Zero install для windows

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Zero Install установщик программ для Windows.

Zero Install – полезная программа для тех, кто пользуется огромным количеством программ и не хочет загружать системную память ПК. Данная утилита поможет использовать различный софт без его фактической инсталляции на ПК. Потребуется лишь скачать Zero Install, запустить утилиту и выбрать из предложенного перечня требуемую программу. Процесс загрузки и распаковки полностью автоматизирован и не требует пользовательского вмешательства.

Эта утилита кэширует все необходимые пользователю приложения, а также каждый раз проверяет, если новые обновления для используемого софта. В случае если определенная программа вам больше не нужна, можно просто удалить кэш. Все загруженные программы будут находиться по своим папкам, а это позволяет использовать несколько версий одного и того же софта одновременно.

Zero Install также поддерживает функцию добавления собственных программ в имеющийся каталог. Для этого нужно указать путь к софту и ввести определенные настройки. Все достаточно просто и понятно.

Среди особенностей Zero Install отметим:

* Децентрализация: каждый может делиться программами и пользоваться имеющимся в каталоге софтом;
* Централизованная безопасность;
* Исключен конфликт программного обеспечения: одна и та же программа различных версий может быть легко запущена на одном ПК;
* Кроссплатформенность;
* Автообновления;
* Имеется портативная версия;
* Распространяется бесплатно.

Интерфейс Zero Install продуман до мелочей. Данная программа рассчитана на узкую целевую аудиторию, на продвинутых пользователей, однако знать о ней и уметь ей пользоваться должен каждый современный пользователь ПК и Интернет. Скачать Zero Install предлагается прямо на нашем сайте совершенно бесплатно.

Zero Install

the antidote to app-stores

This site has moved to The content below is out-of-date.

Anyone can distribute software

If you have a web-site, you can distribute your software;
Create one package that works everywhere ;
With dependency handling and automatic updates ;
There is no central point of control

Security is central

Installing a word-processor doesn’t grant it administrator access ;
Digital signatures are always checked before new software is run;
Users share libraries without having to trust each other;
Use with sandboxes and virtualisation is easy

You control your own computer

You don’t have to guess what happens during installation;
Mix and match stable and experimental programs on a single system

Zero Install is a decentralised cross-distribution software installation system . Other features include full support for shared libraries (with a SAT solver for dependency resolution), sharing between users , and integration with native platform package managers . It supports both binary and source packages , and works on Linux , OS X , Unix and Windows systems. It is fully Open Source .

0install introduction
(screencast with audio commentary)

Get involved!

If you’d like to join us, please introduce yourself on our friendly mailing list! You might also like to read the list of suggested ways to get involved.

Web-site В© Copyright 2003-2015 Thomas Leonard and others

Permission is granted to use the site (excluding the software, which is licensed separately)
in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 license.

Some of the icons are from (or based on icons from) the Tango Desktop Project and the Open Clipart Library.

Zero Install for Windows¶

The Windows version of Zero Install extends the cross-platform core Zero Install .NET with a GUI and various OS-specific integrations.

The Linux version and Windows version of Zero Install share the same feed format. For most common use-cases they behave identically on the command-line. There are however some OS-specific differences.


When you download Zero Install for Windows from the web-site you get a so called Bootstrapper. This is a stripped down version of Zero Install bundled into a single executable file. It contains just enough functionality to download and run a full version of Zero Install, which is distributed as regular feed:


When Zero Install is started by the Bootstrapper it is running from the cache and is not integrated into the system. There are no start menu entries, the command-line tools are not in the PATH , etc.. This is by design; after all you may only need Zero Install once on that particular machine or may decide you don’t like it. In that case you can simply delete the Bootstrapper EXE when you’re done.

If you then decide you wish to keep using Zero Install you can «Click to setup. «. This applies desktop integration for Zero Install (start menu entry, command-line tools in PATH ). It also installs the Store Service if you choose to setup Zero Install «For all users».

This is different from the desktop integration Zero Install performs for other applications. For these Zero Install will create little stub executables in the appropriate locations that point to the application’s feed. However, for Zero Install itself the entire binaries need to be copied to a permanent location. Otherwise each of these stubs would need to bundle all the functionality of the Bootstrapper in order to locate (or potentially download) Zero Install.

Having a specific version of Zero Install copied to a fixed location would seem to undermine many of the advantages of Zero Install, such as background updates of applications and running multiple versions side-by-side. However, Zero Install can still download and run other versions of itself from the cache. When you tell your deployed instance of Zero Install to update itself it does just that: The new version is downloaded and launched from the cache and instructed to deploy itself to the same location as the existing deployment. The old files are securely replaced using the Windows Restart Manager and rollbacks in case of error.


The regular Bootstrapper ( zero-install.exe ) is a GUI application, but there is also a command-line version ( 0install.exe ) available. If you pass command-line arguments to this executable it will first download the full version of 0install and then pass those arguments through. This makes it great for single-use applications or scripting:

You can also use the command-line version of the Bootstrapper to integrate Zero install into the desktop environment:


Zero Install is designed to be mostly maintenance-free (automatic update checks, etc.). You can use the following commands for additional control where needed:

Deploy Zero Install for the current user .\0install.exe self deploy Deploy Zero Install for all users .\0install.exe self deploy —machine Remove Zero Install from the system 0install self remove Download and install updates for Zero Install itself 0install self update Download and install updates for integrated applications and remove outdated files 0install update-all —clean Find and merge any duplicate files in the cache 0install store optimise

If you wish to run these commands in automated scripts, add the argument —batch to prevent interactive prompts.

