition wall consists of a … .
5 Partition walls constructed from fibre cement sheeting are usually
6 Partition walls can be built from ….
7 Many cities of Europe and Asia have ….
8 The English word “wall” is derived from Latin “vallum”, which
9 The Great Wall of China is an example of … .
10 Retaining walls are a part of a building that … .
Ex. 4 Answer the questions to the text «Types of Walls»:
1 What is a wall?
2 What principal types of structural walls do you know?
3 What is a building wall?
4 When do building walls become works of art?
5 When is a partition wall used?
6 What materials can be utilized for partition walls?
7 What is the difference between a fence and a wall?
8 Why do people build retaining walls?
5.Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов. Мотивированное комментирование оценок.
I can read and understand the information about …
I can listen and understand the information about…