Portable mode¶

To set up Zero Install on a USB thumb drive:

  • Connect a thumb drive to the computer and make sure there are no files you still need on it.
  • Format the thumb drive with NTFS (FAT32 will not work, see technical details for explanation).
  • Download and run Zero Install for Windows.
  • Select «Tools» and «Portable Creator» at the bottom of the window.
  • Follow the instructions on screen.

You can now use your thumb drive to run Zero Install on any computer running a recent version of Windows. Zero Install stores downloaded applications directly on the stick so you can access the same applications everywhere. Please remember to always «eject» the thumb drive in Windows before disconnecting it from the computer.


The applications launched by Zero Install are not automatically made portable by this. They still store their settings in the usual locations. Please make sure to move these files to the thumb drive as necessary.

Portable versions of Zero Install cannot perform desktop integration (e.g. create start menu entries). Consider using regular Zero Install on multiple computers with Zero Install Sync instead.

Technical details¶

FAT/FAT32-formatted drives cannot be used for Zero Install because they do not store file security settings (ACLs). They also only store time with an accuracy of two seconds while Zero Install checks the exact modification time of files.

The portable creator creates a file in the destination directory called _portable , which instructs Zero Install to run in portable mode. When this file is detected Zero Install stores all its files in its installation directory instead of the usual system directories.

Zero Install

We’ve verified that the organization 0install controls the domain:

Pinned repositories

the core 0install package

Windows version of Zero Install

manage a repository of 0install feeds

utility to make creating feeds easier

automate making new releases with 0install

0install feeds/packages for common apps and libraries


0install feeds/packages for common apps and libraries

47 Updated Apr 17, 2021


Windows version of Zero Install

1 Updated Apr 12, 2021


graphical editor and wizard for creating feeds

1 Updated Apr 12, 2021


core features of Zero Install implemented in .NET

1 Updated Apr 12, 2021


the core 0install package

3 Updated Apr 10, 2021

Zero Install documentation web-site

0 Updated Apr 2, 2021

website with download links for Zero Install

0 Updated Mar 29, 2021


automate making new releases with 0install

1 Updated Mar 27, 2021


utility to make creating feeds easier

1 Updated Mar 27, 2021


manage a repository of 0install feeds

1 Updated Mar 27, 2021


Old publishing tool (mostly replaced by 0repo and 0template)

0 Updated Mar 27, 2021


0 Updated Mar 27, 2021


The 0repo repository for itself

0 Updated Mar 21, 2021

the 0repo repository for

2 Updated Mar 21, 2021


GTK editor for Zero Install feeds

0 Updated Mar 14, 2021


test programs, using 0install to set up test environment

1 Updated Mar 7, 2021


Check your 0install feeds

1 Updated Mar 7, 2021


create a binary release from source code

1 Updated Mar 7, 2021


Some historical commits from CVS

0 Updated Feb 24, 2021

deprecated repository of 0install feeds

13 Updated Dec 19, 2020


scans websites for new releases and triggers 0template if required

0 Updated Dec 4, 2020


the Zero Install feed model as a Java library

0 Updated Oct 13, 2020


Service for collecting and mirroring feeds

0 Updated May 31, 2020


the scripts and files for making the Debian packages

0 Updated Apr 7, 2020


generate a native package that runs a 0install program

0 Updated Jan 9, 2020


code for the key-info server deployed at

0 Updated Jan 4, 2020


launcher for .NET executables that adds support for the MONO_PATH environment variable

0 Updated Dec 28, 2019


launcher that starts the main class specified in a JAR while preserving the CLASSPATH

0 Updated Dec 28, 2019


Apache Maven integration for Zero Install

0 Updated Dec 24, 2019


template for a Python 2 project

0 Updated Sep 14, 2019

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Zero Install

the antidote to app-stores

This site has moved to The content below is out-of-date.

Anyone can distribute software

If you have a web-site, you can distribute your software;
Create one package that works everywhere ;
With dependency handling and automatic updates ;
There is no central point of control

Security is central

Installing a word-processor doesn’t grant it administrator access ;
Digital signatures are always checked before new software is run;
Users share libraries without having to trust each other;
Use with sandboxes and virtualisation is easy

You control your own computer

You don’t have to guess what happens during installation;
Mix and match stable and experimental programs on a single system

Zero Install is a decentralised cross-distribution software installation system . Other features include full support for shared libraries (with a SAT solver for dependency resolution), sharing between users , and integration with native platform package managers . It supports both binary and source packages , and works on Linux , OS X , Unix and Windows systems. It is fully Open Source .

0install introduction
(screencast with audio commentary)

Get involved!

If you’d like to join us, please introduce yourself on our friendly mailing list! You might also like to read the list of suggested ways to get involved.

Web-site В© Copyright 2003-2015 Thomas Leonard and others

Permission is granted to use the site (excluding the software, which is licensed separately)
in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 license.

Some of the icons are from (or based on icons from) the Tango Desktop Project and the Open Clipart Library.

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